New and looking for inspiration

Hi all,

Live in Rep of Ireland. Am 39 years of age and was going to slimming world which was working well enough for me until I got the coil fitted. Still doing much of the same thing but weight going in reverse. Most weeks I would walk about 22km's over 4 days with 2 good friends and try to do 200 reps on the exercise trampoline at least twice a day.

Really need some help and encouragement now as I am just sick of everything.

Am at a very negative point of life at the moment weight wise and really need some inspirations.

Thanks for reading


  • leannepurse
    leannepurse Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Molly

    Nice to meet you. I also have done every diet going and my weight ( which isn't that bad!) get me down to the extent that it affects the way I am with my family. I exercise 4/5 time a week( in a good week!) so not too bothered what my weight does but just need to be aware of what I'm putting in my mouth:tongue: Have been on this site before and it can be great! Dont overload yourself with friends tho because its time consuming keeping up!! Also, they are so nice and i want to someone to tell me to stop stuffing my face..its not ok!:explode:

    If you feel you wish to add me then please do, but I wont be offended if you don't.

    Good luck. x