Anyone familiar with Kettlebell workouts?



  • peuglow
    peuglow Posts: 684 Member
    All I can say is be careful! I was using a kettle bell pretty steady, and hurt my back pretty bad. haven't been the same since... I honestly wouldn't suggest those workout to anyone... not really worth it. Or you will end up like me stuck walking on a treadmill. Good luck!!
    This is the problem with a lot of people, they don't learn the proper form and hurt their back. Any weight training, especially for beginners, should at least be introduced by a pro!
  • SteffieMark
    SteffieMark Posts: 1,723 Member
    Let me start by saying that I have arthritis in my lower back. A little less than 3 months ago, I couldn't stand straight up or walk for more than two minutes. I decided to change that. I started slowly using a small kettlebell and could barely do anything with it. As the time went by and my stamina increased, my pain also lessened and I got stronger. I can now do all of Gin Miller's Kettlebell workouts, back to back. That's 52 minutes total. Between using the Kettlebells and walking, I am now standing straight and can walk for an hour at a time. I walk from 4 to 6+ miles a day now! I didn't, but I recommend you checking with your doctor if you have pain and get the ok from them.

    About Kettlebells... I started out with a Danskin 5# Kettlebell. It comes with a Gin Miller workout DvD that I absolutely love! Then I graduated to Bob Harper 7# and 10#, plus his workout, which comes with his Contour Kettlebells. Gin's is easier and I think, more fun. Bob's is almost too much for me to take. lol I would definitely recommend using Kettlebells. They make me feel stronger!

    My opinions on the different ones that I own... I prefer the feel of the Danskin Kettlebells in my hand, not cold, easy to hold onto. The Bob Harper Countour Kettlebells are cool because they rest easier on your arm. But, I don't spend a ton of time with them 'resting. The handle is also cold steel and not as comfortable to hold.
  • jonski1968
    jonski1968 Posts: 4,498 Member
    have a look for this guy on the internet...Pavel Tsatsouline

    Bloody awesome..
  • trinitylyons01
    trinitylyons01 Posts: 126 Member
    I saw someone above mention not doing kettlebells if you have back problems... If your form is correct, you shouldn't be using your back at all. Most of the philosophy behind kettlebell workouts is using your whole body to move the weight. I had back surgery a little over 2 years ago, and I had great luck with kettlebells - really increased my strength and stamina. Just make sure you are doing it right. Unless you've trained with a pro, I really don't think they are a good at-home workout. So many people do it wrong, and can really get injured. Even the videos/DVDs I've seen aren't great unless they come from Art of Strength. Just my two cents...

    Actually, I bought a KettleWorx at home DVD set and a kettlebell to do the workouts. The person who created these workouts actually gives you an introduction video and explains proper form in detail. He demonstrates the different moves and what you body (butt, back, legs, etc) should be doing and how they should be positioned with every move. I am a big girl and I have not had any problems with my back. Also, I noticed my muscles responding to these workouts from day one. I can't speak for other videos but if you take time to learn how to do the moves properly and don't sacrifice form when doing them Kettleworx is an awesome way to tighten and tone muscles. I would highly recommend it.

    Good Luck!
  • Abells
    Abells Posts: 756 Member
    super versatile weight :) if you are not feeling too much maybe use a higher weight (what size you have?)

    check out tons of lifts from

    American swings
    Russian Swings
    squats to overhead press
    turkish get ups (works a lot of muscles)
    KB cleans
    Figure 8s (awesome!)
    Man Makers
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    I use the kettlebell within my workouts at the gym. Here are a few -- love them!!! 1) you swing the kettlebell between your legs and up above your head --- you have to squat while doing this. 2) you squat to pick up off the floor with one hand and lift above your head (like you were putting something up on a shelf) and then squat back down bringing it to the floor and changing hands. If you can't lift above your head bring up to your chin. 3) holding it out in front of you while doing squats. 4) what we call "farmers walk" and you tote the kettlebell over your head (keeping your posture straight) or we have had two of them and hold down to our sides. 5) side sit-up -- lay on the floor with left knee up, kettlebell in right hand and straight above your head and then sit-up aiming to your left side while keeping your arm straight, then repeat with the other hand. Hope this helps.

    I have done all of the above. There are lots of workouts and doing the same one week in and week out is boring, and eventually won't work as well as it did in the beginning. Look for different workout challenges. in a cardio class that meets three times a week, we only did the K-bells once. We did some other stuff with bosu balls, medicine balls and plain old calisthenics.

