same weight for 3 days?



  • 41degsouth
    41degsouth Posts: 40
    Think you meant to say "glucose" - glucosol is something very different :smile:

    You were right that I was wrong, but what I actually should have been saying was "glycogen".
  • OTchic
    OTchic Posts: 205 Member
    i appreciate those who answered my question. really it came down to if it was normal or not. i like to weigh in everyday because i keep track of how my sodium intake or TOM weight gain all sorts of things play out with my weight. i am NOT obssesive I just started to think that not seeing a lower or higher number like ive seen before you know all the fluctuations i've had with my weight was "normal" and when that STOPPED i felt like i was starting to do something wrong like i plateud. so apparently i did not plateu this is NORMAL and that was basically my question. is it normal? YES thank you!!!

    so thanks to those who werent judgmental and HELPED me understand things better.
  • 41degsouth
    41degsouth Posts: 40
    I don't drink many diet sodas, but my other observation I've had is that it looks like when I do, my weight loss flattens out/weight goes up initially, and isn't on the expected track for a few days, maybe even five days, but then will suddenly reset itself and I'll drop fast to exactly where I'd have expected to be by that date anyway. Still not 100% sure this is due to the diet drinks, but beginning to suspect they cause me to store more water or similar... So they don't effect the actual calorie deficit and true progress, but they throw out my ability to monitor it. Interested if others have seen something similar...
  • Bryan0828
    Bryan0828 Posts: 4
    Ive lost 73lbs overall 26 of it using this program I'm eight lbs away from a life goal of mine. Im not a professional, but i found for me when i have two days in a row or more of strenuous work outs i tend to get over the hump and back on track. Specifically its running hills, an insanity routine or p90x chest and back.

    My loss has been pretty consistent all along but I've payed attention to carbs and sugars as I'm sure you are. I do have weeks when it seems to be slow going. But i will say since I've upped the proteins and fruit/vegetable sugars i don't feel the hunger, tiredness and moodiness i did previously.

    Now the real battle! I way myself everyday and take an average of the weeks weight as current weight to get a little bit more accurate. The obsessiveness is a thought piece i battled. But the longer I've done it and the more i address my irrational thoughts related to weight loss through journaling the more life style it becomes and less new years resolution. I do everything from journaling, to self affirmation notes. For me its been change your immediate thoughts, behavioral change occurs, which in turn reinforces your thought change.