30 pounds! help :(

hey everyone, i really need some help. I'm 22 years old and 5,1 tall. I weight 150 pounds and I want to loose 30, but I can't. I've been watching what I eat and doing some exercise, but nothing seems to work. Do you have any idea of what can I do???


  • JustPeachy044
    JustPeachy044 Posts: 770 Member
    1. First of all, think "I can".
    2. Log EVERYTHING you eat.
    3. Cut out soda and excess caffeine.
    4. Get plenty of protein, especially after you exercise.
    5. Commit to regular exercise, and switch it up--don't do the same thing every day.
    6. Set goals (other than the big one of your goal weight) and reward yourself when you reach them. Such as: i will exercise at least 30 minutes 3 days this week. I will lose 5 more pounds. Etc. Your rewards can be as simple as buying yourself a new bottle of fingernail polish. Every 10 pounds, I buy a new clothing item (Once i hit 20, I am going to change it to 5 lbs.)
    7. Invest in a heart rate monitor if you can afford one. Then you will be able to log your calories burned and see just how active you really are.

    Hang in there! You are in the right place...I have found some wonderfully supportive friends here at MFP.
  • elleelle16
    elleelle16 Posts: 1
    Goodluck on starting your journey! Staying positive and not giving up is the key. I want to lose a few kilos aswell.
    First of all target your problem areas, it may be chocolate, or lollies, soft drink, caffine or anything really. To solve this, don't buy them and if you can't help yourself, you need to leqarn more self control! If it's excersise, i reccommend getting a gym membership. It motivates you because you are speding alot of money on it. Even a personal trainer who will call you and you'll be alone if you are worried about what people may think. (you can gget a personal trianer still studying for half the price!)


  • purprincess33
    purprincess33 Posts: 26 Member
    If you like to cook..Try the South Beach Diet..ive lost 30lbs with the south beach diet
  • tori_grr
    tori_grr Posts: 29 Member
    I have lost 20 lbs doing slim fast, swimming for an hour and strength training an hour for five days. I cheat on weekends. It's been since march. However slim fast has lots of sugar so I'm switching it up this week to see if there is any difference with slim fast it was 1-1.5 lbs aweek lost maybe give it a shot