Foot pain

I am going to go see my doctor about this but was just wondering if anyone else has the same problem.

When I have walked about a mile, I start getting a pain in the ball of my foot (extremely burning sensation) - feels like the first joints in my toes. I can bearly continue walking. When I get off my feet for about 15 minutes it's fine - no swelling or further irritation.

It's really getting me frustrated because I want to walk further and start playing tennis, but I don't want to permanently injure my foot. I've tried different shoes/socks, drinking more water, eating bananas, etc. but always the same thing.


  • jenlwren
    Sounds like it could be heal spurs or plantar facitis...I would make sure you have good walking shoes and that they are laced properly. Also try incorporating some calf exercises...Hope this helps
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    How long have you been using your sneaks - could be time for a new pair.
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    I have heal spurs and plantar fasciatis and my pain is always in the heal pad of the foot. the ball of the foot could be one of these two things or maybe bunions?:ohwell:

    I'm glad to see you are taking the right step and seeing your doctor, if possible get to a foot doctor, they will take xrays, check your gait, arches, etc etc. I had much better answers and results from the specialist, pain free for over a year now :love:

    good luck, keep us posted!
  • Solandra
    I fought plantar facitis for a couple of years, and like Nich0le, the pain was in my heels, not the ball of my foot. That said, a visit to the doctor is in order, he might recommend orthotics, and changing your walking shoes every 3-6 months is a good idea - they tend to break down under constant pounding. If you have high or low arches, that can compound the problems.

    My podiatrist eventually recommended surgery, after cortisone shots didn't do much more than make the pain livable. I decided I would try accupuncture, first, and that finally gave me the relief and promoted the healing I needed to get back into the groove for walking again.
  • fitnessfille
    I work at an athletics store where we specialize in gait analysis and shoe/insert fitting. If the pain is in the ball of your foot, I'm thinking that it is either morton's neuroma or sesamoiditis. Depending on where in the ball of the foot, these could be two possibilities. But, definitely consult someone who can determine what the problem may be. The best thing that you can do is make sure that you're in proper footwear (get your gait tested by someone who will measure and watch you walk) as well as a hard insert (I recommend superfeet). These two things have done wonders for me. I am a marathon runner who knows exactly what you're going through. After a day of work I would have intense burning sensation in the ball of my right foot. It was my sesamoid bones. I have been put in appropriate footwear as well as a proper insert and can report pain free!!! Please take the time to take care of this! You deserve it! Good luck! Let me know how it all works out!
  • klybarger
    I am due to change out the sneakers soon, but it hasn't helped in the past. I'll visit the doctor before investing in a pair that may be contributing to the problem.

    I think I do have a high arch (any standards to go by?) which may be putting pressure on those points. And being the clompy (but graceful) walker that I am doesn't help the matter. Walking retraining may be in order!

    And I never thought of the lacing up of the shoes - maybe the high arches are interferring with adhering the shoes to my feet!

    I'll let you know what I find out from the doc
  • klybarger
    Fitnessfille - THANK YOU! I appreciate your information and will look into this.

    I just never knew anyone who had experienced this - don't feel crazy. I thought it was something I was going to have to chalk up to that ridiculous age excuse! My future plans don't include running, but I really want to walk farther and enjoy tennis again. And we all know how critical being able to work out is to this whole weight loss adventure.

    I have hope - thanks again.