    The key is mixing it up as often as you can.
  • jenluvsushi
    jenluvsushi Posts: 933 Member
    Do lots of research on google (not here).....the instructor that you chose (or DVD) should be from a Russian Kettlebell certified instructor to receive proper training on form. You can really hurt yourself if your form is not on point......I love Tracy Reifkind's DVD Give and Take but it doesn't teach form. There are some decent form tutorials on youtube but a real life RKC instructor is best. Kettlebell swing is one of the hardest workouts I've can burn up to 1200 calories an hour doing an intense workout. Best of luck!
  • jennylee1219
  • sbeisel1
    sbeisel1 Posts: 181
    I LOVE MY Kettle bells. I ordered the KettleWorX DVD's. The coaching and videos are easy to follow and after a few weeks, Hubby reluctantly joined in, he thought they looked too easy, boy was he surprised. now he looks forward to the challenge . I find that I now need a heavier bell, so will be picking one up. make sure to follow all instructions and "squeeze" when told to. he often says every time you stand up from a squat sqeeeze those butt muscles. also squeeze the handles tightly the tighter the grip the more mucles you use in your arms.

    if you want better results make sure to use a heavy enought but not too heavy bell.

    kettle bell every other day, cardio on alternate days. that is what is reccomended by the KettleWorX. I feel it a day after for sure, if I dont then I know I diddnt work hard enough.
  • KettleBellHoe
    KettleBellHoe Posts: 161

    I love kettle bell super fat burning and strengthens your entire body
  • sbeisel1
    sbeisel1 Posts: 181
    The KettleWorX dvd's mix it up enough that you are not doing the exact same thing every day. right now one day is core, next is cardio and last is resistance. there are also target workouts, legs, abs, arms & shoulders and back.
  • goldenpawz99
    Hey everyone....thanks for your replies! Lots of good input. I will incorporate more work outs in a week. I currently am a beginner at it and I'm doing Kettlnetics by Michele Kai. Her form and instruction is really good. I follow along pretty well. I was also interested in the Kettleworx too. I will check out YouTube also. Thanks again!
  • peuglow
    peuglow Posts: 684 Member
    Do lots of research on google (not here).....the instructor that you chose (or DVD) should be from a Russian Kettlebell certified instructor to receive proper training on form. You can really hurt yourself if your form is not on point......I love Tracy Reifkind's DVD Give and Take but it doesn't teach form. There are some decent form tutorials on youtube but a real life RKC instructor is best. Kettlebell swing is one of the hardest workouts I've can burn up to 1200 calories an hour doing an intense workout. Best of luck!
    that's what I'm saying! My coack is RKC, and he's a brute!
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    Make sure the instructor is RKC certified or at the very least has a specialty kettlebell certification or other training. Personally, I'm not kettlebell certified but have taken a specialty CEC in using kettlebells for rehabilitation so that I can use them with some of my clients who specifically need that type of training. Unfortunately, however, there are a lot of trainers out there who think their personal training certification or group exercise certification will allow them to teach kettlebell work and it doesn't. Jillian and Bob, I know aren't specially trained in kettlebells so I would avoid anything by either of them if you want the proper form. Art of Strength is good, Pavel is the best. I wouldn't trust anything by Crossfit because they are known by actual exercise physiologists as not using proper form because of working more for speed. So, rule number 1, find an RKC certified instructor. Rule number 2, slow down and do the move properly so that you can use them to heal injuries instead of to cause them.
  • james_macneil
    james_macneil Posts: 2 Member
    I started traning KB's at my MMA gym about 6 mo. ago and they are my favorite. My fiance and I are working with a good friend Tracy Reifkind. She just came out with a book called The Swing. She has an amazing success story and lost CRAZY weight with just a good diet and KB swings. Check her out. If your in the Northen CA area, she does classes and privates.

    Oh and she is RKC also.
  • sarahharmintx
    sarahharmintx Posts: 868 Member
    I bought KettleWorx and Im going to start it tonight. FYI - Target has it for $49 vs $89 + shipping from the manufacturer.
  • EchoOfYourPast
    EchoOfYourPast Posts: 459 Member
    I recently bought the Kettle Worx DVD set with the 5 lb. Kettle bell. I really enjoy the workouts...hoping to do more of them once i finish the 30-day shred. I think once i start doing them more frequently i will get a heavier kettle bell.

    Sandra :)
  • goldenpawz99
    I bought KettleWorx and Im going to start it tonight. FYI - Target has it for $49 vs $89 + shipping from the manufacturer.

    Hey...thanks! I'll check into Target!