Diet shakes for extra Protein or My Protein whey powder?

MinkyMoo13 Posts: 354 Member
So i have about 30 Celebrity Slim shake mixes left from when i used them 18 months ago.. I want to get extra protein into my diet.. Should it be ok to use these or would i be best flogging them on eBay and getting some Whey powder from My Proetin?

The Celeb Slim Shakes are 214 calories so are quite high.. I don't know if a diet shake is just a protein shake??

Per 55g Serving it has;

Energy 896KJ
Protein 18.9g
Fat, Total 2.4g
- as saturates 1.2g
Carb total 28.4g
- as sugars 25.9g
diertry fibre, total 0.32g
sodium 0.21g

And so on..


  • Jillian130
    Jillian130 Posts: 174 Member
    I would go with a Whey Protein Prowder. Diet shakes have WAY too much sugar in them, and excess sugar is stored in your body as fat. Or better yet, eat more protein in the form of eggs, cottage cheese, lean chicken, turkey etc. But definitley I would stear clear of any diet shakes.
  • Mishka84
    Mishka84 Posts: 17
    I usually have a slim fast shake in a morning (which look to have about the same nutritional value) as I don't really enjoy eating first thing in the morning. I use them for the milk, vitamins and nutrients but they are really high carb full of sugar!! So I just got a kilo bag of Myprotein Impact Whey Protein (choc mint) delivered today which I'll have with milk at breakfast instead and water after a workout. I've tried a few recently, so i'll see how I get on with that! Its got more protein (40g and 200cals if you use water and two scoops of powder) and very little carbs or fat.

    The diet shakes are sold as a meal replacement, giving you a third of your RDA (but too much sugar), whereas the protein shakes are a supplement to your diet to make it a bit easier to consume more protein for muscle building and recovery.

    I'd say sell the shakes and get some protein its better for you in the long run, probably works out cheaper too, bonus!:happy:
  • MinkyMoo13
    MinkyMoo13 Posts: 354 Member
    Thanks Guys i thought that's what you would say :happy: