Creatine qualms!

CaseRat Posts: 377 Member
So, I've got my hands on some creatine and crumbling under the massive amounts of information out there...

Is it necessary to do 'loading' with 20g creatine monohydrate/day for 5 days and then go to the maintenance of 5g/day?

Anyone with personal experience?

(Currently bulking, eating 3,200-3,400cals a day with 50% carbs, 30% protein 20% fat. I lift heavy every second day alternating with back/bi's, legs/shoulders and triceps/chest)


  • CaseRat
    CaseRat Posts: 377 Member
  • ArjanDougan
    ArjanDougan Posts: 5 Member
    As creatine monohyrdate is poorly absorbed by the body a loading phase as you mentioned of 20-25g per day (In 5g serves spread throughout the day, preferrably with meals) for 5-7 days generally will saturate your muslcles with it the quickest.

    You would then go on to a maintenance dose of 5g a day to make up for the amount that is used/degrades each day.

    It's not neccesary nto follow this protocol, you could do smaller amounts per day but it would take a lot longer to reach maximum creatine stores in the muscles.

    Creatine is best taken with a form of simple carbohydrate to aid partioning and absorprtion