help with diary

My weight loss has slowed way down and I am looking for some advice. I have my settings set on sedentary and I let my fitbit track all my activity and make the adjustments. I go to the gym 3-4 days a week and do weights and cardio (recently switched to free weights vs machines), on the off days I walk. I do a 10 min walk or stationary bike before weights. I lift for about an hour and then I do another 30-40 min of cardio. I add good resistance to the cardio machines and try to add several "sprints" in as well. I have a pretty sedentary job and although I have lost 50 lbs, I still have 100 pounds to lose. I have also switched to a 40/30/30 ratio instead of the MFP standard setting. I probably get more water than I even log. I weigh and measure as much as I can but I don't log some 0 calorie drinks unless they contain sodium but these are rare.I think that I eat fairly healthy except on special occasions (like last night) and rarely eat sweets. Any advice?


  • et3358
    et3358 Posts: 4
    You certainly do more working out than I do, but with lifting weights you could be building muscle, and I know you know that muscle weighs more than fat. Your body could be adjusting to what you are doing. I had a slow period where I wasn't losing and then all of sudden I have lost 5 plus pounds in about 2 1/2 weeks. I really don't have any advice all I can say is keep plugging along you didn't gain the weigh over night and it will certainly take time to lose it.
  • cbeutler
    cbeutler Posts: 667 Member

    Whenever I change up my exercise, I stall for a week or two then get a bigger than normal drop. Your body my just be adapting to the changes in your exercise. Give it about 3 weeks and see what happens.

    It was explained to me (I don't know how factual) that as you engage new muscles your body starts storing extra glycogen and water in the muscles for future use. So you can be losing fat and gaining/not losing weight. As you keep working out the fat loss starts to show.

    You also ate out yesterday, and had soup a lot of times there is extra sodium so you might be retaining water also some of my other female friends only lose 3 week out of 4 it could just be your body.


  • ladybish
    ladybish Posts: 9 Member
    Hi Janet - I have nothing to offer except that you have done so well to reach your 50 pound off target. I am sure if you keep doing what you are doing you will soon see results. Unfortunately, we are all different in our weight loss efforts and I can only say keep up the good work. It must be really frustrating toplateu evening though you are exercising so well and consuming the right amount of calories. Keep us posted so that we can offer our encouragement and perhaps one of us will have the right answer. xxxx:flowerforyou:
  • janet0513
    janet0513 Posts: 564 Member
    Thanks. It's frustrating but I will hang in there.
  • xxxMakeItCountxxx
    As someone else already mentioned about muscle weighs more than fat, perhaps the scale might not be the best judge of your progress right now. If you have been keeping track of your measurements, have you seen progress there? Or are your clothes fitting loser then they had been? I know it can be so disappointing to KNOW you are doing so much to make progress but then the scale doesn't show it. Don't let that slow you do in the least, it sure sounds like you are doing great, and I'm sure like others have said, YOU WILL see that progress on the scale at some point. Keep up the GREAT work, you have MANY reasons to be very proud of your accomplishments!