I'm New.

I decided to be serious about losing weight because of diabetes that run in my family, and the fact that im recently married. my husband says 'your perfect', and I guess that;s the way it should be, but it doesn't feel like it to me, and thats why I decided to change it. I've said it lots and lots of times but I really have to stick with it.

My biggest weakness' are that I work late and it would be 7-8 in the evening before I can eat my last meal of the day, and when you go to bed shortly after that... not a good thing. I also see food in the wrong type of way, instead of seeing it as something that nourishes your body I see it as something that makes you happy, basically 'love it.' seems weird to explain but if you have that type of feeling about food I guess you'd understand.

The hardest part for me is that it seems like all the food you are going to eat is going to be bland, or boring.. or that you could never have any of those 'sweets, carbs, soda, etc.' that you have been so used to indulging in, and that you crave, but I guess the reason I am over weight is because I do those things and I don't realize how many calories, and what I am doing to myself basically. .. Not to mention my mother was a single mother who basically let us eat whatever we wanted, not to blame her, but it probably is easier when you learn good nutrition from the start. I'm not a mom yet but it's something I desire with 100% of my heart, the only part is i'd be embarrased to be pregnant.. because people wouldn't know if I were pregnant or just fat. lol.

Anyway I want to try my best to lose weight for myself, for my husband, so everyone around me doesn't see me as just another overweight person . Any friends, advice, comments, would be swell.


  • Tisha247
    Tisha247 Posts: 849 Member
    Hi welcome to mfp, you'll love this site.
  • Legals81
    Legals81 Posts: 81 Member
    Welcome and well done for taking the first step. Im new to this too and like you have said im going to loose weight many times but this time im determined!
  • danigirl741
    Good Morning,
    I just signed up as well. I can relate to the diabetes. It runs on both sides of my family, and my dad has to take insulin shots. I quit smoking in October and gained around 15 lbs. Due to another paid online weight loss program I lost 10 of that. However I am stuck at 150 lbs and cannot seem to lose the rest. I had a woman in my college business class this past semester and she used this along with exercise 4 times a week and she looked amazing by the end o f the semester.
    My boyfriend also tells me everyday that I am beautiful and perfect the way I am. (we are lucky ladies) However, I am in the same boat as you. I just don't feel it. I feel it is time to do something.
    Another point is that I am not getting any younger and I need to keep my body moving so good ol' Uncle Aurthur does not set in from my injuries.
    I wish you the best of luck in your goals!!!!
  • don666car
    don666car Posts: 167 Member
    LTGPSA Posts: 633 Member
    Welcome newbies! Best of luck to you on your journeys! This is a great site and there are lots of supportive friends to be made. Add me if you like. :flowerforyou:
  • NKolhar
    NKolhar Posts: 96 Member
    Welcome aboard .. Craving food is deff not a bad thing neither is loving it but like u already noticed controlling how much we eat makes a big difference and this site has helped me keep tabs on that hoping u will achieve ur goal and it will hel u the same way it helped me out .. congrats on making better choices !
  • pinkminy
    pinkminy Posts: 286
    Hi and Welcome this is a gr8 start to the new you .
    you have to make it a bit interesting, there's lots of healthy choices that are really low cal, but not bland.
    Keep focused on your goals and do this for yourself, you deserve it,
    you can do it just take baby steps you will get there, add me a s a friend if you want, I log in every day,

    :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • hanniejong
    hanniejong Posts: 556 Member
    Hi, welcome to all you newbies. I was just reading where you said that the food would be bland, well you know there is absolutely no reason for that, you can make nice healthy meals that have plenty of flavour or you food choices eating out can be the same.
    I don't know where you live but Annette sym's "Too good to be true cookbooks" are fantastic they are nice but healthy meals full of flavour. Annette herself lost heaps of weight and she and her hubby who is a Chef and a friend who id a nutritionalist got together and came up with these terrific meals. These books sure are worth buying there are now 6 of them.
    Good luck on your venture to all of you!!!
  • Amy_nz
    Amy_nz Posts: 145
    We're in similar boats I think - by the time we get home and get dinner prepared we can be eating at 8 or 8.30, but I just do love food and that's not going to change! I'm loving finding healthy and delicious meals and I'm not compromising flavour for calories. Something can be low-cal AND delicious!

    You'll love this site - record things honestly and you'll go beautifully! Keeping a food diary has been incredibly valuable for me. I was fooling myself before but knowing the calories has been fantastic - although apparently fried chicken is bad. Sigh. I used to quite like fried chicken.
  • Feed_the_Bears
    Feed_the_Bears Posts: 275 Member
    Hey great job making the commitment.

    You know what, it's a great thing that you love food. But like any 'love' you just need to make a fair give and take relationship. Love the food that loves you back. Choose foods that support your health and interests, and don't 'smother' eachother with portions that are too much. Savouring every bite helps you feel more satisfied, and when you're tempted to cheat, just remember all the good food you've already enjoyed :-) I like this analogy.

    And no fears, healthy food doesn't need to be bland. That's wherr spices and healthy oils come in. You'll have to leatn some new recipes and products, but I hope you're willing to makr the investment. I suggest the Clean Eating cook book by Tosca Reno. It's all delicious and comes from simple, whole foods with lots of flavour :-)

    Afeter a little while you'll stop craving the crap so hard and it will actually start to seem gross to you. Plan the occassional indulgence into your week so you don't feel deprived and wind up binging.

    Oh and pack a snack like nuts or fruit and string cheese to fill that gapbetween dinner. You don't want to ravenous.or a protein shake :-)

    You can do it!
  • ribena1958
    ribena1958 Posts: 152
    First of all, do not look at this like a 'diet' and think of lettuce, and stuff like that, sure you have to pick some healthier options and bulk out meals with more veggies/salad/fruit, but find you alternative swaps gradually, your taste buds will soon adapt, believe me! I've been doing this for just over 2 yrs now, don't think right........no cakes, no biscuits, no chocolate.............etc or any of your favourite things. It won't last and it will make you miserable and maybe not even be able to stick on it.

    Get some little treats in through the week. I'm not sure how much you weight or what you need to loose, but after my main meal in the evening its like the doors open and I want something else, then something else LOL................so I save a treat for me on the evening that I have to look forward to all day [sad I know...............hahaha] I also find TOTAL 0% is brilliant alternative for a dollop of "cream" on top of sugar free jelly or berries, just add some sweetner to it for taste.

    There are lots of alternatives you can swop and even some of the things you eat now maybe won't be as high as you may think, Play around with it.

    Make it pleasurable, make it a personal challenge to yourself, don't try to attain the unattainable. Set a goal for one pound per week, better to get there slowly than raise the bracket so high you can't reach it or feel you fail because the weight isn't coming off as fast as you would like.

    We are all here to help. Message me, add me as a friend if you like, we can all do this TOGETHER

    edited to say, I make my own KFC lol and, a leg of 'fried' chicken in an actifry with herbs and spices is super yummy
  • Denise6914
    Denise6914 Posts: 176
    Welcome! You'll find a lot of support here. Feel free to add me.