To Run or not to Run

4 years ago i lost 50lbs by dieting and getting on my Elliptical very often. This time around i find it boring to be on there for so long and I keep feeling the urge to want to start running outdoors. I have 2 dogs and I know they would love taking turns running with me. However i think the best plan this time is to start off on the elliptical and once my endurance is back up start the old fashion kind of running. Does that sound great?

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  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    What ever works for you is good!

    However, there is much to be said for diving in! :-)

    I have heard about a C25K program (couch to 5 kilometers). Starts off real easy, run 1 min - walk 1 min and progresses over few weeks until you are running 5 k straight.

    Might be something to check out?
  • augstrac
    augstrac Posts: 14
    That is a very good idea, I have heard about that, i just forgot that it existed. Thank you!
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    From my experience, the elliptical won't help you prepare for running. When I first started working out I got on the treadmill and cranked it all the way up to...4mph. And I felt like I was going to die after a minute or so of what's likely the slowest jogging known to all mankind.

    So I decided that I would use the elliptical to build up endurance and get myself all awesome and ready to start running one day. So I worked out for months, almost every night, on the elliptical. I did between 45 minutes to 75 minutes every time. I did intervals, I did it in reverse, I pushed as hard as I could every time. And I was usually bored as heck (thankfully I streamed movies to keep me on the darn thing) But eventually, I couldn't take it anymore and decided that I was starting a new year, I was going to make it the year I started running.

    The next night, I went to that treadmill and set it at 4.5 mph, no problem, right? I mean, I can go 75 solid minutes without stopping on the elliptical at, what the machine said, was over around an eight minute mile. I HAD this.

    I felt like I was about to die after about a minute.

    I haven't been back on an elliptical since. But, I did start working on the treadmill and basically did what was sort of my own version of Couch to 5K that I made up as I went along. (I'd never heard of C25K) I'd run for as long as I could, then I'd walk to regain my breath, then run as long as I could, walk to recover, and so on, for whatever amount of time I'd allotted for my workout that night.

    My personal rule was to not stop running because I wanted to, only because I actually had to. So the running parts eventually got longer and longer and I was taking fewer and fewer walking breaks. Very soon I was running 30 minutes solid, not long after that I ran 45 minutes, and then 60 minutes. Throughout it all my pace naturally quickened and I spent most of my time running between 5.5 and 6 mph.

    Now days I run about a 6.3 mph hour pace on my long runs (that's what I finished my half with) and last night I did a two mile run at around 6.7 mph and wasn't even fully pushing since my stomach was a bit upset.

    So my advice? Skip the elliptical, buy some good running shoes, and make this the year you start running. :D
  • AmandaB2229
    AmandaB2229 Posts: 29
    Get outside! I have a friend that is doing the C25K now and getting ready to run her first 5K in June. I did a Learn to Run program last spring (similar to C25K) and have since done 2 5K's and a 7.5K and am getting ready to run my first 10K in a couple weeks. Running outside is great and sooooo different from the elliptical! Definatley get outside! Good luck and hope you enjoy it!
  • zeuslalala
    zeuslalala Posts: 23 Member
    I transitioned off the elliptical and into running full time by doing less elliptical and a little more running until I was just done with the elliptical. A lot of my friends have gotten back into running again by doing very short run/ walk combination, like run for 30 seconds or a minute and then walk for 2-3 minutes etc. in 3o minute intervals. Does that make sense? Do as much as you can comfortably and then just get rid of the walking all together. Running outdoors is "the best" and your dogs would love it! Good luck.
  • jshaps7
    jshaps7 Posts: 74 Member
    I fully agree with the C25K recommendation. I finished the program on the treadmill and am working on transitioning to running outside.

    While I agree with another poster that the elliptical is no replacement for running, it will help with your endurance. Regardless of how much time you can do on the elliptical and at what pace, you should start at square 1 for running. However your fitness level will improve from the elliptical - and I think that's what you were getting at.

    One other note - it will take some time to transition from running on the treadmill to running outside. I'm the same as you where I really want to run with my dogs. But running outside affects your legs differently - the terrain, hills, impact on your feet and legs, stride differences etc. So when you get to that point, just take it slowly :)

    Good luck!
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    Definitely get outside. I like the elliptical, but running outside is far more enjoyable and combining exercising yourself and your dogs is always a good idea.
  • augstrac
    augstrac Posts: 14
    Thanks to everyone for the great advice! I started my C25K program on Sunday and i LOVE it. It is very rewarding running outside and my dog appreciated the excercise as well and slept like a baby. I love the C25K app becaus eit allows me to still play my music with Pandora and it updates me on when to run and when to walk. When i was finished it was awesome that it provided me with stats and a map of where i had run at. I enjoyed seeing my path through my town. I went at night last time and it was okay, I am going to try and go when i get out of work today and I actually can not wait!