5'1" starting weight 170 - FRUSTRATED

Okay so I have been on an "on again, off again" ""diet""... I have been working out 5 days a week and drinking tons more water than I used to...so far with no weight loss!!! I am so stinkin' frustrated!!! I dont know what else to do.. i want/need to lose 30-40 pounds and I dont know what else to do...Looking for hints - meal plans - ideas!!! HELP!!


  • LoTaylor86
    LoTaylor86 Posts: 4 Member
    We're in the same boat as far as height is concerned and I too want to lose about 35lbs. What are you eating now and how are you working out? Do you think you're building muscle and that's taking the place of the number on the scale? Do you feel like your losing inches? Are you consistent? Let's be friends....then we can motivate each other!
  • LoTaylor86
    LoTaylor86 Posts: 4 Member
    P.S....I saw that' you've lost 5lbs...way to go!!
  • yarmiah
    yarmiah Posts: 325 Member
    Would be easier to give diet suggestions if your diary were viewable.

    What I do know is that weightloss comes more from your eating habits than gym habits.
  • lirpa2011
    lirpa2011 Posts: 8
    @ yarmiah I opened up my profile - hopefully you can see it now :) I would appreciate any advice you can give me...

    I will say - although I have not been very good at recording my eating habits (I am working on improving that)...I have made a concerted effort to not snack during the day and I have drastically increased my water intake. I also live in a household of very particular eaters so cooking for everyone and then worrying about what I am eating is difficult. However, I am willing to do that if it means getting to and staying at my goal weight...:smile: