I'm new!


I'm new to myfitnesspal. My friend lost a lot of weight using this site as a tool, so I thought I'd give it a try. I've done a ton of different diets, and lost the most weight with Weight Watchers, but going to meetings and the monthly fees just don't fit into my life right now. This seems like a great site with a lot of tools to help me lose the weight I want to lose.

I'm excited to be a part of this community.



  • LittleEva44
    Hi, Alison. You came to the right forum and the first step was to inform us that you want to lose weight. With the economy I know how it is with the lack of funds and you cannot meet w/Weight Watchers and/or pay for the food. Your local newspaper has Weight Watchers coupons and you can buy the microwavable foods to take w/you for lunch. Remember to eat plenty of fruits and veggies, wheat products/bran (fiber helps w/digestive system), refrain from drinking alcohol (beer/wine), drink lowfat/soy milk, take your vitamins/supplements, use extra virgin olive oil, talk to your doctor before starting your diet/exercise regimen, drink 64 oz of water daily, QUIT drinking sodas/pops, and just drink a Diet "pop/soda" once a day; if not, once a week is good, too. Plan out your exercise to work out 3 days a week for 30 minutes; then work out for a full hour. Your body will tell you when to "increase" your workout routine (give yourself about 3-5 months for that). Stay away from fast food restaurants as that in itself tells you it's a no, no food (FAST). Please, please, weigh yourself "monthly" as we women have PMS, cramps, water gain (we retain water), mood swings, etc., two weeks before we mensturate. When you get on the scale "monthly' you WILL lose the 3-4 pounds as it's the "norm" to lose a pound a week. I'm here if you want to talk and/or be your buddy. Blessings and welcome!

  • ♥seoid♥
  • shannarunner
    I am new too and want to tone up and lose afew pounds and started a shanna's 3 month challange it just started and we would love to have you join us. You can look for us on the challenge blogs
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Hi Ali & welcome!

    MFP is a great tool to aid you in your new healthy lifestyle. One thing I think is so great about it is all the different ideas and strategies floating around here. As we all know, no one thing works for everyone. :happy: You'll find your niche here and you'll learn what things work best for you, your body, and your lifestyle. For example, Eva says she weighs once a month, well I weigh myself almost daily. The trick is to not be discouraged if it the number increases (like it did this morning). :wink: Seeing a couple more ounces on the scale this morning, which I know in my logical mind is water weight, really motivated me to do even better today! And when I lose daily, it encourages me to keep it up. I personally really like using the scale that way, but I have to be very rational and careful to not be discouraged (or even too encouraged) by what I see. I also weigh-in weekly with a group here and that's when I change my weight on my MFP ticker. I guess that's my "official" weigh-in, similar to WW or Jenny Craig.

    Good luck to you! :drinker:
  • gunswife
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Hello and welcome to MFP, the best website ever!!! You will love this site if you don't already. I love this site. It is so motivational, supportive, helpful, easy to use, and everyone is so nice and friendly. I just wanted to wish you a lot of success on your weight loss journey. You can do this!!!!!!!!!!! :smile: :flowerforyou: :smile: :flowerforyou: