Q: Regarding Net calories under weekly goal

I'm on a 1200 cal limit, based on what my doctor recommended on my height and weight...

What does 2006 Net calories under weekly goal mean? Is that a good thing or bad thing?


  • Gwoman2012
    Gwoman2012 Posts: 163 Member
    It means over the course of the week you ate 2006 calories less than your 8400 (weekly) goal.

    It is not a good thing. You already have a very limited number of calories to eat daily, you should be eating all of them.
  • TheDoctorDana
    TheDoctorDana Posts: 595 Member
    Where do you find the weekly info? I only see daily.
  • MollyKid
    MollyKid Posts: 11
    I see it on my app on my iphone. Not sure if shows up on the web portion.
  • MollyKid
    MollyKid Posts: 11
    Okay, thanks for that info. I didn't realize that's what it meant. it's hard not to go over some days.... That information is very helpful!!! Love this site!!