1200 Cal a day cook book

I absolutely love cooking. Apparently I also love to eat.....thats why Im here...LOL Anyhow, I love experimenting and creating new recipes so Im thinking of actually doing a book based on 1200 cals a day. Hopefully it will help ppl and will offer alot of variety. I just wanted to put it out there because in my head it goes like this..." I'd love to write a cook book and combine the 2 things im passionate about, cooking and getting healthy...but who am I kidding??? I cant do that!!!"

Of course I can!! The only thing stopping me is stupid negative thoughts right??

Dream and dream BIG people, cos no one can take those away!!



  • chrissydrske
    chrissydrske Posts: 45 Member
    Im interested in your book . I am doing good on losing my weight. You can do it and when you publish it let me know
  • swetha1234
    swetha1234 Posts: 35
    omigod that is such a good idea! love that!
  • LynC33
    LynC33 Posts: 196
    1200 calories is wrong 95% of the time.

    It's not wrong if it works for people. For me its working and I know it works for alot of other people too. I would never put something out that I didnt believe in.
  • dmwiseman
    dmwiseman Posts: 34 Member
    Awesome idea!
  • LynC33
    LynC33 Posts: 196
    Thanks for the encouraging comments :-)))
  • springseternal
    springseternal Posts: 245 Member
    You definitely should!

    You could also do sections that accommodate different calorie goals, if you got really ambitious. (ie: Part , 1200 calories. Part 2, 1400, etc.) It would give you a wider potential reader base.
  • LynC33
    LynC33 Posts: 196
    1200 calories is wrong 95% of the time.

    It's not wrong if it works for people. For me its working and I know it works for alot of other people too. I would never put something out that I didnt believe in.

    Use the search feature, and look for "plateau" once you find all the stories, look at how much they ate... usually around 1,200 calories a day.

    I know i am coming across... not in the best terms. I just strongly disagree with the method.

    On a positive note, Why wouldn't you just write a cook book in general? I thought about how you would do the 1,200 calorie a day cook book. The only way i foresee if you have a menu plan for the entire day and recipes for the entire day. It would be nice to have a cook book with just the calorie contents so people can pick how many calories(servings) they want. This would appeal to a greater population, If i skimmed through it and the food looks good I'd buy it and yet I eat 3,000 calories a day.

    Im just speaking for me personally. I've never plateaued with this method, but what you suggest is a great idea also. Thanks :-)
  • What matters is how you feel and if it is working for you go for it!Don't let nobody steal your dreams!
  • LynC33
    LynC33 Posts: 196
    You definitely should!

    You could also do sections that accommodate different calorie goals, if you got really ambitious. (ie: Part , 1200 calories. Part 2, 1400, etc.) It would give you a wider potential reader base.

    That is a great idea! I was going to do sample menu plans at thed back of the book based on different calorie groups :-))
  • missxjuicy
    missxjuicy Posts: 205 Member
    I think it's a good idea but, reading peoples comments to this thread will help you more on your decision of how you will do that. I think 1200, 1400, etc might be good too. I did plateu at 1200 and just recently had to put it at 1300. I'm frustrated and I'm learning as I go.
  • I would deff.. be interested :)
  • yager8725
    yager8725 Posts: 267 Member
    I'll buy a few copies!!!!
  • emdeegan
    emdeegan Posts: 219 Member
    You definitely should!

    You could also do sections that accommodate different calorie goals, if you got really ambitious. (ie: Part , 1200 calories. Part 2, 1400, etc.) It would give you a wider potential reader base.

    I have a book similar to that. A good way to accomplish this is just make the recipes, and in the back, have different calorie levels. Lets say you have breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. for a day


    You can have this lay out for all calorie levels, the only difference is the serving size.

    sounds like southbeach to me...
  • arojas1227
    arojas1227 Posts: 56 Member
    Sounds like a great idea, I would buy it :D
  • alrodas
    alrodas Posts: 1
    can someone give an idea what to eat or more o less how you put a 1200 calories ? im knew in this but yes i would like any help or direccion please thank you
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    I have most of my recipes arranged like that on my PC. Breakfasts: 200-300, 300-400, etc. and the same for lunches and dinners. Most days I can just go through and pick 3 from the appropriate directories, then I have snacks arranged by calorie too. You know.. like Snacks100, Snacks200, Snacks300. It's close enough and really helps when I have days where my creativity is missing.:laugh:

    I think your book would sell if you had enough recipes. I guess the main things I look for when buying any cookbook is variety and that the recipes absolutely MUST be flavor intense without having 30 different ingredients.

    One thing I did learn when I was a WW member years ago and used the dietary exchanges; I can take just about any recipe and convert it for my weight loss purposes. Well, unless it's outrageously laden with fat or sugar, then I'll pass, because it's not going to taste like the real thing. I just eat the real thing, within limits of course.:smile:

    Good luck!
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,380 Member
    alrodas - "Hungry Girl" already has a cookbook out that has 300 recipes under 300 calories. It doesn't specifically say it's for the person to eat 1200 calories per day, but basically you could easily have breakfast, lunch, dinner, and one or more snacks and have it add up to 1200 with no problem at all from her cookbook. The only catch is, she uses a lot of fat free and substitute items (like Morningstar meatless crumbles, egg beaters, etc) - so if you are not a fan of those types of items, you might not find as many recipes in there that you would like.

    Aside from that, it's really not that difficult to put together a protein source and some veggies for your main meals and stay within calories. That was my go-to when I was starting out - either chicken or salmon and whatever veggies I liked. I started out really simple and then started branching out a bit for more variety.
  • Lchaim18
    Lchaim18 Posts: 7
    You Go Girl! Don't ever listen to the nay sayers.......they only stand to bring you down. There's the old saying that if Columbus believed the world was flat, he'd never have "found" the USA. Don't let anyone, ever, yuck your yum.....Believe in YOU
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    can someone give an idea what to eat or more o less how you put a 1200 calories ? im knew in this but yes i would like any help or direccion please thank you

    A good way to start is to go to the "healthy eating" websites and try their recipes. They all have the nutritional values and you will soon start to "get it". Also, experiment with the recipe feature here on MFP and enter all your foods in and try different serving sizes. It's like anything else, do it for a while and you will get the hang of it. Don't let it frustrate you. Have fun with it. It's not rocket science and if you make an occasional mistake, no harm done.
  • Shavee12
    Shavee12 Posts: 2
    I would love some pointers from a cook book. :smile: