Hello, guys!

My name is Ana, I am a 23 year old, from Brazil, and have just started my journey to living healthy!
Feel free to follow my inspiration blog on http://ill-be-fit.tumblr.com/.
let's do it!


  • marirocks225
    marirocks225 Posts: 18 Member
    hello !! im new here too but, have lost 15lbs so far ! you can do it !! :)
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    Oi Anna. Bem-vindo. Voce gosta de futebol?
  • GasMasterFlash
    GasMasterFlash Posts: 2,206 Member
    i loe brazil food they have brazil food here it like a meet buffet they bring the meets to your table on long sords good luck
  • Okdesisto
    Okdesisto Posts: 3
    hello !! im new here too but, have lost 15lbs so far ! you can do it !! :)
    15 lbs since november? Congratulations! ^^
    Oi Anna. Bem-vindo. Voce gosta de futebol?
    Olá, obrigada pelas boas-vindas. Eu gosto de futebol, mas prefiro vôlei ou handball, que eu costumava jogar no colégio. :)
    i loe brazil food they have brazil food here it like a meet buffet they bring the meets to your table on long sords good luck
    I love brazilian food too! But the thing is: you gotta control yourself, its too difficult to stop eating it. :P