Daily, dedicated users apply here!

I've faced the facts. I can't do this alone. I need allll the motivation I can get! So please feel free to add me and others posting to this page and we can exchange the motivation.

A little bit about myself:
I'm Lucinda, from Michigan Age 22.
Overweight my entire life, started and stopped every diet imaginable.
The only difference about this time is that this is now my life, not just a diet.
I'm super excited with where my life and feet are taking me.
LOVE to sing
And a proud nerd.

Who's next?


  • cowgirlashlee
    cowgirlashlee Posts: 301 Member
    Hi :) I'm Ashlee, from Indiana, age 20.
    Overweight since my junior year in High School, and now entering my junior year of college.
    Trying to make the change for myself as well as my family, because I still live at home, and my dad has diabetes and cholesterol issues, and we both needed to make the change.
    Having success so far from tracking my food and exercising more :)
    Love horseback riding!
    Studying to be a Paramedic, so outside of school I have no life ;) Will be adding you!
  • harleykat64
    harleykat64 Posts: 70
    Hi I am Amy, I am 28, and a full time working mom of three. I have been overweight since high school and finally decided enough was enough. I started a year ago on my own and lost 60 pounds, but became stuck and lonely in my journey. I just discovered myfitnesspal last month and would love to build a good support group for this last 70 I need to lose!
  • LucindaLeeMI
    LucindaLeeMI Posts: 52 Member
    I'm sooo friggen' excited!! Ashlee is added and adding you Amy.
  • dodger7977
    dodger7977 Posts: 108 Member
    Hi girls!

    My name is Jeni, and I am an exercise junky! Lol I am 26, and have been on mfp for 7 dedicated months and have been working out for almost a whole year. I really have discovered a lot about myself through this lifestyle adjustment: I can control my food and portions, I can run if I put my heart and soul in it and weight loss is possible without drugs, surgery or crazy fads. I've just hit the 100 lost Mark, and still could use some fantastic new friends. :)

    I really do try to motivate my friends where i can and its always nice when they reciprocate. :)
  • lizzydizzy78
    Hi, I'm Elizabeth from California. Trying to lose at least 30 lbs... I am a total yo-yo dieter, have gone up and down the scale for the past 10 years. This is the heaviest I have been and feel tired with no energy. I need all the support and motivation I can get...Feel free to add me!
  • SunnyFitt
    SunnyFitt Posts: 34 Member
    Hi, I´m Sunny and I´m a 33 year old full time working mom of two kids. I was in the best shape of my life when I got pregnant with my first born, had been fighting off bulemia for a while and gotten to a very fit state from dedicating to a new and better lifestyle. Basically, healthy eathing and lots of cardio and weightlifting. My daughter is now five years old I haven´t felt fit since she was born. I yo-yo alot, I can´t seem to stick to a workout plan and I definitely don´t stick to a healthy diet. I am not obese... but I have at least 20 lbs that are just hanging around there and do not seem to come of. On top of that I seem to be tired all the time, don´t sleep well and I literally have no muscles left!

    It has crossed my mind to turn back to my old friend bulemia but... that´s so not gonna happen and I know it is not gonna make me feel better. So - it is time for a life style change that I can stick to. I´m hoping being active on mfp and having a lot of motivating friends will help me stay on the right track!
  • kimberlydawn36
    kimberlydawn36 Posts: 35 Member
    my name is kim i am 36... i am a RN working full time with a 6 yr old son... i have been skinny i have been fat but after visiting the dr and finding out that i had high blood pressure and weighing 225 lbs that he stated that in the next 10 yrs i could have had a stroke or a heart attack. well that was enuff to scare me straight . fitness and healthy eating habits are now a lifestyle for me and my family ... so feel free to add me.... the only thing we got to lose is weight!!!!!!!:wink:
  • littlega1
    littlega1 Posts: 4
    HI im Davonna! im 19 and my GW it 130 (for now) i work out every day for hours at 24 hour fitness. I don't work much so all of my focus is on getting where i want to be which wont be so hard as i am one of the most stubborn and dedicated people alive lol. X )
  • BeccaAnderton
    Hiya, I'm 20! (21 soon D:), and my story's basically the same, except I'm nearly at my target. But even when I do reach that (which I've been trying to do for 8 months now, it's not easy to shift these last few), I want to stay using here to make sure I keep my fitness up and don't let my habits slip and gain back all the weight I've worked so hard to lose!
    Anyone can add me if you want, I'm always happy to support others, and equally as happy to receive their support in return (we definitely all need it sometimes) :)

