Blood Pressure

g0lxv Posts: 4 Member

Mark here living in the UK and my ears are ringing.

Just checked the BP it was 157 / 106 is that mad high? Is it too late to try and reduce it by diet or do I need to visit the doc I wonder?

weight 220lbs Height 5' 6" what a fat bugger I am




  • george29223
    george29223 Posts: 556 Member
    what the helll yes its high you nut go get it checked out
  • interceptor311
    interceptor311 Posts: 980 Member
    Better call your doctor. Mine was 161/111 at its highest. I have been on medication ever since. I was told that was getting into the "dangerous territory".
  • g0lxv
    g0lxv Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks I'll go on monday. I must admit I do feel a bit odd.
  • PeeTeePee
    PeeTeePee Posts: 235 Member
    I'm not a doctor, but it is a bit on the high side. My GP put me on medication when my BP was hitting 150/100 and it came down to 140/90. Since dieting (and I've lost a fair bit of weight), my BP has gone to around 130/80, my GP is happy and reduced the meds with a view to cutting them out if I stay at that level.

    Age is factor as is weight and lifestyle in your BP. Go to your GP and have it checke professionally.
  • g0lxv
    g0lxv Posts: 4 Member
    The man on the left will be after me shortly.
  • g0lxv
    g0lxv Posts: 4 Member
    I did go to see the doc a couple of years ago and all he said was loose wieght. But I don't think it was as high as it is now.

    I'm not a doctor, but it is a bit on the high side. My GP put me on medication when my BP was hitting 150/100 and it came down to 140/90. Since dieting (and I've lost a fair bit of weight), my BP has gone to around 130/80, my GP is happy and reduced the meds with a view to cutting them out if I stay at that level.

    Age is factor as is weight and lifestyle in your BP. Go to your GP and have it checke professionally.