Bodybugg/BodyMedia Users....Please Help

I don't know if I'm posting this too soon, but it is now Day 10 of my journey with my new BodyMedia.
I really did think this was the answer to all my weight loss prayers since I have plateaued for more than a year now!

I have wore it every single day...every single hour (except shower) and have logged every morsel of my food!
I've set it so that I lose 1-2 lbs a week and have maintained a deficit everyday....but I am not losing (if anything, I'm gaining slightly).

What were your experiences with it? Did you see the results it promised right away or did it take some time?? Did you need to tweak your food/exercise?



  • jojo1371
    jojo1371 Posts: 33 Member
  • aeiche
    aeiche Posts: 6
    I've been using my BodyMedia for a little more than 2 weeks. I have seen results, but I'm not relying on the BodyMedia solely to guide my progress. I've been eating at nutrition maintenance and simply using the sensor to be aware of what I'm doing (more of observation) That is, I'm using it to get a sense of my calorie burn and activity on a daily basis.

    My observations have been this:

    * Plateaus happen because our bodies get used to the activities that we do. Are you changing up your exercise? Increasing your resistance work?

    * Are you eating what you need to? What kinds of food are you eating? Calorie math is important, but it gets a little more detailed than that. Depending on the kinds of workouts you're doing, you may be burning muscle instead of fat!

    * Conversely, if you are doing the right kind of workout and eating the right kinds of food, you may see zero change on the scale! Weight is a really lousy measurement of physical health when you get into the details. Muscle weighs more than fat. You may be losing fat but gaining muscle. Muscle building is a great way to burn calories because it continues beyond your workout throughout the next 72 hours.

    My last point is (to me) the most important one. My wife went through a similar difficulty. She had plateaued for a good 6 months even though she was running regularly, eating well, and taking care of herself. We joined a gym, and she started seeing a trainer a couple of weeks ago and has started to see progress again. Sometimes it just takes a change-up.

    Self-guided portion control and exercise can be great, but I would suggest that you consult a Doctor and a Personal Trainer if you're unable to see the kinds of results you want. These professionals have a far more complete knowledge of how the human body works and can give you specific advice for you.

    If you want to share specific data, I'd be interested in seeing it.
  • Debbiedebbiey
    Debbiedebbiey Posts: 824 Member
    I'm on day 10 too! Wasn't losing, gained two then ...this morning they were gone! I lost 2 lbs. main thing tho, I feel smaller, like u said been eating well. Bumped my cals up to 1500. I been burning between 2000. & 2400. All the numbers seem confusing. I just read the "eat more to weigh less "group. ..I know I just don't do well with 1200 cals like Mfp suggested. Not too many people on here have bodybugg or bfm!
  • steph1278
    steph1278 Posts: 483 Member
    I have the body media. My daily calorie burn averages around 3000 including exercise. I eat between 2000-2300 calories for a deficit of 700-1000. I have lost 13.4 pounds in the 7 weeks that I have had it. I try to mix up my exercise. I run, use the elliptical crosstrainer, do Zumba, and strength training. I don't know how much weight you have to lose, but I still have over 50 to go. I have heard it is harder to lose weight the closer you get to your goal. Hope you get things figured out.