how to satisfy the period "tapeworm"



  • AliceKlaar
    AliceKlaar Posts: 275 Member
    Haha, I know exactly what you mean! Even though I crave sweet stodgy stuff, I try to stay away from processed sugar and carbs and I do find that dried apricots, dark chocolate and oats all help with the cravings. I also take an iron supplement.
  • dancer77
    dancer77 Posts: 249 Member
    I'm struggling with that right now too! For this week I'm re-setting my goals from losing 2lbs a week to losing 1lb and trying to have a 3500cal deficit by the end of the week. My deficient for today is only 200 and I exercised for over an hour! Ha. Oh, the tapeworm! That is so terribly accurate!
  • Athena98501
    Athena98501 Posts: 716 Member
    I apologize if this is TMI for some people, but I'm quite curious as to what the answers will be!
    Just before and during my 'lady time' every month, I become viciously hungry. And I don't mean just craving chocolate or sweets, but actually hungry!
    Tell me how YOU survive that time of the month without blowing your calorie-count/diet plan/healthy eating?

    I wonder if you might have a deficiency of some specific nutrient. The only one that springs to mind is iron, but I'm sure there are other possibilities. You might check whether you get enough of the various nutrients by MFP standards, at least.
  • sizzle92
    sizzle92 Posts: 1,015 Member
    OMG this is me today! Not cravings, just HUNGRY! :(
  • lau444
    lau444 Posts: 120 Member
    Funny you made this topic today since I've been ravenous for the past three days. My only solution has been to simply eat more. Luckily, i keep pretty good things in the house (fruits, veg, nuts and yogurt), so I just allow myself an extra 300-500 cals for a few days. The worst thing to do is try to ignore it. I've tried that in the past, and ended up on sitting on my kitchen counter at 2am, scarfing down peanut butter and chocolate chips.
  • abberbabber
    abberbabber Posts: 972 Member
    I have struggled so badly these last few days - very heavy pms and just fighting the cravings constantly (not always winning!) - I get it for up to a week before. Sorry - I have no answers - but I know how you are feeling :sad: I forced myself to exercise this evening with 0 energy levels...hating the world and particularly Jillian Michaels from about half way through the 30DS, lol! and would have given anything to feed the cravings...maybe I should have - maybe they are there for a reason and my body needed it?

    That's what I do with cravings. If I'm craving something, I'll do something else for awhile (read, go for a walk, etc) and if I'm still craving it later, I let myself have a little bit of whatever I'm craving and just try not to go crazy.
  • pfarley68
    pfarley68 Posts: 83 Member
    I never stay hungry, I just eat something healthy.
  • Jessmiloo
    Jessmiloo Posts: 25
    Popcorn is my "go-to" as well. However, most everyone is right that you can have one day a month to eat what you want. I have trouble doing so because I tend to then allow myself to "go off track" and it is hard to get back on. It allows those cravings I've kept at bay to overwhelm me till I satisfy them. :( I find popcorn will satisfy the "tapeworm" in most cases.
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    I too have not found a solution for this, but even if I eat the wrong types of food or a lot of it, I try to stay within my calories, even if it means I'm eating half a pizza and chocolate. Most of the time I don't "gain" I mean there will be a 5 lb "gain" during my period but it always goes away with aunt flo.
  • FloraSin
    FloraSin Posts: 188 Member
    Dark chocolate of my Vector Energy Bars if I want chocolate...and I always have to exercise after.

    Smartfood popcorn is glorious.

    Also, if there's a place nearby that sells Asian groceries - seaweed based treats and things like pocky always make great snacks and are almost guilt free.

    I also drink a small lake in water that week because I find it helps a ton. Sometimes I add Crystal Light.

    Last time round, I forced myself to go running even though I didn't want to and found that really made me feel better afterwards. No cramps and what not (which is amazing for me. I've never had it well. I always want to punch the person who invented that "Have a happy period" slogan....).
  • velvrose
    velvrose Posts: 3
    Go ahead and eat, but just eat good things. I crave salt alot during that time and pickles are a really good low calorie snack (despite the bloating!). Or, you can just eat vegetables instead and that will fill you up. I used to crave chocolate alot and I'd go buy a brick of the baker's dark chocolate, which has alot less sugar, and a cube of that would satisfy me. I think for me its just my cravings in general that get me. I don't crave vegetables, i crave nachos!!

    I try to keep a Luna bar or something in my desk drawer for just those occasions when my stomach is growling and I'm especially hungry. (After an hour of Jillian Micheals in the morning!) Just don't eat everything in sight. Plan what you can have for those moments.

