
wolf2000 Posts: 18 Member
I did a Sprint Triathlon about 4 years ago and loved it and then my life got really busy and I have never done another one. I know it was a great way to get myself in shape. I would love to do another one. I am just trying to figure out how I could make the time to train and trying to get the motivation to do it. My wife and I have 3 young children and we recently started a new church this past Easter. In addition to pastoring I also work as a Land Surveyor 3-4 days a week. So I'm worried about finding the time without loosing to much of my precious family time. Anyone else doing or thinking about doing a triathlon that can help motivate me.


  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Look in the "groups" section for the Triathletes/Duathletes group. You can do a sprint triathlon decently with about 5 workouts per week if they are quality workouts. As a mom, I find waking up early for running & swimming is a good way to get in quality workout time without missing family time. If you are like most people, you can find time you aren't spending with your family that could be better utilized: Facebook time, zoned out on the TV time, reading a book time, etc. Cutting back on those things can create a good hour per day that can be used for a swim, ride, or run.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    If you're not looking for a spot on the podium and can find about 4 hrs a week to train......

    Here's a training plan from my club's web site.

    I'll be doing my first sprint (did a sprint du last year) tri this summer, not worried about the run ior the cycling but my swimming still isn't great.
  • aggiesrar05
    aggiesrar05 Posts: 335 Member

    Good group with a good mix of newbies and people with everything from sprints to Ironmans under their belt.
  • wolf2000
    wolf2000 Posts: 18 Member
    ya in the past I have not had much problem with doing the bike and run, the swim has always been my struggle, and I dont really have access to a pool so i think it is probably going to stay a struggle for a while. I will definatly check out the plan on your web page. thanks
  • trijoe
    trijoe Posts: 729 Member
    With many sprints, especially pool sprints, the swim is way short in proportion to the bike and run. It's possible (though not necessarily a recommended habit) to race without training for the swim.

    I also have trouble making it to the pool, especially during times of family stress. Truth is, I haven't been to the pool for months, and the only time I swim right now is on race day. Eventually, things will go back to normal and I'll be back in the pool. Till then, I do workouts I can fit in around family times or necessary activities. Bikes, runs, and weight sessions (dumbbells in the basement) are pretty easy to work in. Bstamps has some really good common sense solutions. Cut down on the silly stuff, and see if you can fit in workouts during those times. I shut down my Facebook account and have never missed it. MFP does take a lot of my time, but I'm getting to where I log my stuff, check on friends, and I'm off. For the most part. When I have my act together, I like to work out at 5, before the family wakes. A neighborhood run (I have a light on my running hat) or a spin on my bike trainer, shower, and it's time for the family to get woken and started. That's when I have my act together.

    I hope you get it worked out. Triathlons are great exercise, great escape, and great fun. Plus, they give me a chance to show my kids what they can achieve if they set their minds to it and apply themselves a little.

    Good luck.
  • Cgirlish
    Cgirlish Posts: 263 Member
    I just started reading "Be Iron Fit" by Don Fink it has some great tips for training with a busy schedule...I think you can check out the first pages on