I don't understand the calorie counter...advice?

Hello. I don't understand why my calorie goal changes from 1200 to 1700 day by day. I thought I was supposed to take in 1200 per day. Then exersize to burn off some of those calories and that is where I would realoze a weight loss. A typial day for me might be 1200 calories in and 250 calories burned by means of a treamill or bike. Isn't that the goal to eat up to the daily goal of 1200 and then burn some of those cals off? Any advice would be a great help.


  • goodinmeek
    :happy: That was my understanding, too...I wondered the same thing. By the way, when I do that...consume 1200 and then burn up a few as well, I lose very well. I just am having a LOT of trouble finding time to work out. :sad:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    When you enter your weight & goals, MFP already sets you up at a calorie deficit. That means, according to MFP, if you eat your food calories and don't exercise at all, you will still be at a calorie deficit & you should lose weight at whatever goal you set. I set 2#/week, and my BMR is about 1900 calories/day and with a sedentary job, I’m burning about 2500 calories/day. MFP tells me to eat 1300 which sets up a 1200 calorie/day deficit. 1200 calorie deficit per day x 7 days in a week = 8400 calories. 1 pound equals 3500 calories. So, if I burn 8400 more than I consume in 1 week, I'm going to lose 2 pounds (closer to 2.5 pounds).

    The reason it tells you to eat your exercise calories is because if you don't eat at least some, you may be making your calorie deficit too large which can send your body into starvation/survival mode and will actually prevent weight loss.

    It seemed counter-intuitive to me, too, until I thought about it. There's a good link explaining it in more detail in one of the permenant posts for newbies to read at the top of the General Diet and Weight Loss Help forum.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    If you click message boards link (above) and click the "General Diet and Weight loss Help" link
    you'll see a couple of sticky posts (with little mouse traps next to them). You should read all of these, some have site info and rules, and other have info for newbies. This is important info.

    Essentially, when you walk through the goals wizard, MFP sets up a calorie amount for you, THIS ALREADY INCLUDES A DEFICIT, so any exercise you do is added to the calories, because what the idea is, is to eat at that deficit, not to increase it. Increasing it can lead to issues (it's all explained in the newbie posts). I know they are quite long, but really, it'll really help you out if you read the newbie posts.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    This is definitely the most frequently asked question. The point is to maintain the same calorie deficit every day. If your goal is to lose 2 pounds/ week, your daily calorie deficit should be 1000 per day. When you exercise, you eat the calories burned to maintain that 1000 calorie deficit.

    Trust me, it works. If you follow the guidelines set out by MFP, you will lose the weight- safely.
  • smiley61
    thanks for the explaination I was wondering about that. I burned 647 cal by exercising today which added that to my 1200 cal goal. So I can eat 1847 cal today. I guess it keeps your metabolism going. I still burned 1342 resting calories. This is my BMR