Newbie Introduction

Hello Everyone,

Just wanted to say hi and i'm looking forward to tracking my weight loss on myfitnesspal. This site looks awesome & fun. My weight loss goal is 95 pounds, I'm gonna start with 1200 calories a day and see how that goes. Looking forward to reading other success blogs and post, I welcome new weight loss buddys and friends.

Success in Weight-loss


  • rogarr
    rogarr Posts: 43 Member
    hi here as well and looking to lose from 50-70 lbs. Feel free to add me
  • tamicando
    tamicando Posts: 24
    Thanks so much for the Welcome, consider yourself added :) And the best of luck to you, I see your ahead of me already 5LBs way to go.................
  • melanielupien
    melanielupien Posts: 54 Member
    Hi Tambra, welcome and feel free to add me. Good luck on your weight lose journey :)

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • IL2012
    IL2012 Posts: 8
    Hi Tambra and Welcome!

    Hope you find this sight helpful and informative and good luck with your weight loss goals. Feel free to add me too.
  • tamicando
    tamicando Posts: 24
    Thanks for the Welcome
  • arnold1978
    arnold1978 Posts: 3
    I'm new too! I started my plan on Wednesday, 1500-1600 calories and <50 fat grams a day, and I've lost 12 pounds! You can do it! I still have a long way to go, but I feel like I can. FINALLY!
    Good luck to you!
  • tamicando
    tamicando Posts: 24
    Wow thats great!! Congrats. I'm so motivated to get this going.....
  • sweetmelissa40
    Hello Tambra...Welcome to MFP. Wishing you a very successful journey.
  • Iceangel222
    Iceangel222 Posts: 2 Member
    I am returning after about a year away. I was doing weight watchers and had no success. Finally found after talking with my physician, that it is my medication that has prevented weight loss. Sooooo, we are changing my meds and I have decided to do the best I can using this website to hold myself accountable and to give and get encouragement. By the bye, Happy Mothers Day to all mothers!
  • tamicando
    tamicando Posts: 24
    Thank You :) All the best to you too
  • arnold1978
    arnold1978 Posts: 3
    You can do it!!