new here

suzicoggins Posts: 3
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
hi im new here too, just from yesterday. i'm trying to lose 20 more pounds. i got up to 173 and decided i neede to put the brakes on. lost the first 20 by cutting calories, now ive added exercise and hope to be where i want to be by thanksgiving.


  • gnastro
    gnastro Posts: 239 Member
    Hi Suzicoggins,

    Welcome to the site. It really helps when you log in all your food everyday. Losing 20 lbs. by Thanksgiving maybe be a little difficult. The average weight loss is 5 to 6 lbs a month. Slow and steady is the best way to go . Good Luck!! :blushing:
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Hello and welcome to MFP, the best website ever!!! You will love this site if you don't already. I love this site. It is so motivational, supportive, helpful, easy to use, and everyone is so nice and friendly. I just wanted to wish you a lot of success on your weight loss journey. You can do this!!!!!!!!!!! :smile: :flowerforyou: :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • I'm in the same boat as you, have reached 175.5 and not very happy with it. I just joined this site on 9/21 and looking forward to losing the weight, my short term goal is 5lbs in the next month and then I'll go from there. I long term goal is to lose 25-30lbs, but I'll start with 5lbs at a time. I have been using the food and exercise journal daily and checking the message boards for advise. I have learned to cut my calories my monitoring my food intake, I have WII Fit and WII Active so I have used the both of them three days this week and I walk for about 15-20 minutes a work on my break. I think together we can do this..R U up 4 the challenge????:happy:
  • dragonfly81
    dragonfly81 Posts: 272 Member
    Welcome to MFP!! Everyone is right when they say that logging, logging, logging really helps! And there are great people here to offer support and motivation. :flowerforyou:
  • I just started to. I came over from Weight Watchers. Got tired of counting points but I did lose 20 pounds with them. However, the last 10 for me is the hardest. Needed to switch things up a bit. Hoping this board helps get me motivated again! Can't wait for the results!
  • freeatlast20
    freeatlast20 Posts: 120 Member
    welcome to mfp...this is the greatest site ive found for help...the people are supportive and offer such great encouragement. And the logging of every single thing you put in your mouth is the key...its been a tremendous help to me...and it makes you think before you eat...good luck....and You Can Do IT!!!!

    be sure to drink the water...that is also a key ingredient......:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • i am and thanks everyone. one question-- when you hit a plateau weight and cant seem to get off of it what do you do?
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    When you plateau, the best thing to do is start varying your routine - eat a little extra calories, do some different exercises - trying to jolt your body through keeping it on it's "toes". :tongue:

    Welcome to MFP! It's a really great website. Also, make sure that you drink a ton of water, it really helps when your system is completely hydrated.
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