Has anyone here lost belly fat without cardio?



  • madaboutrome
    madaboutrome Posts: 4 Member
    Low Carb and Callanetics. What the low carb doesn't melt away the Callanetics is pulling in.
  • DixiedoesMFP
    DixiedoesMFP Posts: 935 Member
    Google "MedSpec PFO Orthotic". They really help. Roll a tennis ball under the sole of your foot. Stretch by pulling your toes towards your knees multiple times before you ever set your foot on the floor in the morning. Pick up marbles with your toes and move them to a different location. (Btw, I usually charge around $97 for this advice)

    To your original question: I do cardio twice a week but I've seen the most results in my belly area since I started weight lifting. Doing stationary compound lifts should be fairly easy on your feet.
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    I have.
    By eating the right amounts of food (not neccessarily good foods either).
  • spazofthedead
    spazofthedead Posts: 175 Member
    I've lost 10lbs in four months by eating well (mostly good food and at a smallish deficit) and lifting heavy things. Very little cardio and only when I felt like it (which was like... four times). A lot of it has been belly fat that I've lost.

    Probably doesn't seem like much weight for that amount of time, but I'm eating close to maintenance and I'm also close to my goal, so it's coming off as slow as it darn well pleases. Your mileage may vary.
  • jjl2004
    jjl2004 Posts: 13
    YES!! Very possable, through strength training and proper diet, i know people who are ripped and shredded behond belief, and they do no cardio! The reason for this is that, the rest period between each set and exercise is VERY short. the trick is to keep the heart rate at fat burning mode, so i would suggest to do strength training, with very minimal rest periods inbetween sets and exercises.

    As i mentioned you need to keep your heart rate at a fat burning pace. the easy way to work this out, is 220 minus your age. And between 60% - 80% of that.

    So lets say we have a 20 year old:

    220-20= 200
    80% = 160

    Might need to get a heart rate monitor.

    Hope this helps :)
  • Loves418
    Loves418 Posts: 330 Member
    The reason I am asking is because I suffer from Plantar Fasciitis (the evil heel spur) As much as I love to jog on the treadmill it is becoming harder and more painful. Even the elliptical after 20 mins is starting to hurt. I have toned my legs and thighs but now this belly. I started a shrink your belly exercise routine I saw in a health Magazine. It is 15 mins of different ab burning movements.
    Has anyone lost belly fat just doing something that doesn't have a lot of jumping or running or killing of the foot? Please help me if you have.

    BUMP.... But what methods did you use to tone your legs and thighs?

    Originally the dr. gave me shots I had 2 rounds and got the inserts. While I had no pain I went ahead and did the tread and the elliptical. Slowly to start. Now of course those shot effects are long gone and even taking advils doesn't help much. Yesterday I jogged/walked on tread for 20 mins the pain now is bad. So I need to stop. Dr won't give me more shots. Pretty sure his thoughts were surgery and until I lose my last 30 pounds I am not doing any surgery that will have me off my feet for weeks. Also I heard a lot of people say the surgery did nothing for them. :( For some crazy reason the weight came off the lower part of my body fast..I did lose 5 inches off my belly..but still a lot more to go that is where my weight is now. :(
  • Loves418
    Loves418 Posts: 330 Member
    Google "MedSpec PFO Orthotic". They really help. Roll a tennis ball under the sole of your foot. Stretch by pulling your toes towards your knees multiple times before you ever set your foot on the floor in the morning. Pick up marbles with your toes and move them to a different location. (Btw, I usually charge around $97 for this advice)

    To your original question: I do cardio twice a week but I've seen the most results in my belly area since I started weight lifting. Doing stationary compound lifts should be fairly easy on your feet.

    Thanks for the free advice..I appreciate it. I googled the MedSpec PFO Orthotic. Do I still need this if I have custom ones in my sneakers the dr. made me? Will try everything else you suggested to me.