    Also, I am VERY much a nerd too ;)
  • amurph25
    amurph25 Posts: 41 Member
    Hi!! I'm Ashley, I'm from Massachusetts and I'm 21.
    I go to art school in Georgia, but I'm graduating in 3 weeks!
    I started gaining weight in high school, then came to college and definitely had more than my fair share of the freshman 15. lol.
    I'm trying to lose weight because I'm joining the Air Force and I couldn't be more excited! Eeeek!
    I started at 187, and am now at about 157-158. My next goal is 147 because my recruiter told me she wanted me to push to lose 10 more pounds. And after that, I'll see how I feel about my body and where I think it should go!
    I also like to bake, do art projects, and spend time with my niece and nephew! :)

    Anyone can feel free to add me if you'd like!
  • harri1990
    harri1990 Posts: 18
    I'm Harriet, i'm a 21 year old music student from the UK. I was always really tall and quite heavy, i used to think i was just big boned, then i got chronic fatigue syndrome and lost a load of weight, then when i recovered slightly, the weight piled back on and i was really chunky as well as being medically overweight. I've lost most of that weight but want to get into real shape and tone up :)
    I love music, writing, baking, reading, and loads of other things. I didn't think i'd end up wanting the support network on MFP but I'm finding its quite nice to have people to relate to.
  • jamface11
    jamface11 Posts: 87
    Hi I'm Jamie, 21 and I study in NZ. Looking to lose the last few kgs and get a lot fitter, love making new friends that are good support. Add me if you want :)
  • lovemignon
    lovemignon Posts: 2
    I'm 28. A mom of 4 kiddos and wife to an ex-Army drill SGT. I kept on about 15lbs from my 2nd pregnancy and I've just given birth again this past July. Baby boy is 8months now and I'm ready to take off the 25lbs I put on during pregnancy and the 15lbs I had stuck on from before. I've never been overweight so this is really hard for me to actually have to work at losing weight . I know that's different for a lot of you but hey... it's my truth! :)

    I need the support and would be glad to friend you guys and help you along the way. Together... we can do this!
  • skybird455
    skybird455 Posts: 172 Member
    Hey I am Jess in Texas, 38, in grad school at seminary, 3 boys, I am not working at this time just focusing on school spending my life savings :0) I was thin my whole life until having children. Ballooned up to 240 at one point. In the 160's right now and heading down still....goal weight 145. (i am 5 8) and that is about as thin as I want to be. Add us all!
  • Mgregory723
    Mgregory723 Posts: 529 Member
    Hi My name is Melissa, 44 from Michigan as well. I am a mother of two ages 21 & 24. I starting gaining weight after I got out of school (I was very active then weighed about 110lbs oh the good 'ole days) and have been gaining ever since. I have lots of weight to shed off this body, about 150lbs, and have already lost 15lbs so far. Please feel free to add me as I am a daily logger and beware "I tell like it is" with your dairy and I hope to get the same treatment. :wink:
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    Valerie, 28 from Northwest Indiana.
    Been overweight my whole life. After my exhusband left me, I lost over 50 pounds. I gained the majority of it back.
    I'm now down about 20 pounds, but I am 55 pounds less than my heaviest weight of 302.
    I work out almost daily, whether it is riding my bike, going to the gym, or working out with a friend (fellow MFPer SPNLuver83).
    I quit eating meat/fish/chicken/eggs.
    I'm feeling better than I have in a long time.
  • BeccaB1981
    BeccaB1981 Posts: 456 Member
    Hi, I'm Becky from Richmond, VA and I am a 30 y/o mother of a awesome 21 month old baby girl who is my world! I work full time outside of the home so I workout early in the morning before she wakes up and we have to leave for the day. I have been on MFP for about 7 months now and I lost about 30 lbs and have 30 more to go. I had kind of lost my mojo for a while and even gained a few lbs back but now I am really working hard to get the scale moving again in the right direction!

    Feel free to add me!
  • Lee_louh
    Lee_louh Posts: 37 Member
    Hi, I'm Leigh and I'm a 25yo student in the UK; Studying in Liverpool.
    Overweight my entire life, but now the scales scare me.
    (I have well over 100lbs to lose, and a family history of high cholesterol and heart attacks)
    Would love to meet some motivators and friends.
    I love music, but can't sing (well, everyone wishes I wouldn't :laugh: ).
    I have a dog who lives with family while I'm away.
    I worked in retail for 6 years before returning to education. BE KIND TO YOUR SERVER! THEY WORK REALLY HARD!!:mad: :explode: :angry: :grumble:
    Um, yeah. Rant over.:blushing:
    So; 0 kids, 0 excuses, but I'm working on it now.