After 3 Weeks of Daily Exercise My Clothes are TIGHTER!

My stats I'm 30 5'3" 245 and have been obese since I was very small, I've been working out daily for 3 weeks.. and although I've lost 10 pounds my weight fluctuates daily... its hard keeping my cals under 1800 I mostly eat chicken breast and wheat bread... I eat 5-6 meals anywhere from 200-400 cals each.... I mean I haven't lost any weight since the first week and my body looks like its severely gained.... I'm incredibly upset, as I have worked out twice a day for 3 weeks without a rest from anywhere 20+ to 90+ mins each..twice a day... blah 2+ week no loss...


  • ElizaGeorge
    ElizaGeorge Posts: 140 Member
    Are you sure you're not allergic to wheat or have a sensitivity to gluten?
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    can you open your dairy?

    is it possible that you;re eating more than you think you are eating? weight loss is more determined by your calories than your exercise.
  • fatchiick
    fatchiick Posts: 105
    Nope no wheat or gluten sensitivity... and plenty of rest and no medicine that causes weight retention...I'm thinking its the calories/food but even still there should be weight loss...
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    For people to advise on food, we really need to see what you're eating.

    Also if you've lost weight but your body appears bigger it is 99.9% likely water retention. It happens when you exercise. If you're exercising twice a day at 60-90 minutes you could also be over training your body.
  • fatchiick
    fatchiick Posts: 105
    can you open your dairy?

    is it possible that you;re eating more than you think you are eating? weight loss is more determined by your calories than your exercise.

    I think you're right about the cals.... I just signed up for this site.. so I haven't logged on here... but I make a pack of chicken breast its usually 2- 2 3/4 pounds in a pack ill cook it on the grill with salt an pepper and have 2 slices of bread and a little bbq sauce.. the package usually last 2 days.. sometimes ill have a happy cow ice cream for 140 cals... even with the bbq sauce, bread and ice cream... I shouldn't look and feel like this...
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    can you open your dairy?

    is it possible that you;re eating more than you think you are eating? weight loss is more determined by your calories than your exercise.

    This isn't true for everyone. For me, exercise is a million times more important than food. If I don't get exercise, I don't lose.
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Could be a portion control issue... Sometimes we think we are consuming less than we are ... You may POSSIBLY be one of the ones who really should eat MORE calories in order to lose... There is much written on this site about "starvation mode"... If you go too low, you could set that phenomenon off... I am not a big "Starvation mode" advocate but I do think in a few cases it may be a factor. Another thing... You may want to see your doctor to make sure you don't have hypo-active thyroid, fluid retention secondary to heart issues, etc... Only a doctor can make those determinations.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    can you open your dairy?

    is it possible that you;re eating more than you think you are eating? weight loss is more determined by your calories than your exercise.

    This isn't true for everyone. For me, exercise is a million times more important than food. If I don't get exercise, I don't lose.
    regardless if you;re eating over your maintenance then you arent going to lose. that was my point.

    i think sometimes people start an exercise program, assume that they are burning more calories than they actually are and incorrectly assume that they can eat however, cheat a little hear and there because the exercise makes up for it.
  • secretgirl4611
    secretgirl4611 Posts: 474 Member
    Well your body could be retaining water and that will easily make you look like you gained extra weight, your clothes will fit tighter and you will just feel horrible.. But you can easily lose water weight as well just keep working out and sweating.. Make sure you still drink 8 or more cups of water per day.. Cut out any other drinks just DRINK WATER ONLY... I know water sucks but it will get the job done.. Also, dont find out the hard way.. you say you have been working out 2x per day for 3 wks no rest? YOU COULD POSSBILY BE OVER TRAINING.. AND THATS NOT GOOD. Which your body is in freakout mode and wont lose ne pounds inches or nuthin...So, give at least 1-2 rest days and just walk or do nuthin.. then cont. to workout you know like Mon-Fri.. and always change up your routine. NEVER LET YOUR BODY GET USE TO YOUR WORKOUTS...

    Also, If you still are not losing weight it could be health related and to ppl around mid 20's- 30's and on..
    THYROID problems will easily make it to no matter what you are doin you will not lose weight.. so just make sure thats not an issue as well...

  • avafrisbee
    avafrisbee Posts: 234 Member
    Are you drinking enough water? If you are exercising 20-90 minutes twice a day you probably need a lot of water to keep your body from retaining so much. Without seeing your diary I can't comment on your food intake. But I would advise you to LOG EVERYTHING. Doesn't matter if it is just a hand full of popcorn, log it. Log black coffee (only 2 cals) log absolutely everything that goes into your mouth. When I first started I logged the bites of my sons food I took (to make sure the temp was right I'm not stealing my son's food).

