Need Opinions

I'm trying Herbalife supplements and wondered if anyone out there has used them and whether they worked for you or not. If they don't work I'd much rather spend the money on fresh veggies.


  • kjllose
    kjllose Posts: 948 Member
    I'm trying Herbalife supplements and wondered if anyone out there has used them and whether they worked for you or not. If they don't work I'd much rather spend the money on fresh veggies.
  • jbarnes1
    Hello kjllose,
    I have never tried those supplements, but I have had others.and in my experience I think that getting more fresh veggies is a better way to go. With fresh veggies you always know what your getting, who knows what you could be gettingin those pills! With veggies you have so may options for meals, so youll never be bored, thats an important thing! And, would you rather have a beautiful big bowl of colorful veggies or a pill?

    This is just my opinion, hope it helps!!
  • littlekimmyishy
    littlekimmyishy Posts: 34 Member
    I haven't tried Herbalife, but my aunt did, and it worked for her. I dont think she was happy though. id go with more fresh fruits and veggies especially, like already suggested.

    If it works, let us know! :)
  • DebbieDuffy31
    I have used herbalife going on three weeks now. I have lost a combined of 11 pounds and 22 inches! I use the snack control, total control, and thermo bond plus two shakes a day and I keep my calorie from around 1200-1600 cals a day. Plus 30 minutes of activity a day! So I say go for it if you can if not fresh veggies and fruit! Oh I also drink the tea! TOO GOOD!
  • tomj9james
    I just started Herbalife. I got my body scan done today - boy, was that telling. The good news is that I don't have to lose any weight, the bad news is that my body fat % is a bit higher than I wanted it to be. I did Herbalife a very long time ago - it has really changed.

    Good luck to you and continue success with your weight loss!:drinker:
  • lydon10
    lydon10 Posts: 6 Member
    I use herbalife and I have done it for 5 weeks, just lost a pound a week, but I lost tons of inches. I take the Garden 7 supplement, I think it is doing good. I don't eat enough fruits and veggies because I am picky. Also if your on a low cal diet you should have supplements anyway. I take the shakes as well so that I am not lacking in nutrition.
  • lydon10
    lydon10 Posts: 6 Member
    keep it up! Sounds great and it seems like you full of energy too!