
I am new here and looking forward to getting started. I tried to lose weight last year and lost about 22 lbs. The problem is I also lost interest in trying. This year however I have two family who are going to lose weight with me!! Yay!!! I now have this great place to keep track of it all and people I can learn from. I heard about this from a friend of mine and decided what the heck! Glad to be here!!!


  • chris23tine
    chris23tine Posts: 13 Member
    Welcome to MFP!! Good luck on your journey and feel free to add me as a friend. We could all use more support on this journey.
  • angieglyn
    angieglyn Posts: 23
    My daughter, sister and I all started a few weeks ago too. I think it is really awesome. Good luck!
  • SylvieH1964
    Hello !

    I am also new on this site. My daughter told me about it and I subscribed yesterday but my real start date will be Monday. I hope it will help me ... I will be positive : I'm sure this site will give me the interest and motivation to loose the weight I want. (by the way, sorry if my english is not "that good" ... I'm a french canadian (Québec) LOL)

    wish you all the best !

  • emma110592
    emma110592 Posts: 7 Member
    This site has helped me out so much. It really makes you accountable for the food you eat. Be honest with your diary and you will see results. Best of luck. You can do this.