Pre-Mudder, take the day off?

kvissy Posts: 205 Member
Need advice: I'm doing the Tough Mudder on Saturday mid morning (for the first time) and am debating whether or not to take a day off today. Today's workout is 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 pullups (I'd probably do ring rows or w/ a resistance band--cant cut the hands again), pushups, situps, squats. Maybe nix CF today and just do cardio? thoughts?

I've done shorter mud runs so I'm semi-familiar with what I'm getting myself into. I don't really feel too tired today and will most likely take off Sunday as well.

The thing is...taking off 2 days a week gives me anxiety. Crazy addiction this workout stuff is...isn't it.


  • Abells
    Abells Posts: 756 Member
    I took off just to load up on water and calories :)
    Maybe a light run or something cause I freak out not working out too.

    Honestly you are going to crush the course. I even had a beer friday night and a beer at mile 2 haha. IT was more fun than anything and lots of upper body strength obstacles :)

    I'm going to CF tonight even though I have a rugby game tomorrow.
  • jshaps7
    jshaps7 Posts: 74 Member
    Different things work for different people. I was talking with someone who does triathlons and he takes the 2nd day before a race off and does an easy workout the day before. He considers it something of a warm-up to make sure he's loose on race day. I'm sure there are other people who prefer taking the day before off.
  • 84jeepster
    84jeepster Posts: 198 Member
    Pocono Manor, here I come!

    I am not working out today but may do the P90X stretch routine if I feel like I need to loosen up a little. I always fear that I would twist an ankle or something if I tried to run the day ahead.

    Good luck!
  • Abells
    Abells Posts: 756 Member
    OoO some advise :)

    If you fall off the monkey bars land soft :) it's not that deep

    careful trail running -- lots of twisted ankles

    I suggest sticky gloves as i slipped right off the bars and rings

    (i wore a viking hat)

    There was a group of guys running in wedding dresses hahaha
  • digitalbill
    digitalbill Posts: 1,410 Member
    I am doing my very first one on December 1st.
  • oats4breakfast
    Do you ever rip your hands ? That would be my biggest concern with that many pull-ups. (and torching thighs with squats). I'd be pissed if I opened my hand the day before I planned on doing something like tough mudder. I know, I'm a p-word.

    CF like crack too - so I know what it's like to rest, you'll be better for it though.