    Also either log BEFORE you eat it or at least check the package before you eat it, I check packages before I buy it now. I have put down a lot of things or decided on something else because the calorie to quantity ratio was too high. My husband doesn't want me buying tortillas anymore because he snacks on them like they are chips and they're 200 cals each. My husband was astonished that his "snack" was 800-1000 calories.
  • missxjuicy
    missxjuicy Posts: 205 Member
    u havent logged yet? time to get to it lol
  • rcc1988
    rcc1988 Posts: 125 Member
    Is it possible your muscles are retaining water to try to help heal after all that exercise? My body does that sometimes, especially after an intense weighted workout - my shirts in particular will often be quite tight for a few days.

    Skipping a couple days in a row of exercise (or just exercising more gently, like walking) to heal and lowering my sodium intake + upping my water usually fixes it.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    I think you're right about the cals.... I just signed up for this site.. so I haven't logged on her

    If you haven't logged how do you know you're under calories? Losing weight is 70% food, 20% exercise and 10% mental. You can lose weight without exercising (though I don't recommend it. Exercise for health) but you can't outtrain a bad diet. I used to do heavy softball training as a teenager every day of the week. Fitness, pitching you name it. At best I maintained because I ate like crap.

    Start logging, measure your food and you'll be surprised what will happen.
  • furrina
    furrina Posts: 148 Member
    try chicken and broccoli instead of chicken and bread.
  • fatchiick
    fatchiick Posts: 105
    I think you're right about the cals.... I just signed up for this site.. so I haven't logged on her

    If you haven't logged how do you know you're under calories? Losing weight is 70% food, 20% exercise and 10% mental. You can lose weight without exercising (though I don't recommend it. Exercise for health) but you can't outtrain a bad diet. I used to do heavy softball training as a teenager every day of the week. Fitness, pitching you name it. At best I maintained because I ate like crap.

    Start logging, measure your food and you'll be surprised what will happen.
    I logg daily the old fashion way, with pen and paper lol its more therapeutic for me I guess...

    When I say I think its the cals I mean I literally think my body wants me to severely eat under my target goal.. I'm thinking 1000... whether I'm over or under by a couple hundred reall shouldn't matter because I'm not eating over 2500 and I'm exercising my butt off.... well on my butt looks huge now lmaoooo I do a lot of step aerobics I feel like I did yhe brazilian butt lift by accident lmaoo.. anyhow my food is premeasured/pre-prepared I take a pack of chicken breast cook it up and eat it over two days.. a couple slices from a loaf of bread, and bbq from a bottle..not much room for error.. if after 2 days a whole loaf or even a half is gone and a whole bottle of bbq id be like wait a min lol but its not the case I'm still working on the same bote of bbq and bread.. from more than 5 days ago....

    To the person who suggested broccoli great minds think a like lol.. because I woke up thinking that... my only concern is.. a slice of bread and broccoli aren't that big of a difference calories wise.. and my body should have no problems with the bread...I kinda just don't feel like tweaking something.. that shouldn't have to be tweaked, I mean really I can't have bread.. I wish that was the case...
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    When I say I think its the cals I mean I literally think my body wants me to severely eat under my target goal.. I'm thinking 1000... whether I'm over or under by a couple hundred reall shouldn't matter because I'm not eating over 2500 and I'm exercising my butt off.... well on my butt looks huge now lmaoooo I do a lot of step aerobics I feel like I did yhe brazilian butt lift by accident lmaoo.. anyhow my food is premeasured/pre-prepared I take a pack of chicken breast cook it up and eat it over two days.. a couple slices from a loaf of bread, and bbq from a bottle..not much room for error.. if after 2 days a whole loaf or even a half is gone and a whole bottle of bbq id be like wait a min lol but its not the case I'm still working on the same bote of bbq and bread..

    Why would your body want you to deprive it? You are not different. You are not special. Your body requires fuel to function properly. For someone of your size 1800 is the minimum it requires. I'm 227lb and have lost all my weight eating more than 1600 calories.
  • gnarlynoodle
    gnarlynoodle Posts: 99 Member
    a slice of bread and broccoli aren't that big of a difference calories wise

    There's a huge difference between broccoli and bread. Huge. If you feel that you want/need the bread why not try cutting back to one slice of bread (or even a half-slice) and having the broccoli? I would avoid eating the same thing every day. It's not hard to get burnt-out.
  • pkgirrl
    pkgirrl Posts: 587
    I'd definitely start with physically measuring out 2tbsp of barbeque sauce or less everytime you use it, the stuff is pretty much pure sugar, and at 30+ cals per tbsp, it could be quite easy to pile on an extra 200-300cals to your days without really realizing it.

