


  • kellysue48
    kellysue48 Posts: 24 Member
    maybe your pregnant
  • kellysue48
    kellysue48 Posts: 24 Member
    Are you eating enough calories? The right kinds of foods? I used to get headaches/migraines very frequently. For me they went away when I cut out fatty foods, processed foods, prepared meals, artificial sweetners, drank more water and upped my calories to my TDEE minus a 500 calorie deficit. Before I was eating about 1300 calories which was too low for my activity level and I felt terrible.

    When I upped my calories to about 1850 (my TDEE, 2349 minus a 500 calorie deficit) I immediatley felt better.

    It has been quite a while now since I've had a headache/migraine since I've made these changes.
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    Make sure you're eating enough. Eating too little can cause headaches too.
  • kellysue48
    kellysue48 Posts: 24 Member
    Yep....still trying to do the math on that one. I did up it from 1200 to 1220 for fear of going up to much because i am not active some days and super active on others. Going through alot of adjusting to get it right. Thanks :smile:
  • kellysue48
    kellysue48 Posts: 24 Member
    the hahaha comment was for the pregnant question
  • I get terrible migraines on a fairly regular basis. They cannot be avoided and are usually triggered by the most random things. I hope that you find out what causes yours and find a solution for it soon! I know how miserable headaches are.

    Best of luck to you!!!
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    i get headaches if I have not eaten enough

    solution: eat

    -or- make sure you don't have high blood pressure?
  • valeriebpdx
    valeriebpdx Posts: 497 Member
    I get headaches when I don't eat enough, plain and simple. I am not speaking to whether or not they cause headaches, and I am not being defensive because I use artificial sweeteners--I don't, because I think they taste bad--but there have never been any studies that show they are harmful. The one many years ago where people freaked because saccharine caused cancer in rats was not applicable to humans, and there have been many trials since with no evidence of harm. it just annoys me when people spout falsehoods and call it advice.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,314 Member
    I get headaches when I don't eat enough, plain and simple. I am not speaking to whether or not they cause headaches, and I am not being defensive because I use artificial sweeteners--I don't, because I think they taste bad--but there have never been any studies that show they are harmful. The one many years ago where people freaked because saccharine caused cancer in rats was not applicable to humans, and there have been many trials since with no evidence of harm. it just annoys me when people spout falsehoods and call it advice.

    Cancer=/= headaches.

    Artificial sweeteners have been proven to be a migraine trigger. Unless you have seen as many Neurologists/Endocrinlogists/ER Docs/Internal Medicine Docs as I have, then maybe you have different experiences. Headaches and Migraines are two entirely different issues. Aritficial sweeteners do trigger migraines. And I would die before I'd purposely trigger one. It annoys me when people spout falsehoods and call it advice.
  • AshleyDawn84
    AshleyDawn84 Posts: 2 Member
    I have a hard time drinking water to. I don't like the taste. I normally put Crystal Light in my water, but if your trying to avoid sugar and sugar replacements, lemon slices, lime slices or cucumber slices work great as well. I also find that I have a hard time drinking water if I drink it by the glass or by the single bottle. The way I got around that was to by a 1.5 liter (aprox. 6 8oz glasses) bottle of water and drink it through the work day. Even if I wasn't thirsty, every couple of minutes I would have a mouthful. That way, I only had to make sure to have a glass of water with breakfast and with supper.
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    I get headaches terribly when I wean myself off of sugar. But it's usually gone within 3 days. A month is a long time, are you eating something new that you could possibly have a sensitivity too?
  • Rhea30
    Rhea30 Posts: 625 Member
    I really struggle with getting 8 glasses of water in. I get in about 4 to 6 most days. I try to add some kind of water flavor that you put in your bottled water. Or a little juice just for flavor. I was adding a packet of sweetener to each bottle...but as some have suggested , that may be the problem :/

    Probably dehydration. When you had cut out your caffeinated drinks you had cut out your source of water.
  • ttaylor68913
    ttaylor68913 Posts: 320 Member
    aspartame gives me migrains... found in light yogurt, diet soda etc
  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    MSG if you are eating processed food, dehydration, artificial sweeteners. Just a few ideas. GL narrowing it down-- I know that can be really miserable.
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    also check your seasonings for MSG, it's hidden in a lot of mixes.
    aspartame (phenylalanine) is found in most sugar free items

    always check the labels~
  • tacticalhippie
    tacticalhippie Posts: 596 Member
    I was going to suggest MSG.
    It's listed as MANY different things.

    Found it in my protein bars...
  • valeriebpdx
    valeriebpdx Posts: 497 Member
    I SAID I am not speaking to whether or not they cause headaches,

    Cancer=/= headaches.

    Artificial sweeteners have been proven to be a migraine trigger. Unless you have seen as many Neurologists/Endocrinlogists/ER Docs/Internal Medicine Docs as I have, then maybe you have different experiences. Headaches and Migraines are two entirely different issues. Aritficial sweeteners do trigger migraines. And I would die before I'd purposely trigger one. It annoys me when people spout falsehoods and call it advice.

    Somebody above said something general about artifical sweeteners being harmful to the body in a wholesale way. I also get migraines and they suck, and I don't use artificial sweeteners. If you know they trigger your migraines, don't use them. I am allergic to eggplant--it affects me in a real and hideous way--but I don't go around like an a-hole demanding that no one eat it because it's poison.
  • KattWms
    KattWms Posts: 17
    Seems like you already got a lot of good answers. My experience has been the same.... basically low sugar and not enough water. So I have change it up a bit. Let us know what you finally did to get rid of your headaches!
  • rides4sanity
    rides4sanity Posts: 1,269 Member
    No.1 culprit = dehydration
    No.2 culprit = low blood sugars

    Try drinking more and eating more (or more frequently) and see if it helps.

    If not, go and see your doctor.

    If you aren't replacing your previous caffeinated beverages with something I'd put my money on dehydration. Since you are still having coffe in the am, probably not withdraw.
  • DPernet
    DPernet Posts: 481 Member
    Probably not enough liquid or not enough food, but if you're anything like me, then you're going to worry it might be something serious. If you are worried at all, go see your Doctor. They can tell fairly quickly if there is a problem or not. Peace of mind is wayyyy better than sitting there thinking you're going to die :wink:

    I started my diet on New years Day. End of January, beginning of February I had 2 episodes of major palpitations, really scary stuff.

    Swift journey to the emergency room, 2 EKG's, an Echocardiogram and a 72 hour Heart Monitor followed as well as quite a few blood tests. Then one of the doctors happened to ask in passing if I had changed my diet in the last couple of months. I replied "Of course. I'm trying to lose weight!!"

    Doctor then proceeded to explain that some people can have palpitations caused by artificial sweeteners. I had of course cut out all forms of sugar and swapped to Truvia as part of my weight loss 'program'. I stopped using the stuff and haven't had any palpitations since. Boy do I feel stupid :laugh: But at least now I know my heart is perfectly healthy :smokin: