Not exactly new, and close to despair

Hi all,

My names Janine, I'm 32 and have been on MFP since the middle of last year.
I've always been quite big but after noticing in photographs that I've put on a lot of weight since my husband and I started living together I decided to do something about it. Due to a fascination with Boots weighing machines I know I was 232lbs when we moved in together, and just over a year later I was 252lbs. My sister-in-law pointed out that it was probably because I’d just moved from London where I walked absolutely everywhere, to Ipswich, where my workplace is a 10 minute walk away and everything else I have to drive to. So I started working out at home (mostly Wii Fit and some exercise DVDs) and used MFP to watch what I ate. This being just a personal crusade I didn't really have 100% conviction in what I was doing so slowly stopped monitoring what I ate (I have 3 meals a day, breakfast and lunch are quite light, and I don't snack, so didn't see that aspect of my lifestyle being much of a problem with my weight loss), but still kept up the exercise.
In November I discovered that I had fertility issues but because my BMI was over 30 the fertility clinic probably wouldn't accept my doctors referral, so I got back to my food monitoring whilst my doctor got on the case. In December I still hadn't had much of a weight shift, however I received a letter from the fertility clinic with an appointment for the beginning of January, so thinking that the battle was half won I stopped monitoring what I ate again, but still kept with the exercise.
In January the fertility clinic told me that I’m probably not ovulating, and that they do have a pill that could help stimulate my ovaries but the drug company that supplies it has specific guidelines and seeing as my BMI was 40 (putting me just on the border of the '0% chance on conceiving naturally' section and the '10% chance of conceiving naturally' section) I'd have to lose a bit of weight before they'd even consider me. So with a new found motivation I set to it again.
3 months down the line, in March, I’d really only lost a couple of pounds at most and even then I kept putting them back on then losing them again, so seeing as my new regime was sort of getting somewhere but not very fast I decided to step up my game and join the gym. Since then I have lost a few more pounds but it’s still going really slowly.
Well that’s my story, I’m now 243lbs, it’s taken me 6 months to lose 9lbs and I’m not sure why. As I said I have 3 meals a day, no snacking, my breakfast is usually in the 400-500 cals region, my lunch usually 200-300 cals, and my evening meal varies but I’m lucky enough to have a 6ft2 husband that has a quite busy work day so I’m able to give him larger meal portions than myself with a clear conscience. During my regular monitoring my net calorie intake was usually between 1500-1800 calories.
It’s really getting me down quite a bit as me and the husband really want children and it’s not going to happen till I lose a bit more weight, even half a stone would do I’m just not sure I can wait another 6 months for that to happen.
Well that’s my vent, feel a little better for getting that off my chest, thanks for listening.


  • crystal8208
    crystal8208 Posts: 284 Member
    Hi Janine.

    First off, I have great sympathy for you. I don't have any children yet, and I can only imagine how I would feel in your position. You are a brave woman to keep trying.

    Since you have a medical "condition" requiring weight loss, (fertility issues), your doctor may be able to help you get into a dietician/nutritionist. It could be that your calorie levels are correct but you aren't getting the calories from the best places to help weight loss. He/She may be able to help you refine your diet to get more results. You mentioned a gym, several gyms offer free sessions (usually one) with a personal trainer to help you get started. Look into that. They can try to create a program for you to work with the diet to help your loss. I also recommend, if you aren't already, taking a multivitamin every day. I don't advocate supplements to 'detox' or 'miracle weight loss', but a good multi will help your body to function correctly on the calories it is receiving.

    I too struggle with dropping and gaining the same few pounds, so I understand how frustrating that is. Just keep changing things up and check out the personal trainer and the dietician. Good luck Janine. I really hope you achieve some success so you can get on with expanding your family.
  • jeannie9791
    jeannie9791 Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you very much for your kind words.
    Funnily enough I have appointments with my doctor and my gym instructor this week for different reasons, so i think i shall take your advice, grab the bull by the horns and ask for some help.

    It make sense, I suppose when you're following your own regime it's very easy to get stuck in a rut that's not even helping you but getting a few pointers from some professionals could make all the difference. Thanks again.
  • crystal8208
    crystal8208 Posts: 284 Member
    I sincerely hope you are successful. They are there to help you, so never be afraid to ask. Find some strong support and just try to keep chugging along. :flowerforyou:
  • sdav1997
    sdav1997 Posts: 19 Member
    I had infertility for five years and long story short, my hormone levels were a mess due to my obesity at the time. For my situation, I was in carb overload. Once I started monitoring and balancing my carbs, proteins, fats and incorporating strength training and interval training, things improved.
    I hope that helps. It is not an easy road dealing with weight gain and infertility I have been there,
  • jennyb612
    jennyb612 Posts: 83
    I feel for you both! I finally started to lose once I gave up the carbs. Still eating Fruits and vegatables several times a day. but No breads, rice, potatoes etc. It's amazing how quickly I started to lose once I figured that out.

    I'll be thinking good thoguht for both of you - Both for successful weight loss and for eventual healthy Babies!
  • becmail05
    becmail05 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Janine!!
    Im wondering if its the amount of calories? and what sort of exercise are you doing? i weigh 201lbs at the moment, and i have an allowence of 1200 cals per day, plus i exercise atleast 20 mins each day, i did hit a plateau 2 months ago where no mater what i tried i didnt lose weight, maybe you just need to shake things up a bit and try some different things??!! also i have been doing the 30 day shred dvd, its really hard but if i do 20mins everyday i can guarantee atleast 2lbs loss that week!! i have lost 24 inches off my body since doing the dvd, might be worth a try!!!!
    All the best!!
    beckie x
  • rose313
    rose313 Posts: 1,146 Member
    Hi there! I know how you feel...I don't have a fertility issue but it has taken me 9 months to lose less than 5 pounds. I have tried so many things and my body didn't adjust to any of them. I am slowly figuring out what works and I know you will too. Don't ever give up!