    It also sounds like adding some more produce to your diet could be helpful, your body needs the nutrients it can only get from from fruit and vegetables to metabolize body fat, not to mention it will help keep you fuller on less, and keep your brain from sending your body false signals that you require more energy when you really only require more nutrients. Aim to eat a variety, take a stroll through the produce section of the grocery store, it's pretty much a dieter's candy aisle, and you really can't make a bad choice there.

    You're body also needs healthy fats, try adding some nuts, avocado, fish, and olive oil to your diet, just be mindful of the portion sizes.

    And last but not least, give yourself more credit. You're here, you've made the decision to lead a healthier lifestyle, and you're trying. That's more than half the battle :)
  • ishtar13
    ishtar13 Posts: 528 Member
    I think you're right about the cals.... I just signed up for this site.. so I haven't logged on her

    If you haven't logged how do you know you're under calories? Losing weight is 70% food, 20% exercise and 10% mental. You can lose weight without exercising (though I don't recommend it. Exercise for health) but you can't outtrain a bad diet. I used to do heavy softball training as a teenager every day of the week. Fitness, pitching you name it. At best I maintained because I ate like crap.

    Start logging, measure your food and you'll be surprised what will happen.
    I logg daily the old fashion way, with pen and paper lol its more therapeutic for me I guess...

    When I say I think its the cals I mean I literally think my body wants me to severely eat under my target goal.. I'm thinking 1000... whether I'm over or under by a couple hundred reall shouldn't matter because I'm not eating over 2500 and I'm exercising my butt off.... well on my butt looks huge now lmaoooo I do a lot of step aerobics I feel like I did yhe brazilian butt lift by accident lmaoo.. anyhow my food is premeasured/pre-prepared I take a pack of chicken breast cook it up and eat it over two days.. a couple slices from a loaf of bread, and bbq from a bottle..not much room for error.. if after 2 days a whole loaf or even a half is gone and a whole bottle of bbq id be like wait a min lol but its not the case I'm still working on the same bote of bbq and bread.. from more than 5 days ago....

    To the person who suggested broccoli great minds think a like lol.. because I woke up thinking that... my only concern is.. a slice of bread and broccoli aren't that big of a difference calories wise.. and my body should have no problems with the bread...I kinda just don't feel like tweaking something.. that shouldn't have to be tweaked, I mean really I can't have bread.. I wish that was the case...

    A slice of bread and a cup of broccoli are HUGELY different. Depending on the bread, you're looking at 80-120 cals a slice, with a small amount of fiber. With a cup of broccoli, you're looking at only 30 cals. You can eat 4 cups of broccoli instead of one slice of bread plus you get iron and calcium and other good stuff (fiber!). That's a LOT of broccoli (I can't eat more than about 1.5 cups at a time.)

    Over 2 lbs of chicken in 2 days?

    Are you measuring each portion when you eat it? I was very surprised to find that a 4 oz serving of chicken was about half of a breast; depending on the breast, it could be less. 2 lbs is 16 ounces, that's 4 four-ounce servings. so, ok for lunch and dinner, fine; I suppose I can see that.

    I'm your height and 42 years old. I started at 196 lbs fairly recently.

    One thing my doc and nutritionist have me doing is taking a fiber supplement before meals, three times a day. It makes you feel full faster and helps eliminate waste if you aren't getting enough fiber in your diet. And if you aren't eating any veggies, you aren't getting enough fiber.

    I think you need more variety in your diet. Tuna, eggs, salmon, spinach, broccoli, salads or broth before the meal fruit as a snack. . .

    Have you checked with a doctor or nutritionist before starting to try to do this, just to check for underlying issues (insulin resistance, thyroid issues, anemia?)
  • fatchiick
    fatchiick Posts: 105
    all the advice about mrasuring is nice, but I thibk certain things don't need to be measure... ig there are 16 servings in a bottle and use the bottle 5 times a day for a week and is still half full.. obviously I'm not evening using the full serving that I'm counting, if I have 2 lbs of chicken and eat half the pack one day and half the pack the next day more chicken didn't magically appear lol... so if anything I was overestimating my cals...

    But anyhow yesterday I changed it up I didn't realize I had been eating chicken for so long with no results so I upped my fat and cals... probably ate 2500 cals...

    And only exercised once for 40 mins....

    So my plan is to through everything I learned out the window... no eating less than 1500 cals, more exercise is better, fat is bad, lean meats and salads lol....

    ill eat healthy I'm not running out to mcdonalds or Papa Johns but just if I want cheese or a tortilla or even a bite just a bite lol of chocolate its okay... and certainly not anymore tedious 5-6 meals a day....