Am i eating too much? what can i cut?



  • fabafter5
    fabafter5 Posts: 200 Member
    Wow after brousing through your friends list and reading a couple of their profiles and looking at their pictures I want to hug my 6 year old daughter and tell her that she is BEAUTIFUL. I am shocked at the small amount of food that some fo your friends are eating.

    It seems like you have a good head on your shoulders and know that this isn't the way to do. So please as earlier advised get some new friends who value their health.
  • emptyplate
    emptyplate Posts: 62
    thankyou everyone. i really needed this. i was really conflicted as to what to do :)
  • Apsalmss27
    Apsalmss27 Posts: 21 Member
    I eat 1,500 calories a day, and I am losing 1-2 pounds a week. Each meal for me is between 400-600 calories and with snack at 100 calories each. You have to listen to your body. 1,200 calories is not for everybody. Find out what your BMi is and then go from there.
  • smulho99
    smulho99 Posts: 1
    I'm not trying to be critical or nasty but I had a look at your profile and it's very pro-ana (even down to your username).
    Looking through your food diary, it's evident that you've started to restrict quite severely lately. If you know anything about ED's, as I'm sure you do, you know restriction leads to binge, binge leads to restriction, restriction leads to binge etc. It's a cycle.
    Keep your calories at a healthy, maintainable amount and you'll be more likely to loose steadily as opposed to a lose/gain/lose/gain situation. Try not to be so hung up on the bodies of your friends and their intakes, especially friends coming from a pro-ana perspective, or you'll be on a quick road to destruction.

    I totally agree, some definite alarm bells on there... huge thigh gap for one.