50 DAYS! Insignifigant weight loss!
Yes, inches are gone, ten to be exact, but come on! If I am suppose to be loosing weight, then why am I the same? I rarely weigh myself, but felt the need. NOTHING...I will measure again at the end of the month.

I work out 30 min four days a week, burning 300-490 calories. Two days cardio, two days strength. I am eating half the exercise calories back, I am eating 1500 calories on a normal day. I have tried less, more, I am at a true loss.

I lost weight before, and now its like moving sludge. Yes my indurance is increasing, yes I feel better, and yes happy about inches, but the weight should be moving and I have no clue why.

Very concerned.


  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    So you've gotten physically and visibly smaller, right? But the number on the scale, which no one sees but you, hasn't changed? I don't see a problem here. Water weight is probably masking any fat loss.
  • donniesaurous
    donniesaurous Posts: 176 Member
    i'd happily drop a dress size and stay the same weight, it's only a number, but i dress shape is about loving your figure!
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    I think you need to get your priorities straight. So if you dropped 15 lbs but your measurements all stayed the same, you'd be happier??
  • xraylady33
    xraylady33 Posts: 222 Member
    Somewhat smaller, tighter, but really, not that great. It has really got me upset.
  • Justjoshin
    Justjoshin Posts: 999 Member
    So you'd rather look worse, and have a small scale number?
  • xraylady33
    xraylady33 Posts: 222 Member
    I think you need to get your priorities straight. So if you dropped 15 lbs but your measurements all stayed the same, you'd be happier??

    No, not at all, but I need to drop the pounds for insurance etc. If my BMI was better, I would be ok. Its more about 50 days with limited success, and I am overwhelmed with information.

    MY PRIORITIES...? Getting through graduation with my only child!
  • GasMasterFlash
    GasMasterFlash Posts: 2,206 Member
    Stop now, before you lose more inches!!!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    If you are sure your scale is accurate then you are probably retaining water. If you haven't been weighing yourself regularly, I would begin doing so, at least for a while. Weight can fluctuate quite a bit due to water, especially in women.
  • Dozrzz
    Dozrzz Posts: 245
    I get where you're coming from. After working hard we expect to see at least some results in the number on the scale. I don't know much about why it isn't going down but keep working at it! I do know that if you stop working at it then it will probably go up, and we certainly don't want that.

    have you tried looking at your sodium? When I stop losing it is usually when I have had too much sodium the last few days and so I'm holding on to a lot of weight...
  • xraylady33
    xraylady33 Posts: 222 Member
    Point is being misunderstood.
    Shouldn't my weight go down?
  • debloves2ride
    debloves2ride Posts: 386
    you are probably replacing fat with muscle, muscle weighs more. so you won't see a loss in weight, but inches. I would think that is a good thing
  • kitkatkmt
    kitkatkmt Posts: 178 Member
    BMI is not that reliable of a number. If you're losing inches but not losing pounds, you're likely gaining muscle; muscle weighs more than fat, so you're not seeing the scale move as much as you would like. Chances are, you're more toned and stronger?
  • LindaCWy
    LindaCWy Posts: 463 Member
    If you are sure your scale is accurate then you are probably retaining water. If you haven't been weighing yourself regularly, I would begin doing so, at least for a while. Weight can fluctuate quite a bit due to water, especially in women.

    I really love being a woman...
  • xraylady33
    xraylady33 Posts: 222 Member
    Stop now, before you lose more inches!!!

    Really? so ignorant.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    I just flipped back through a few weeks of your diary. You seem to be fairly inconsistent in terms of your calorie intake, and some days aren't logged at all. How about starting today, and for the next 50 days, log every day, and hit your numbers are precisely as possible. You may need to make some tweaks and adjustments, but you can only really do that with confidence after you've built up some consistent logging history.
  • adamb83
    adamb83 Posts: 719 Member
    you are probably replacing fat with muscle, muscle weighs more. so you won't see a loss in weight, but inches. I would think that is a good thing

    Oh, lord.
  • yojibalinese
    Reduce sodium. If you see no weight loss, I bet you're retaining water. You want to stay UNDER 1500 mg if possible. If not, exercise more or drink more water. Your body is holding onto excess water because you've too much sodium in your diet.
  • xraylady33
    xraylady33 Posts: 222 Member
    BTW...I take a diuretic each day.
  • GasMasterFlash
    GasMasterFlash Posts: 2,206 Member
    you are probably replacing fat with muscle, muscle weighs more.
  • Revenga1980
    Revenga1980 Posts: 63
    I had that same issue and I felt like I was working my butt off for nothing but when I compared pictures of me from before I started and now I can see significant progress I'm smaller and tighter. The scale says I weigh more now than I did before I started but hey I look a thousand times better. Don't focus on the scale it is deceiving instead concentrate on the inches you've lost that means your losing fat and you're liking gaining muscle too which is good because it will burn more calories at rest and you'll get into shape even faster. Be proud of yourself you're doing great!