i need tips on binging pronto! i DO NOT want to binge this week, please help! i really am serious about getting rid of binging completly, although i have a mild case of ounce amost every week, i still want to beat it! it prevents weight loss! any tips, ideas anything!!!!???? it would be greaatly appreciated!


  • SnazzyTraveller
    SnazzyTraveller Posts: 457 Member
    i am no expert, but i also tend to eat a lot of sweet and fatty things in small periods of time (dont know what qualifies as a binge...) and ive been told to think of the part of you thats craving the things that arent good for u as a "monster"... a bad little thing growing insdie of you. and the only way for "it" to die is to "not feed it". hope this is not taken in a wrong way- not about starving yourself! just killing that spontaneous voice that tells you to eat that extra bar of chocolate. good luck! i have yet to conquer the little monster inside of me.
  • hheater
    hheater Posts: 52 Member
    Make sure you're eating enough...and letting yourself have some of the foods that you crave! Don't deprive yourself. Make sure you're eating above your BMR so that you're not hungry and prone to binge. Also...if you get the munchies, it helps me to choose ONE munchie and have a serving. And then have a cup of something hot, like tea. That way it give my mouth something to do, but it takes some time. :) Hope that helps at least a bit.
  • atjays
    atjays Posts: 797 Member
    Focus on being healthier and becoming more fit. Spend more time in the gym and less time worrying about food. You're at a healthy weight and judging by your info, you have already seen the downsides to eating disorders. The scale is just a number, it's not going to help you like yourself and feel confident if you don't take care of yourself first.
  • Kenzietea2
    Kenzietea2 Posts: 1,132 Member
    I believe there is a binge support group on here :) Join it! Lots of helpful tips and ways to overcome the urge.
  • CoffeeNBooze
    CoffeeNBooze Posts: 966 Member
    You know what helps me? Eating healthier food. I find I don't even want to binge if I eat healthy, organic, tasty food. I mean it! Even just protein (I'm a total carb fanatic)...give your body what it needs. Exercise plenty too, find something you enjoy and do it like it's your daily job...that will help compensate for any extra calories. Focus on what is causing you to binge and combat it boredom? Depriving yourself of foods you want? Have them and treat yourself so you don't binge later. Also...keep "trigger" foods out of the house. For example, I can't have cookies in the house or the whole bag will be gone in two days, and that's me being good with them!
    I hope this helps. I know how painful (physically and emotionally) binging is.
  • cindyhoney2
    cindyhoney2 Posts: 603 Member
    I have to agree w/TiaBia. I can't hve choolate covered donuts in the house b/c I know I will eat them. So instead I eat healty, fruits, veggies, lean meats and I exercise. I love Zumba and I'm actually looking forward to Zumba in the morning.
    Fill that craving occasionally or you will binge for sure.
  • I haven't been on this site very long. But today I messed up. Wasn't feeling good, mother's day, etc, etc. But I'm not going to let it get me down. When I'm tired I tend to think I deserve a few extra goodies. NOT SO!!!!! As one of the bloggers said, The MONSTER is rearing it's ugly head. So, tomorrow I will get up, put today behind me and stay within my limits. We all make mistakes and they are to teach us how to do better. Don't beat yourself up. Just find ways that help when the binging hits. It happens to all of us.
  • toriaenator
    toriaenator Posts: 423 Member
    ^ i agree! make sure you're eating enough, for some reason MFP thinks 1200 cals is the magic number but for most people this is way too low, especially if you aren't eating back any exercise cals!

    also cutting out the processed foods and refined sugars altogether for a while will help a lot. i forced myself to stay away from anything like brownies, cookies, bagels, etc for a few months. now i am to the point where i can eat a controlled amount to treat myself without feeling the need to pig out!

    hope this helps :) oh and also try eating an apple slices...weird but they take a long time to eat, and fill you up!
  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    People who binge usually eat a lot of processed foods, or they eat very low calorie. Both cases, nutritional needs aren't met.

    I disagree. I binge because eating fills an emotional need. I've trained that lovely dopamine-reward pathway in my brain to respond to food :( Actually, my parents helped with that one. And, come to think of it, 10,000 years of evolution have helped me become hard-wired to respond to food and over-eating too with lovely 'feel good' hormones.

    I imagine a lot of people are similar in that it has absolutely nothing to do with how processed their food is and everything to do with being human.

    That said, OP, you can do this :) Just pick yourself up when you fall. Keep trying. You'll re-train yourself. Best wishes!
  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    People who binge usually eat a lot of processed foods, or they eat very low calorie. Both cases, nutritional needs aren't met.

    P.S. I do agree that eating processed food and or eating low calorie makes you more likely to binge. I'm just saying that it's not the only thing going on and people binge who eat plenty (like me) and who also eat reasonably healthy.
  • k0vieira
    k0vieira Posts: 7
    thanks so much all of you! this is great advice, i really appreciate it! today is a new day and i'm gunna really try this week, try and sucseed, thanks again for the support, it means the world to me! :D
  • Megdmcda
    Megdmcda Posts: 273 Member
    Make sure you're eating enough...and letting yourself have some of the foods that you crave! Don't deprive yourself. Make sure you're eating above your BMR so that you're not hungry and prone to binge. Also...if you get the munchies, it helps me to choose ONE munchie and have a serving. And then have a cup of something hot, like tea. That way it give my mouth something to do, but it takes some time. :) Hope that helps at least a bit.

    i like that idea. very good advice
  • bm99
    bm99 Posts: 597 Member
    Sometimes, like once a month or so, I get the emotional need to feel full at all costs. I have no idea why I feel this way. What I have done is sit down with a bag of carrots and pig out. Or celery, or cabbage. It fulfills the emotional need and only makes a tiny dent in my diet. Is it as satisfying as sitting down with a bag of cheetos and going to town? Of course not, but it'll do the job.
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    See if you can figure out what triggers them. Is it at work? Watching TV at home? etc. That will help you control them.

    Make sure that you're not eating at too big a deficit. It adds up to a much better weightloss if you're at -500 per day and hit your target than if you're at -1000 per day and go +3000 twice a week.