is there a new normal?

marbra85 Posts: 6 Member
Question for anyone with the knowledge to answer. Wondering if there is any merit to this thought process or nothing to worry about.

The recommended calories to eat per day to lose weight for me is 1200. After maintaining this caloric input for weeks/months/ etc, does my body eventually take it as the "new normal" and resist weight loss?


  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,023 Member
    Just an observation: It seems everyone has the same weight, lifetyle, age with the amount of times this site recommends 1200 calories. I thought that was strange.

    As far a 1200 becoming your new maintenance level.......I can only say I hope not because that would mean your BMR is basically in the basement, not a good thing going forward.
  • bsinno
    bsinno Posts: 358 Member
    search for the "eat more to weigh less group" its been a fantastic resource and really opened my eyes up to what i was doing to myself at 1200, how i was setting myself up for "failure" once i resumed "normal" eating and why i kept stalling at those dreadful plateaus!!!
  • marbra85
    marbra85 Posts: 6 Member
    Interesting, and some good feedback, thank you! I would like to say I am consistent at staying at the 1200 calorie mark, but come the weekends I fall off the wagon! I also found it strange that most people get the same 1200 calorie recommendation for weight loss...
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    it may be that the people getting a 1200 calorie suggestion do not have much to lose. I have about 65-70 pounds to lose, and my calories are set at 1540.
  • rockinright
    rockinright Posts: 241
    Unless you already weigh under about 135-140, I think 1200 is too low. Even at that weight your maintenance calories should be a bit higher than that.