Feel like crying



  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member
    Its only been 12 days.
  • wurgin
    wurgin Posts: 241 Member
    I took a look at your diary and it doesn't look like you are drinking enough water. It does help with the weightloss. These boards are full of good ideas and calorie equations to try. You may need to shift your calorie/workout balance and try different things.
  • kjerstenkipp
    kjerstenkipp Posts: 139 Member
    12 days is no time at all. Ignore the scale - do your clothes fit differently? Are you feeling better about yourself and your lifestyle? Do you have increased energy? Do you understand your cycle and the impact that has on your weight? Are you drinking enough water?

    Check the forums and you'll see trillions of reasons you shouldn't rely on the scale alone.

    And if you give up now, after only 12 days, you'll be disappointing yourself. I'm going to give you some tough love here. Pull yourself up by the bootstraps and get on with it. You didn't put the weight on overnight, and it won't come off overnight.

    There are so many of us on here who have struggled through plateau's, grief, ****ty days at work, injury, illness (the list goes on) but we keep going because our goal is better health. Is that your goal?

    Best of luck.
    ^^^^^This exactly^^^^ It hasn't even been 2 weeks.
  • poulingail
    poulingail Posts: 110
    I really hate my body. and how it works. I feel like I have been forcing myself to eat Greek yogurt for nothing.

    You've been working out and that builds muscle. +pounds
    You may also be retaining a bit in the bowel so be sure you have plenty of the roughage stuff. +pounds
    You may be retaining more water. +pounds

    Try to be patient. You are doing the right thing by eating healthier. I am discouraged with a 1250 calorie goal but in the end, the food I am eating is keeping me the healthiest I can be. (And I haven't lost weight in weeks now! Still have 50-60 lbs to go.)
  • Amy911Gray
    Amy911Gray Posts: 685 Member
    You will feel the difference before you see the difference on the scales. It was a hard lesson to learn after watching the number on the scales go down each week...

    I'll bet your clothes fit you better though...who would have thought that a size 10 would fit a 156 lb body? Not me but they sure do and I'm loving every minute of it!
  • Aviendha_RJ
    Aviendha_RJ Posts: 600 Member
    Did you take starting measurements? They could have changed if you work out. Lean muscle weighs more than fat.
  • GlynisH
    GlynisH Posts: 69 Member
    I have the same problem only I've been doing this for almost 2 months. I have hypothyroidism and PCOS, so it is naturally harder for me to lose weight, but I'll be going to the doctor next week to see why I'm stuck. If no one's suggestions work, you should see your doctor , maybe she can evaluate you for metabolic disorders.
  • MelanieAG05
    MelanieAG05 Posts: 359 Member
    Yes, I agree with everyone else about the new workout routine! I gained 4.6lbs mid week after starting the 30 day shred last week - fortunately it disappeared again by today plus a little more!

    Try not to get too dis-heartened by the scale results. Scales are not kind to me either and it is taking a long time to lose the weight but I have been measuring myself and getting big results that way!

    Also, make sure you are eating enough to fuel your body for your workouts.

    I recently was advised to up my calories so I did and am seeing some results now. Use this website to workout your BMR and TDEE numbers


    My daily goal is my TDEE less 20% and I only eat exercise calories enough to net my BMR.

    Edit to add:

    I am 5'3, 39 years old my TDEE is 2134 and my goal is 1710 cals per day

    Good luck x
  • alana1966
    alana1966 Posts: 34
    Read this recent post: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/595473-why-the-scale-goes-up-with-a-new-workout-program-must-read - it explains a lot about why you are likely not losing YET - it will come - give it some more time!!
  • brendafnp
    brendafnp Posts: 77 Member
    Read this post! It explains very well why we sometimes gain, or don't lose as quickly as we expect we should. And most importantly, DON'T GIVE UP :)

  • tryinghard71
    tryinghard71 Posts: 593
    Measure measure measure..... I only weigh every couple of weeks but measure every week and write it down. I went a whole month without losing a pound but I was losing inches even though the scale was not moving.
  • therealkittymao
    therealkittymao Posts: 194 Member
    Somebody probably already said this, but definitely get your measurements to gauge your progress when the scale isn't moving. I went through a period where I felt like I was doing great calorie-wise and working really hard and there was not a tenth of a point difference on the scale... I thought I was doing so badly and then I re-measured myself and I saw that I had lost an INCH off my hips. My HIPS NEVER lost their size before. I was SO happy, and that also taught me to trust the measurements to see if there is something going on that the scale doesn't record.
  • denisekh88
    denisekh88 Posts: 53
    I took a look at your diary for a week and noticed you are not drinking hardly any water...it is very important to get at least 64 ounces of water a day. Also you are going over in sugar almost every day...I don't know if this is true for everyone but for me the more sugar I eat the more insulin I need to produce to process it which makes me hold fat. I would suggest cutting out some of the sugar...hope this helps kick start things for you!
  • kristenlees122
    hey now. dont give up. sure you can have a cheat meal every now and again (it personally doesnt work for me, because i cant do moderation, but other people can). just dont give up!
  • prophetessmom
    prophetessmom Posts: 37 Member
    I'm wondering if your delivery food was higher in sodium (a lot of quick food is), and timing-wise popped the scale up. Drink lots of water, and check tomorrow. I'm guessing you may be down if you drink a lot of water today and flush it out. Sodium can wreak havoc on your weight loss. Good luck, and hang in there. If you are doing all the right things, the weight will come off.
  • impyimpyaj
    impyimpyaj Posts: 1,073 Member
    I have doing this for 12 days now. Joined gym May 1, no fast food. No delivery. Was very proud of myself. Working out 5x a week.

