Looking for friends, committed to getting in shape!

I'm 25 and I'm currently hovering around 215lbs at 5'11. My goal weight is 180. I used to be up around 240 when I started college and I got down to 190 about a year ago by focusing on being more healthy overall. Unfortunately I lost my perspective and gained a bunch of the weight back, but I'm here to lose it again and get in shape!

I find it hard to keep my calories down and not indulge in high calorie foods so I'm hoping people will help me stay accountable.


  • LAWoman79
    LAWoman79 Posts: 348 Member
    Me too! I'll help you out, if you do the same. I'll send you a friend request. Anyone who is serious about losing weight, can add me as well.
  • SassyClassyandALittleBadAssy
    Mee too!! I used this site about a year ago and it was amazing! Due to a bunch of work/family moves and changes I've fallen off and need to seriously get on track!
  • _Tara_R
    _Tara_R Posts: 688 Member
    Anyone feel free to add me! I'm a very positive person that will keep you motivated!
  • GabrielleZelda
    GabrielleZelda Posts: 190 Member
    Hey there!
    I used to really struggle with maintaining my composure around calorie dense, fatty foods. I've managed to really get away from it altogether though, so I'd love to help you stay on track!!

    70 pounds down, 15 to go!
  • hobo531
    hobo531 Posts: 5 Member
    I think were in similar boats! I'm also 5'11 around 210's and my goal weight is 185.
    I've only been using myfitnesspal sparingly in since I joined, but I have now decided to make a serious effort! Feel free to add me!

    Anyone serious about this feel free to add me too! The more the better :smile:

    Right now I'm having trouble staying away from the "convenient" foods as Im at school all day!
  • karimlakhani
    karimlakhani Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks to all the people who responded and added me!