completely unrelated.. Septoplasty experiences?

sara1923 Posts: 53
I have tried practically everything for my sinuses and finally got sick of my PCP and went to an ENT who is recommending Septoplasty for my deviated septum. So far I have been told- chronic bronchitis, acute maxilliary sinusitis, deviated septum and non-allergenic rhinitis and would just want to not feel congested everyday. I sing and am very active(volleyball, scuba, weight lifting, biking, running). I know this is going to affect things but wanted to ask if anyone could share their experience and whether or not they would recommend the surgery.


  • Arthemise1
    Arthemise1 Posts: 365 Member
    My husband and I both had sinus surgery because we were getting sinus infections all the time. I got sick every month for a year. I had my deviated septum fixed, too. I'm not going to sugar coat it -- the surgery was somewhat painful and incredibly unpleasant. Would I do it again? Yep. I still get sinus infections but not nearly as often. I also don't snore anymore, though the husband does (we're both overweight). My voice also sounds a little different.
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    Do it! No sugar coating here, it is painful and inconvenient for about a week, but sooo worth it. I had septoplasty as well as turbinate reduction and a couple other things done at the same time. By the time I got to a GOOD ENT it was like I was trying to breath through one of those little red coffee stir straws...only on one side, the other side was completely blocked. I was always sick with sinus issues and the upper respiratory infections that usually follow. I snored so bad that my boyfriend would wake me up, or just get up and go in the guest bedroom...and that was while he was wearing ear plugs!

    I had to sleep propped up for a few days after the surgery, and had to get a refill of the narcotic pain meds (it realllly hurt). I didn't get the black eyes, but I did have a lot of swelling. My nose felt funny for about a year while the nerves healed. I also was on "light duty" for a couple months, no lifting, no bending, no cardio, just walking allowed. Your best friend will be a sinus rinse squeeze bottle (not the neti pot).

    After the surgery (3 years ago) I very rarely get a cold, and if I do it isn't nearly as bad. I don't snore anymore. I can breath. I can smell. I never knew what I had been missing. Painful, but well worth it. Yes my voice changed a little too.

    Good Luck! Feel free to message or friend me if you like.
  • HappyKillMore
    Arthemise1's husband here...

    If you're married, then definitely do it! Get that hubby to spoil you rotten for a week! ;)

    Here's what you have to look forward to for the first week after the surgery:
    No lying down. Yes, you even sleep sitting up.
    Not being able to breathe through your nose, though you're supposed to try.
    Splints stuck inside your nose.
    Strong sinus headache that lasts until after the splints are removed.
    Using a sinus rinse bottle as often as you can (at least 4x per day). The squeeze bottle, not the neti pot.
    Lots of good pain meds.

    For the next couple of weeks:
    Follow-up visits with the ENT. They may not hurt but they'll be uncomfortable.
    No bending over or lifting heavy objects.
    Increasing ability to breathe through your nose.
    More sinus rinsing.
    Reducing/stopping the pain meds.

    Then you'll return to the new normal. From then:
    No more snoring, or at least reduced snoring.
    Reduced congestion/sickness/headaches.
    Easier breathing.

    I kept using the sinus rinse bottle after my recovery. I still use it once a day. Like Arthemise, I was getting sinus infections all the time; when she was getting them every month, I only got them every other month but needed 2 or more rounds of antibiotics to get over each one. Now it's been 15 months since I had my surgery and I've had ONE sinus infection.

    Is your ENT planning on performing a sinuplasty at the same time? If s/he thinks you might need it, then I'd recommend getting it done at the same time.
  • sara1923
    sara1923 Posts: 53
    Thank you guys for your responses. I really dont have a good support system where I live so unfortunately I will be on my own after my surgery. I go back June 6 to get a CT scan and allergy testing. The ENT did use a scope to look up my nose but I had already been diagnosed with the deviated septum by my PCP. Im glad to hear you all are happy with your results that is very reassuring. I am planning on putting off the surgery until the fall because I still want to be able to enjoy my summer