Need Support Bad...How Do I Get Back On Track?

Last year I was rocking and rolling. At my best, I got down to 13% body fat. So many life changes happened for me. I moved out of state, got married, started a PhD program, and lost my entire routine. Suddenly when I never drank, I'm out at happy hour, making friends, eating bar food, laughing and having a good time. Slowly but surely my body has gained all the weight back and I'm at the point where I hate wearing pants because they are tight and uncomfortable. I could buy a size up, but that just depresses me even more.

I know I need to change, but how do I gain my routine back? How do I stop being a graduate student and drinking? How do I start working out regularly again when classes crush me, my social calendar is unpredictable, and I lost the sport I used to play? I started running at the gym, very irregularly, but it is so unmotivating.

Any help is appreciated. Also accepting new friend requests. ;)

I went from a size 10/12 to a size 6, and now I'm back up to a 10.


  • mustbeamiracle
    I hear you! I was in a similar situation recently. I had gained back what I had lost and felt the EXACT same way about the pants. I had a lot of great possibilities happening in my life and couldn't stop eating. So weird too me. I got a guess pass at a local gym and just didn't feel right. Somehow that gave me the motivation to get started back & I've been on fire for 3 weeks now.
  • ykincade
    ykincade Posts: 1
    Just having a hard time getting the workout really going. I had knee surgery in October and finished up therapy and I am doing great just kinda scared to hurt myself. I can do only no-impact exercises. What to do?
  • thelandofwin
    Thanks for the replies, it helps to know that I'm not alone. It was embarrassing to see family this weekend because I felt self conscious that they were looking at how fat I had gotten over the past 8 months, when the last time they saw me was at my wedding. That's when I knew something had to change for me. I just don't know how to work it into my life.
  • Saezimmerman
    Saezimmerman Posts: 93 Member
    I understand the challenges that come from a lifestyle change. I'm still trying to recover from going back to school and I graduated a year ago.
    The best I can suggest is start with a few little victories first. If you make it to work out once a week, congratulate yourself for getting there and then make the next goal twice in a week.
    One of the things I have not figured out how to do is enjoy alcohol and stay away from the fatty snacks that accompany it in most places. I have more will-power when I limit myself to one drink. If you think about it, I'm sure you can figure out what your will-power limit is.
    May I ask, what was your sport and how did you lose it? Is there some less strenuous/time-consuming/costly sport that you would enjoy?

    I wish I could jump in with a bunch of "what worked for me" type advice, but I'm still figuring out how get back on track also. The one thing I do know is that the earlier you start fighting this battle, the better off you'll be.
  • annaseid
    annaseid Posts: 1
    Don't give up on yourself . You worked too hard to give up now. Change happens and rear ends all of us, but just as hard as you are working on that degree, remember you want to be healthy and full of energy to enjoy it ! Its never a failure to gain the weight back just took a wrong turn. Get back on track you can do this, you have before and proved it to yourself. Do this for you, take care of yourself, keep working out and let all that stress out in a postive way. You will be a better student and a happier you ! Best of luck, pulling for you. I pulled away from the bakery aisle just mintues ago and that was a challenge. Hang in there!
  • thelandofwin
    Thank you everyone for your positive support and words of encouragement. I used to play tennis. There is a huge tennis community here but I'm not taking lessons anymore and my schedule is so unpredictable I haven't been able to join a league. That means that it's low priority and I'm lucky if I get to play one weekend day whereas I used to play several times a week.
  • myogibbs
    myogibbs Posts: 182
    I know you feel like you are consumed with school and just every day life, but you need to make time for yourself. You have worked too hard to just let it slide & YOU DESERVE IT. If it helps, there are lots of studies out there that show that physical exercise is beneficial mentally and emotionally, so you will be an even better student if you allow yourself to budget in time for exercise. When I was in vet school the demand on my time was crushing, but the best I was in school was when I was working out on a regular basis. If you can't take time away, park far away & walk further from the parking lot, take the stairs when you can...just move an extra 30 minutes a day. One thing I did was make note cards & flipped through a few while I was walking my dog. As far as the going out & alcohol...everything in moderation. One thing that mfp did for me was allow me to see how fattening bar food is...I have a really hard time now finding any food that is worth all the calories. I get wings & I just sit there thinking 64 g of fat....994 calories & I lose my appetite. I can't bring myself to eat fast food unappetizing now. Baby CAN do this, just give yourself a break & do the best you can. Best of luck to you!
  • cerrajean
    cerrajean Posts: 188 Member
    I always advise to start small. Log your food. Don't worry if you go over to start, the first step is surveying the existing conditions. Once you know where you're coming from, it's a lot easier to get where you're going. Log now, and when it's time to buy groceries again, keep healthy choices in mind. For drinking, limit to one or two cocktails, or just grab a beer you can nurse while you're hanging out.

    Bar food? The best I can suggest is this: No matter how amazing the nachos are, they'll still taste just as good if you only eat half of them, or a third, or a fourth. Split your food with other people. if no one's willing, try to stick with popcorn, shrimp cocktails, skinless chicken wings or a spinach dip. it's so hard, but there are definitely ways to make it work.

    Keep healthier snacks on hand at home and at school, that way you're not so tempted to pig out on the wrong things once you get to the bar. A banana and a handful of grapes if you're a fruit person, or some veggies if you prefer, before heading out to socialize will help the bad stuff seem as unappealing. You might even think "well I just had a really healthy snack, do i want to ruin that now with nachos?"

    I hope some of this helps. :) When all else fails, come visit us on MFP.
  • thelandofwin
    Thank you everyone. These replies have literally made me tear up with feelings of relief, knowing that I can get myself back on track. I remember what it was like to look through my closet and say, whatever I pick, jeans, skirts, tight, loose, it will all look awesome. Now I'm thankful if I can find a pair of jeans that doesn't give me too much of a muffin top.