Hatred of Fat People article


Please discuss your thoughts. Apparently fat people are mean to other fat people?


  • 2fit4fat
    2fit4fat Posts: 559 Member
    Personally I think mean people are just mean to people ad nice people are nice. I don't think *most* of the population says "she's fat I'm going to be mean to her" same with skin color. I think some people are just too sensitive
  • LiddyBit
    LiddyBit Posts: 447 Member
    Personally I think mean people are just mean to people ad nice people are nice. I don't think *most* of the population says "she's fat I'm going to be mean to her" same with skin color. I think some people are just too sensitive

    I'm sorry, but institutionalized racism still exists in the United States. People of color who feel like they're treated poorly are usually not just being too sensitive. The problem is more that your white privilege doesn't reveal those systems or subjugation to you, so it's difficult to recognize them for what they are.

    I have heard a lot of arguments that fat people experience discrimination similar to racism or sexism but the United States doesn't have 500+ years of violence and oppression of fat people to underwrite institutional discrimination, so I think it's a different ballgame.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    I do think there fat shaming exists. There are documented studies that show that overweight people are less likely to be hired than skinnier people. That is fact.

    That doesn't mean that fat white people can understand in any way what it's like to be a black person. Fat white people still have white privileged.

    I do believe it's more acceptable to be outwardly prejudiced against fat people though. A lot of people have no issues with shaming fat people for their 'health' We are thankfully at a point that outward racism is criticized. (though we have the wonderful phenomenon that it's considered horrible to be called racist but the actual actions/words that result in someone being refereed to as such are ignored) Again fat white people still have a much easier time in society than any black person.
  • Usbornegal
    Usbornegal Posts: 601 Member
    Beyond that, if you read the article, it makes a point that this fat phobia actually prevents obese people from going to the doctor, to the gym, and working on their health base on fears of how otehrs will react to them. What are your experiences?
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I'm sorry, but institutionalized racism still exists in the United States. People of color who feel like they're treated poorly are usually not just being too sensitive. The problem is more that your white privilege doesn't reveal those systems or subjugation to you, so it's difficult to recognize them for what they are.

    I have heard a lot of arguments that fat people experience discrimination similar to racism or sexism but the United States doesn't have 500+ years of violence and oppression of fat people to underwrite institutional discrimination, so I think it's a different ballgame.

    I haven't given this a ton of thought but initially I agree with the above.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    what is this, the oppression olympics?

    i hate how in america every minority's plight is compared to black people's plight. NOT THE SAME THING unless there was a gayland, fatland, etcland where people were forcibly taken from and brought here to be enslaved because they were gay, fat, etc.. i really wish white people would stop doing it all while assuming they understand how things must be for black people because because booohooohoooo they havent been receiving the normal amount of entitlement the other white people get.

    and yeah i agree with liddybit. saying people are too sensitive about skin color issues is just being insanely ignorant of history and current events.

    with that said, i do agree a bit with the article. there is now an abundance of tools and tips for weight loss which makes it seem pretty easy. unfortunately since none of these address the real reasons why someone becomes obese, they end up not working. if it were so easy to just choose eating right and exercising then i'll bet that most of us who have been and are obese wouldnt have ended that way. there are sometimes psychological reasons and unfortunately being told "all you have to do to lose weight is xyz" can make people feel like even bigger failures
  • Mbond74
    Mbond74 Posts: 56 Member
    Well, although I agree with the sentiments about the persistence of racism in the U.S., it is really not relevant to this particular thread. Usbornegal was asking if we had any experience with discrimination due to our weight. I absolutely believe there is prejudice against obese people. There is a perception that they lack discipline or are lazy. I avoid the gym myself because I worry about being judged. I honestly tell myself that I will go the gym when I am thinner - crazy huh? I have been obese since about the age of 13 and I had awful comments from my peers made to me and behind my back. I was just reading discussion posts for my nursing ethics course and we were discussing attitudes of health care providers to the obese with chronic diseases such as diabetes and hypertension. The approach of many providers is similar to saying, "Well you're fat! What did you expect? If you'd just lose weight you wouldn't have this issue." Probably not the most effective way to influence lifestyle decisions... I personally dreaded going to the doctor and getting on that scale. It was so incriminating. "God, I have no willpower and I am a horrible sloth!" I would tell myself these sorts of things. I actually have a very sweet doctor these days and I cannot wait to check in next January at a much lower weight. :-)
  • torie079
    torie079 Posts: 179 Member
    What about the "white privileged" Irish people who were also oppressed and used as slaves??? There was more than just one race that was subject to oppression...even in the US. Why are you making light of their struggle and even comparing it to yours??? It was terrible for all races that were oppressed not one is worse than another....ugh. My childhood wasnt priviledged at all... My skin color never changed my circumstances. I had to work hard. I love all the shades of color in this world. Instead of comparing who had it worse we should work together to help stop the racism that DOES exist. That's not even what this thread is about! It's about prejudice against over weight people. I do believe that overweight people are discriminated against... I've seen it with my own eyes over my life time.
  • michaelnares
    michaelnares Posts: 2 Member
    here's a thought experiment:

    Solve for X:
    If I lost X pounds, I would be pretty good looking.

    If X is any number than 0, clearly it shows that fat shame starts every morning when you look into the mirror. If that attitude is how you think about yourself, do you truly believe you have a different attitude towards other people?
  • WOoww...ahah what an article....
  • PixelTreason
    PixelTreason Posts: 226 Member
    I think part of what makes this issue so complicated is that you can become fat and then get thin - therefore experience both sides of the issue.

    The article states how overweight people are judged as "self-indulgent, lazy and unable to control their appetites". Now, if you replace "overweight" with "ethnicity of your choice" (let's say "white") it's a generalization that is hard to defend *especially* if you aren't white.

    But... I've been fat. I WAS lazy and self indulgent. It's hard not to project that on to those that I see as overweight, especially if they complain about it and still do nothing to change their situation. And I know they can change their life, since I did.

    It makes everything a little more difficult! I don't know if I explained myself well but there ya go.
  • Unless you have a medical condition, being overweight is a choice, just as it is a choice to lose weight!
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I can't speak for all of America, but I had more nasty comments about my weight and my efforts to get healthy from people who are far more overweight or obese than I ever was than I have from people who are at a healthy weight or fit. In fact, only one fit person has ever directly insulted me about my weight, and she's crazy. Most of the other negative comments were from people who had more weight than me to lose.

    Also, there's a whole lot of hate towards the fit people on MFP as well. Obviously, this isn't a representative study of America, but I think some people who are obese lash out their own insecurity about their weight towards those who aren't. Until I came here and started living better myself, I did the same thing.