low calorie snacks.... I need help

mdmomof4 Posts: 61 Member
Can someone offer advice on some low calorie, low fat snacks. I have to eat 2 banana's a day because I get severe leg cramps at night which cost me 200 calories a day in what I consider snacks. I need ideas for snacks that will fit into my 1200 calorie a day plan. My breakfast normally counts as 310 calories a day, lunch is about 360 calories , I try to get a dinner around 350- 400 calories which doesn;t leave a lot of extra calories since the bananas are using 200 calories. Help Please.


  • Emme1980
    Emme1980 Posts: 6 Member
    Hey you could try oat cakes,wholegrain crackers,fat-free yogurts&fruit :smile:
  • mdmomof4
    mdmomof4 Posts: 61 Member
    Thank you :) sounds like a good idea
  • SunnyFitt
    SunnyFitt Posts: 34 Member
    Veggies and fruit? Like... cucumber and watermelon bites. Baby carrots.

    As to the bananas.... why not incorporate them into your meals and make them count there? Bananas on your oatmeal in the morning is super good and some cinnamon on top. Bananas in a lunch smoothie with lots of other fruits or veggies or yogurt. Almonds and oats into the blender as well and its a perfect lunch! - I could go on but you get the picture. Cut back on some other sides in your breakfast or lunch and use bananas instead and that way you can have your snacks-calories left for something else.
  • DoozerDMB
    DoozerDMB Posts: 129 Member
    lol...I woke up with a leg cramp today and immediately grabbed a banana :)
    It depends on what kind of snack you are looking for. Air popped popcorn is great and you can season it. I love frozen grapes! Laughing cow cheese wedge with low fat crackers. Pretzels. Celery, peppers and hummus. Sugar free fudgesicles.
  • Xiaolongbao
    Xiaolongbao Posts: 854 Member
    I love Kavali crispbread. 3 of them is 50 calories and if you break them up into pieces to snack on they last quite a while.
  • janetmarisa
    janetmarisa Posts: 4 Member
    Reduced fat colby jack cheese sticks (60 calories), almonds (no salt), boiled eggs, low sodium turkey slices, greek yogurt - just a few examples. You can take magnesium pills/tablets will help with your cramps too without the extra calories of a banana.
  • SorchaRavenlock
    SorchaRavenlock Posts: 220 Member
    Take a look at this thread as well for inspiration:
  • SeaChele77
    SeaChele77 Posts: 1,103 Member
    Light string cheese
    Raw Veggies
    Pretzels (watch out.... carbs add up)
    Turkey Peperoni
  • luzmidd
    luzmidd Posts: 154 Member
    I keep a packet of almonds and a packet of raisins in my office. One serving of almonds is about 15-20 almonds... When you snack though, dont snack out of a packet, put it out on a plate, it gives the impression that you are eating more! And also, a craving for a snack could also be replaced by a glass of water.
  • anniev106
    anniev106 Posts: 1 Member
    Greek yogurt is amazing, and fills you up. Also veggies (or pretzel thins) and hummus is a great snack to fill you up as well! :)
  • tsaustin
    tsaustin Posts: 52 Member
    Low fat String cheese
    Pretzels and Laughing cow Low fat swiss cheese
  • tansygreen
    tansygreen Posts: 85 Member

    Another user posted this the other day which Ithoght was pretty amazing! there are loads of things to stop you getting bored. Happy snacking...
  • RobinHammill
    RobinHammill Posts: 3 Member
    I keep a big container of mixed fruit available for a quick fix. A servings is 1/2 cup each of Cantalope and Water Melon with a handful of Red Grapes. That's about 70 calories, but much more filling that a single banana, not to mention more flavor. You can also make the process of eating it slower.
  • phinphanbill26
    phinphanbill26 Posts: 574 Member
    I suffer from the same leg cramp issue at night when I'm sleeping. The cramping is the reult of a potassium deficiency. Try about a 1/4 cup of dried apricots per day...provides 480mg of potassium and they're only 100 calories. It worked for me!
  • sunnycloud82
    sunnycloud82 Posts: 59 Member
    Hard boiled eggs, carrot sticks (plain or with hummus), slices of cucumber with a wedge of Laughing Cow spread on them, fruit, low fat string cheese, raw/unsalted nuts and seeds. Those are some of my favs.....good luck!
  • FitPatty738
    We eat Fudgesicles - the sugar free ones are 30 calories. We keep Rolos - 25 calories and the snack size York Peppermint Patties in the fridge - 50 calories. It's something sweet that hits the spot when you need it. I would think the leg cramps are caused by low potassium. Pick up some potassium pills and stop eating the fattening bananas. Another thing we have switched to is Egg Beaters and the lower calorie bread - 35 calories a slice. And The Lay's chips that are fat free with Olean....75 calories for 20 chips. They are better than regular chips. There are ways to adjust - keep working at it and stick with it.
  • harleygaljojo
    harleygaljojo Posts: 111 Member
    Nabisco delight bars are wonderful, they have a chocolate and a cheesecake for 100 calories.
    I alway keep them so if I have a sweet tooth.
  • mamnboston
    mamnboston Posts: 81
    carrots with hummus
    lots of fruit
    sugar free pudding snacks
    sugar free low cal yogurt, high protein ones like Chobani
    low fat cottage cheese
  • bethieannie
    bethieannie Posts: 75 Member
    Archer Farms Real Fruit strips. 45 calories, made with all natural ingredients, SUPER yummy! Reminds me of homemade fruit roll ups.
    45 calories, 0 fat, 0 cholesterol, 5mg sodium, 85mg potassium, 11 carbs, 1 fiber, 9 sugars
    Target carries them:happy:
  • TammyScalf
    TammyScalf Posts: 4
    Hummis w/ carrot and peppers LOW Cal and all natural 164 calories

    Pecan Vannila Yougurt Crunch
    1 cup plain nonfat Greek yogurt
    Dash of vanilla extract
    1 TBS chopped Pecans
    mix and eat 164 calories

    almond butter and celery stalks YUMMO 236 calories

    these are a couple from the Jillian Michaels BODY REVOLUTION