New to MFP, Need Motivation!

Im 5'3 and over the last few years I have put on 25-30 extra, unwanted pounds! I dont have friends near me or a good support system to help motivate me. I've lost 8 pounds so far but i cant seem to stay motivated long enough to keep loosing weight. I just keep rebounding. I need someone to help me along this journey to keep me focused :)


  • flossieflo
    flossieflo Posts: 13
    add me if you like i just started in late april i am on my third week and have lost 6 pounds already so i say the more friends you have the more motivation you get.:flowerforyou:
  • brwneyedirish813
    brwneyedirish813 Posts: 67 Member
    I've been on this band wagon 3x and keep falling without having the motivation or the drive to keep it going. i mess up one day and get thrown off. i got back on about a week ago to prepare for a 5k that my very fit and in shape friend asked me to do. striving to do it ive started running. Im hoping im onto something. add me. i need friends! :D:D we'll motivate each other.
  • Cyngen
    Cyngen Posts: 557 Member
    Been there done that. Feel free to add me for support. This is not a diet, but a life style change. Good luck
  • LisaBeateith2012
    LisaBeateith2012 Posts: 346 Member
    Need motivation myself, I have been with MFP for 2 weeks now and have lost 5 pounds!:happy: Feel free to add me, the more the merrier:bigsmile:
  • Nycie30
    Nycie30 Posts: 23
    Hello there, I'm Nichole and today is my first official day using MFP....yay!!!! I'm really excited to start this journey and I'm looking forward to seeing results ASAP....I can use all the support I can get, so pile it on!!!! The more the merrier!!!!!
  • stephieb186
    stephieb186 Posts: 127
    You can do it! I found that the support on this site is fantastic! All the encouragement from other people who are going through the same thing you are is so helpful.
  • TwtyMami35
    TwtyMami35 Posts: 99
    Please feel free to add me. I log into MFP on a daily because the people here motivate me and I hope to be able to motivate them. I have been here since the last week of December 2011 and lost 44 lbs so far.
  • Legals81
    Legals81 Posts: 81 Member
    Welcome, You'll get loads of support here. Its a fab site. I'll add you. Im starting my journey too so we can motivate each other.
  • Cyngen
    Cyngen Posts: 557 Member
    Thanks for the add, see you on the logs ... keep on truckin' and keeping at it. It's not a set back if you slip a day or two along the way. The true measure is getting back up, dusting ourselves off and marching onward and downward (weight wise) :D
  • BriskisGrl
    BriskisGrl Posts: 461
    Welcome... feel free to add me if you wish!!! This site is awesome for support
  • lowpro1983
    lowpro1983 Posts: 305 Member
    Welcome aboard the motivation train!!!! Toot toot!!! HAHA. No, seriously, I've stuck with this since January 2012 - and for me - that's a huge accomplishment in itself. My heaviest weight in Dec 2011 was 225 (I'm 5'6). My first month on mfp, I lost 10 lbs. I incorporated more exercise, tried choosing healthier foods, & LOG everything as accurately as possible. It works - consistency works. I weighed in this morning at 205. I'm so glad that a friend told me about mfp and encouraged me to use it. Sometimes I fall off - I eat something I shouldn't, I skip a day at the gym - but I get right back on track and that's what it's all about. When you fall down, you get right back up and tryyyyyy again. Plus, check out the success stories board. It helps me to see how far others have come - that is a HUGE motivator for me! Let me know if I can help!

    There's no magic. You choose a healhier lifestyle. You eat better & you exercise. You sweat and you might cry at times. But it's all worth it to see the results. :)

    Feel free to add me for support!
  • JensQi
    JensQi Posts: 169 Member
    Been there!;-)If you need a friend...I am always in!lol:flowerforyou: Jen
  • tinastanley
    tinastanley Posts: 55 Member
    WELCOME!! Feel free to add me. I love MFP and since joining in July 2011 I have lost 57 lbs and still losing. I have about 25 lbs to go until my goal.
  • maricuchi_1982
    add me up :-) been doing this for over 6 months now... and I have an incredible support system!
  • pnut80
    pnut80 Posts: 77 Member
    welcome and i hear ya! the one thing i have learned from this whole journey is that its OK to mess up! in previous tries i would mess up or over eat a couple days and i would beat myself up so bad about it that i gave up. somehow ive managed to make it just simply using MFP and exercising regularly...ive lost 16 lbs so far and still losing! the awesome thing about MFP is there are soooo many people on here in the same boat and we all understand the struggles that you face daily with food and keeping on track! its a great community of people! feel free to add me as well :happy:
  • junebug03
    junebug03 Posts: 4
    I just started to. I need help to I work hard but don't seem to lose much. It takes Linda time I no to lose. Just like it took time to gain the weight. We just have to take one day at a time. And stay motavated.good luck I no its hard but were worth it. Linda
  • Ke1ra78
    Ke1ra78 Posts: 146 Member
    I'll send you an add. Good luck.:-D
  • atldrew
    atldrew Posts: 25 Member
    Welcome! This is a great place to get some motivation or at least get the support of people who have been where you are! I like reading some success stories but also like adding friends that are active. Reading their workouts helps keep me motivated. Good luck!
  • speediejane
    speediejane Posts: 496 Member
    feel free to add for support
  • brewface811
    brewface811 Posts: 106
    I just re-signed up for MFP. I'm 5'1'' and looking to lose 11 more pounds to reach my goal. Feel free to add me.

    Since I just signed up today I don't have any friends!

    My worst part is remembering to log my food in every day...and sometimes I don't want to if I cheated that day! ;)