
maisimac Posts: 13 Member
Hello all,
I joined this week and am really inspired by the success stories and support you all give each other. I have a long way to go and hope the positivity will motivate me to keep going. I just wondered if anyone could help with the activity settings? I work part time but on work days am on my feet and busy for most of the day. I don't want to list myself as active because on my days off I am less busy so should list myself as sedentary, estimate the walking I do on my work days and add as exercise? Or list myself as active and hope it balances out over the week?
Thank you for the help and hopefully will be able to post my own successes soon!


  • lmalaschak
    lmalaschak Posts: 346 Member
    I can't remember what the settings are. Isn't there a setting in between sedentary and active? I think there is, and if so I would use that. If not I would use whichever one describes more of your days. And if it's about half and half, choose sedentary and then add some walking like you suggested. With walking, your calorie burn isn't so high that it will throw off your calorie goal by too much, so that should be a comfort to you.
  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    Ditto with above. I'd go with lightly active.

    Welcome and best of luck!!
  • maisimac
    maisimac Posts: 13 Member
    Am so sorry, had listed myself as lightly active not sedentary! But if I add exercise as walking at the slowest pace, even for only 3 hours (it would be more but not constant or over long distances) it adds another 800 to my calorie allowance, that seems an awful lot, should I be looking to eat some of those extra calories on work days? This may be obvious and I may just be being a bit dim!
  • lmalaschak
    lmalaschak Posts: 346 Member
    You are right, that does seem like a lot of extra calories to add. I guess it depends what sort of activity you're doing but it doesn't really seem like something I would add if it were me. You can probably judge for yourself if you're starving for more food on those days, and if so it wouldn't hurt to exceed your calorie goal by a hundred or 2 on the days you work. Especially since your body is probably pretty used to that activity level. It might not be a good idea to eat 800 extra on those days...
  • maisimac
    maisimac Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks for the reply. I think if I go for lightly active then and add on any proper extra exercise it should balance out across the week. Good job I didn't start on the extra calories lol.