Ralstonk2 Posts: 345 Member
OKAY!!! I need a lot of opinions here! I'm working till 1 today then going to my mom's for the afternoon/early dinner (BTW she's watching my kids right now while I'm working). Then tomorrow which is Mother's Day were all supposed to be going to my Aunt's for an early dinner around 2 ish. However, my boyfriend got FREE Cincinnati Reds tickets-Diamond Seats from his company (They are worth over $500) they are right behind home plate. Food/Drinks included all through out the game. Would it be wrong if I asked my mom to take my kids with her to my Aunt's and that I would come over pretty much as soon as my kids got up to spend time with her, then go to the game then spend more time with her when I picked my kids up after the game? Is that bad to ask my mom to watch my kids for like 5 or so hours on mothers day? HELP! I don't want to be a bad daughter. But these are awesome seats! And I'm still a mother to do what I want right?


  • jammiezene
    jammiezene Posts: 83 Member
    Maybe you could go to the game WITH your mom and have your hubby watch the kids...
  • Ralstonk2
    Ralstonk2 Posts: 345 Member
    Maybe you could go to the game WITH your mom and have your hubby watch the kids...

    It's not my mom's thing. That's what he was going to do at first but she doesn't want to go.
  • Pollyfleming
    Pollyfleming Posts: 147 Member
    Go for it! The seats sound like 'once in a lifetime' opportunity. Explain that to your mom. Then be grateful and do something really nice for her. It sounds like your mom is pretty awesome. A lot of grandmas don't watch the grandkids at all!
  • luvmydog2
    luvmydog2 Posts: 243 Member
    :wink: You know your mum better than we do ..I think you should go with your gut feeling on this issue ...or ask yourself what is more important ...the game or mums feelings on her special day ? ...:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • jammiezene
    jammiezene Posts: 83 Member
    Hmm, well if you asked her and she declined at least you did the nice thing and asked her. I'm sorry you are in a pickle :frown:
  • Ralstonk2
    Ralstonk2 Posts: 345 Member
    Go for it! The seats sound like 'once in a lifetime' opportunity. Explain that to your mom. Then be grateful and do something really nice for her. It sounds like your mom is pretty awesome. A lot of grandmas don't watch the grandkids at all!

    My mom LOVES watching the kids. They are her only grand kids. But my mom has cancer so she gets very tired easily. But her boyfriend helps her a lot. They live together. So yeah I think I am going to ask her. That's my mother's day present. :)
  • badgeratheart
    badgeratheart Posts: 91 Member
    My mom would rather spend time with my kids than me, so I'd go, and she'd be delighted to have her grandchildren to herself for 5 hours. But that's just me. I think it depends on your relationship with your mom and her personality. Do you have any siblings you could consult with? What does your husband say?
  • crankedtoeleven
    In this case, if I presented it to my Mom as a once in a lifetime chance... I bet she would say ok. After all, it's YOUR Mothers Day too. I hardly see my own Mother on THE day anymore. I take her for lunch & bring her flowers either before or after to spend time with her. I would think that if you're asking her to take the kids to another family members home with her, it's not really a big deal babysitting... it's family time & she'll have help from everyone there :) Good luck & let us know what happens!
  • jodycoady
    jodycoady Posts: 598 Member
    I wouldn't dare ask....hint around and see if she bites....
  • Donkeydriver
    GOOOOO tell her you'll pay her back in some way later
  • DreBeauty
    DreBeauty Posts: 14
    Well if your mom is anything like my mom she'd want you to go out and have fun doing something you love while she's spending time with the ppl she loves the most...her grandchildren
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,376 Member
    You are saying that you will spend time with your mom in the morning until the game so it's not like you are NOT going to see her at all on Mother's Day....If it were me I would def go to the game after hanging out with mom all morning & I am sure that she wouldn't mind watching them at your aunts...This is just my opinion but I have no idea what kind of person your mom is....If it would be okay with her but I would say go for it....As long as you do spend SOME time with mom!! Have fun at the game....Remember you are also a mother & it's your day as well so you should get to do something special for you too....Think of it as your husbands Mother's Day gift to you & you wouldn't want to hurt his feelings right???? :)