    I had only one cheat meal when my cousin came to town this weekend.

    I weigh myself after these 12 days and I haven't lost anything. I am so unhappy. I feel like its gonna take years to lose 30lbs. I asked for feedback from everyone, they said my diary looks fine. I thought that I was able to eat a cheat meal once and a while and still lose weight.

    I really hate my body. and how it works. I feel like I have been forcing myself to eat Greek yogurt for nothing.

    I haven't read all the responses, so forgive me if this is a repeat.

    Please don't hate your body. There's nothing wrong with it, and there's nothing wrong with you. It's only been 12 days, and a lot of factors can impact weight. Where you are in your monthly cycle, what time of day you weighed in, how much sodium you had the day before you weighed, how much water you're taking in, how much sleep you got the night before, whether or not you've gone to the bathroom -- all those things and more can impact the number on the scale. As I posted on another thread, this isn't about good and bad, right and wrong. The number on the scale is not a punishment for bad behavior, or a reward for good behavior. It's just a number on the scale. Don't give it more importance than it's due. And don't look at food as "being good" or "cheating" -- food is fuel, period. It's not naughty or sinful or virtuous or anything other than fuel.

    Take a deep breath, and just keep going. Take a picture of yourself, in your bathing suit or underwear if you can, just to keep for yourself so you can compare later. In a few weeks, take another one, and compare them to see what progress you're making. Also, take measurements now, and again in a few weeks. If you don't see any progress with those things, then you can re-evaluate what you're doing and make changes, but it's still not a cause for self-loathing. Sometimes we try things, and they don't work, so we try something else. That's all.

    Be kind to yourself. You'll find what works for you. It just takes time.
  • DianneLB
    DianneLB Posts: 2
    Keep positive. If you give up then you will have more to lose later and you will be more frustrated. When you exercise, MFP adds those calories to your net calories - try using less of them and staying closer to your 1200 calories. Also try drinking more water for as it is good for weight loss plus when you exercise you need to replentish your body. I also notice that you have bread most days, try cutting back on the bread to every other day or half the amount. Look at the diary past the net calories and what you eat every day and cut it out to see if it makes a difference (avocado for example), Everyone's body metabolizes differently and we need to experiment ourselves to see what works for us. WW says fruit is free but when I was on WW and ate as much fruit as I wanted, I started to gain, yet others it doesn't bother. You can do this and have made some very positive steps, just keep at it.
  • elenathegreat
    elenathegreat Posts: 3,988 Member
    One year, 28 days---41 lbs. This is not an overnight miracle, it is an attitude change for the rest of your life.
  • Sky_Of_Aegis
    Sky_Of_Aegis Posts: 114
    Keep in mind that muscle weighs more than fat. You may not necessarily be losing weight, but you are making progress. That is the important thing. I would take measurements as well. You may be losing somewhere else.
  • iva001
    iva001 Posts: 162
    Thanks everyone for the responses and feedback and tough love :happy: I wanted to respond sooner but I had church.

    I know its more about health than looking skinny, so I wasn't ever gonna give up. I am still proud of myself for going to the gym and eating healthier. I was kicking myself on my way back home, had already made my mind up to get some Burger King on the way. I felt I deserved it after trying so hard and my body letting me down. Luckily for me there was no seating in the restaurant, and on the train home I was happy to save calories and money.

    So going through the responses I see a few pointers:

    1. Drink more water..( I KNOW, I plan to drink 1.5 litre a day from now on).

    2. Take my measurements (I did, but I thought I would see results sooner on scale than I did on the tape, because MFP tells me to weigh in once a week and measure once every two weeks). Does anyone know how to keep track of more than just our hips, neck??? and waist? I want to keep track of my upper arms/biceps and thighs.

    3. HIDE MY SCALE!!!

    I read a suggestion to eat less bread, when I only eat 2 slices of a mini loaf of multigrain bread. (130 cals) and cut back on avocado ( half a mini hass, like a quarter cup). I really don't want to cut back on the healthy foods I already eat, because then I will be reducing my fiber intake as well......especially considering I am rarely over my calorie limit.

    But thanks again everyone for the motivation and tips.:heart::heart: