what the H E Double Hocky Sticks.......???

I am stuck! I haven't lost any weight over the past 30 days :( I stay under my calorie goal and I burn at least 350 calories a day through excercise. I need healthy tips please....I want to make this work as I have come to far to give up! Thanks!


  • Sonnie124
    Sonnie124 Posts: 99
    I am stuck! I haven't lost any weight over the past 30 days :( I stay under my calorie goal and I burn at least 350 calories a day through excercise. I need healthy tips please....I want to make this work as I have come to far to give up! Thanks!

    Try eating at your calories instead of under? Or, eat something really bad for you to jump start your body!
  • Rowberta
    Rowberta Posts: 29 Member
    Have you been doing the same exercise for the last 30 days? If so, you need to change that up.
  • RandomMiranda
    RandomMiranda Posts: 298
    Drinking a lot of water, watching my sodium, increasing my protein and having a wide variety of exercises seems to have got me moving again after about a month of no change.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    Have you gone back through the setup/goals process? You might want to try that. Every time I do it after losing some weight, it takes away a few calories. You may simply have reached a new equilibrium point.

    Also, try to make sure your fats/carbs/proteins are in balance and that you're eating as many of your calories a day, including exercise ones, as possible.
  • amykane1429
    They are right...you are at a plateau. As far as the calories, don't go too far under your count. That will put your body into starvation mode, which may have already happened. And give yourself a cheat day every now and then. Jack he calories up a little and then go back to the healthy eating. As for the exercise, go online and look up the H.I.I.T. method (High Intensity Impact Training). It involves basically keeping your body surprised by your work-outs. For example, if you run for an hour everyday for 3 months, your body gets used to that routine and it will actually not burn as many calories or fat after a while. So then imagine all of a sudden, you run for 20 minutes and then do the StairMaster for 20 and do 100 lunges. It surprises your system and it burns more. Look it up. It's really cool. :)
  • chrisb75
    chrisb75 Posts: 395 Member
    I am stuck! I haven't lost any weight over the past 30 days :( I stay under my calorie goal and I burn at least 350 calories a day through excercise. I need healthy tips please....I want to make this work as I have come to far to give up! Thanks!
    It would help to open your diary so people can see what you have been doing.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    First off, how many calories are you eating and what is your per week weight loss goal? With only 30 lbs to lose, you should be aiming for 1 lb per week as well as eating 50-75% of those exercise calories. Keep in mind that food is fuel, and your body needs calories to burn calories. This of it like a fire. If you only put 1 log in the fire, it's going to be a small flame. If you add 2 more logs, the will grow. It does get to a point though that too much wood will just smother the fire. So you probably just need to add more fuel to the fire.
  • ieishab
    ieishab Posts: 34 Member
    Thanks for the responses.

    I am eating 1300 calories a day 1500-1600 if I excercise. My goal is to lose 1-2 lbs a week. I opened up my diary...I think I did this correctly.

    I will take these pointers into consideration and keep pushing forward!
  • ieishab
    ieishab Posts: 34 Member
    and I purchased Turbofire...it is an HIIT program