Need a Plan......

I need a plan to follow. I joined 2 days ago, but all that I am doing is logging my food and activity. I am not following a specific plan. Does anyone have any ideas? I need to lose about 65-72lbs . I'd like to do it as quickly as possible, but I also want to be healthy about it. Ive thought about jumpstarting my weight loss with a detox or the 3 Day diet. If anyone can tell me what Diets work the best and what workouts are most successful, I would love to know. Also, Im thinking of making my food journal public so people can offer suggestions and critic me. This will be a big deal for me. By the way, my profile pic is a pic of where I would like to be again, or at least close. I'd love to be able to wear that fress again. IT's a shame its just sitting in my closet. Anyway, I have the fatsmash diet book and I have a SouthBeach Diet book. Ive not done either one because I am afraid to make myself eat structured meals like that. I typically go as long as I can without eatting and when I can't take the hunger pains anymore I eat. I know this isnt wise, but its a mind thing. Ive struggled like this for years. Thanks for your help. :indifferent:


  • angievan26
    angievan26 Posts: 212
    ok so I am sure you are not going to want to hear this... but the best way to lose weight and keep it off is the slow and steady way. I know how you feel if I could just twinkle my nose and say fat be gone it would be. If you just eat right and exercise the weight will come off. I do think a detox would be good for you body if you have not done one in a while to get all the crap out. I wish you the best of luck! And welcome to the site
  • pattitricia85
    if i were you i would focus on just staying w/ in your calorie range the first week or two. Also, plan your meals beforehand. Focus on whole grains, veggies and lean meats. When i do my grocery shopping every week i make a list of what every meal will be, every day. Then I make the list. I would try searching for some healthy recipes online to make for you and your family for dinner. There are TONS! and very delicious/hearty that the whole family can enjoy. Focus on starting a new lifestyle, the weight will come off, i promise!
  • jerzgrl03
    jerzgrl03 Posts: 15 Member
    Welcome! I can really relate to how you are feeling right now. For me, whenever I try to lose too much too fast everything ends up out of control and gets me right back to where I started. This time around i am trying my best to just stay within the limits of my calorie and carb goals each day. That includes a minimum calorie count as well. The key to jump starting my weight loss is exercise. I am new here too but i have already lost 2 pounds in the first week. I think you will find that just seeing exactly what you are eating each day is great motivation and helps keep you on track!


    Created by - Easy Calorie Counting

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  • kstang73
    kstang73 Posts: 1
    Try the Biggest Loser plan. It told me what to eat every 2-3 hours, i.e.
    Breakfast 1/2 Protein, 1 Whole Grain, 1 Fruit
  • momma2boys0609
    I wanted to thank you all for your support. Im really excited about being here and really feel good about it already. I know, I need to work on being more patient and not getting discouraged just because it is taking longer than I want it to. I am determined to do this and do this right. Thanks Again.
  • momma2boys0609
    Can anyone tell me how to get the ticker to work? Also, Im only down to 206.2lbs since the 21st. I thought it would have been much lower than that because I have been logging everything I eat and really cutting back on the frozen and processed foods as well as the chocolate. I was having an entired bad of dark chocolate plumsweets in one one day just about daily and Ive cut the back to 0 to one serving. I think part of my problem was I wasnt getting enough fiber. I had gone 3.5 days without any action in the bm department. I felt horrible. SO I bought more fresh fruits and veggies along with some fiber bars. I hope that along with lots of water will keep me more regular. I bought my first pair of real jeans since Ive had the baby, THey were wau bigger than I wanted! I refuse to get a certain size, but I decided to get a pair anyway. I figure I have to start somewhere. I cant deny how big I am anymore by not buying "big" clothes. Ive been doing pretty good, but am so afraid that I am going to fall off the wagon. I hear if I can do it 30 days that they will become a part of my daily living so that is the goal. Im focusing on the eatting for now and will soon add structured exercise into the deal. UI have got to conquer this sick relationship I have with food first. I have to learn that eatting isnt bad, but rather the types of food and the quanity that can hurt me. Anyway, thanks for your support. God Bless You all. Continued success to Everyone. :)
  • momma2boys0609
    Well, I did it! I graduated from LPN school. Now I am in a transition state. I do not have a vehicle so I am stranded at home with my 2 boys. This is awesome as far as having lots more time with my angels. As far as the weight loss goes. This could make or break me. I just dont have any motivation or energy at all. It is an awful feeling. I feel like a blob and very blah every day. Im happy to be with my kdi, but beyond that I just dont feel much of anything. Im exhausted I do know that. This past year wiped me out. Doing the full time, 1 year LPN program was very intense and busy. I think my body has gone in to shut down mode. I dont know. HEre is what I would like to do though:

    1.) Drink 82oz of H2O daily
    2.) Get up at 600am & Take Thyroid MEdication
    3.) Workout on the treadmill for 30-60 minutes
    4.) Do a Jillian Michaels Workout Video during the kids afternoon nap, then shower & nap myself
    5.) Workout on the exercise bike/treadmill/Wii Fit something for 30-60minuts after boys go to bed
    6.) Stay within 1300-1500 calories and adjust according to exercise calories
    7.) Be in bed by 1100pm every night!

    I am hoping and praying I can get my self motivated and keep up with this routine while I am waiting to find a job. I know I wont be able to keep it up forever obviously because I will be working during their nap time, but I hope this will get me out of my funk & jumpstart my weight loss. I will just need to reevaluate & play with my workout routine as life changes. If anyone has suggestions, wants to join, or can offer any ideas...please, please feel free. I have got to get on top of this. I am not happy being stuck at this weight. Im sick and tired of the # on the scaled starting with a 2! Grrrrrr.:sad:

    Anyway, here is hoping for the best!!!!!

    momma0609 :flowerforyou: