What was your excuse?

Before I really started getting into MFP, I used to always think of an excuse not to work out. The most common were that I'd miss my favourite TV show or that I'd just washed my hair and didn't want to get it sweaty.
Now, I exercise on the elliptical or do Wii Fit Free Step/Free Jogging while watching TV at the same time and if It's hair wash day, I work out before I get a shower - even if I'm in my PJs

What used to be your excuses for not working out and burning some calories?


  • Embera
    Embera Posts: 289 Member
    people especially my daughter she not even a year so she dosnt entertain herself well enough so that i can do other things i also live in a house with 4 other adults in it one of which is always home and so is my bf so i dont have a place private enough so i can do anything i go for walks to the store atleast once a week usally 3 times atleast its about 30 min total im hoping i can get more motivated but so far not much luck

    i used to do a work out dvd when he would go to the pool in the morning or take my bf to work from ondemand but i dont get to do them any more because he stoped going
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I was embarrassed to show how weak and pathetically out of shape I was at the gym. I still get embarrassed about my size. I'm the largest woman in the weight section, and some of my lifts still need work, but I don't care as much.
  • mooly77
    mooly77 Posts: 18
    I'll just start tomorrow.... Tomorrow obviously came way late
  • ericbryan1
    ericbryan1 Posts: 1
    I used to drive around the gym parking lot hoping not to find a parking space. No space meant no room to work out. so i went home.
  • DanielleRN8
    DanielleRN8 Posts: 409
    "I can lose weight by diet alone..." I'm so glad I've learned that exercise is the bee's knees! :)
  • coderby
    coderby Posts: 9 Member
    I always wanted to quit smoking before I started exercising otherwise I figured I was undoing the hard work I'd just done. Quite smoking a couple of years ago couple of months later I decided I wouldn't have that problem anymore so started a circuit class then couple fo months later martial arts classes.

    I didn't actually lose weight until I checked my eating but still felt a lot better just for the training.