    And, don't weigh yourself. The extra water weight during that time will discourage you!
  • MystiqueASAP
    MystiqueASAP Posts: 747
    I find that mine isn't as bad when I workout (strength train, yoga, belly dance). I believe I heard that working out does something to the hormones, but not sure. Anyhow, since I have added heavy lifting to my routine, my PMS hasn't been that bad. Maybe my uterus fell out from the heavy lifting. :smile:
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,640 Member
    You can go over on calories up to 500 without gaining weight. Just eat healthy food, not junk. And also drink plenty of water during that time. And exercise. You might be rewarded with a nice 2 lb loss at the end of the week.
  • This is such a nasty and graphic topic title!

    However you clearly need energy, maybe more than some at this time so go for high energy foods, good carbs, fibre and slow release energy foods.

    Sorry about the title. but its accurate.
    I apologize if this is TMI for some people, but I'm quite curious as to what the answers will be!
    Just before and during my 'lady time' every month, I become viciously hungry. And I don't mean just craving chocolate or sweets, but actually hungry!
    Tell me how YOU survive that time of the month without blowing your calorie-count/diet plan/healthy eating?

    I wonder if you might have a deficiency of some specific nutrient. The only one that springs to mind is iron, but I'm sure there are other possibilities. You might check whether you get enough of the various nutrients by MFP standards, at least.

    My recent blood work shows great iron. And I take 3 diff B vitamins and Materna (not preggers, just an awesome vitamin) daily. I think I'm just a savage :laugh:

    Well my BF just bought DQ for me. yummy cheeseburger and onion rings. But I have better supper plans for the rest of the week. Thanks for all of your input. Cheers to the popcorn, greek yogurt, fruit, and other good foods :drinker:
  • danapenguin
    danapenguin Posts: 161
    lots of water, salads before meal times, and pickles!
  • karmah2771
    karmah2771 Posts: 42 Member
    If I find that I am craving something, I have it or something like it in moderation.

    Tortilla Chips and Salsa :
    Food Should Taste Good Tortilla Chips: 10 chips equals 140 calories
    (They have lots of good for you things in them flax, quinoa, etc. and are yummy!)
    Sabra Pico de Gallo: 2 Tbsp equals 10 calories
    Say I had 10 chips and 10 Tbsp of salsa. That equals 190 calories for a salty/savory craving.
    If I wanted "nachos" I would just put a little bit of pico on each chip, get some shredded cheese and add just a tad bit per chip. Then I would micro them or stick them in the oven until the cheese melted. I would just add on the cheese calories to the total and maybe up them to the 240-250 range depending upon the type and amount of cheese.

    Ghiradelli Dark Chocolate Squares (all different kinds of flavors) are around 60-70 calories per square. They come individually wrapped, so portion control is easier. I also take my time and nibble it little bit by bit instead of shoving the whole square in my mouth as I might have done previously. (Ahem.)

    I know myself, and if I ignore my craving and try to eat something else, I will still be craving the salty or the sweet and it will keep on nagging at me. But if I have something that I know will satisfy it, then it will be done and over with and I can focus on something else.

    If you have a craving you can't get rid of, try making a healthier version of it. We do this for pizza and steak sandwiches and wings all the time. Make a home cooked version where we can monitor what goes into it. Our steak sandwiches have become a lot less meat and more veggies (mushrooms, onions, peppers) yet it's still delicious and has that taste we are looking for.

    If you are just hungry in general, then eat foods that you know will give you a more full and satisfied feeling for less calories. I always find that a huge salad with some protein added makes me feel as though I pigged out because I am stuffed at the end, but the veggies don't add up to much calorie wise. I also like the toss or shaker method of salad dressing usage. I measure out my dressing and pour it over it in a bigger bowl and toss it to coat or if it's in a container I put the lid on and shake it around. Lets the dressing become more evenly distributed and I use much less dressing.
  • ArtGeek22
    ArtGeek22 Posts: 1,429 Member
    Lollypops! Only 60 calories a piece and they last a long time :smile:


    lots of working out!
  • jomiley23
    jomiley23 Posts: 76
    I apologize if this is TMI for some people, but I'm quite curious as to what the answers will be!
    Just before and during my 'lady time' every month, I become viciously hungry. And I don't mean just craving chocolate or sweets, but actually hungry!
    Tell me how YOU survive that time of the month without blowing your calorie-count/diet plan/healthy eating?

    I wonder if you might have a deficiency of some specific nutrient. The only one that springs to mind is iron, but I'm sure there are other possibilities. You might check whether you get enough of the various nutrients by MFP standards, at least.

    Someone said magnesium, which is where the chocolate craving comes from. Raisins and spinach are high in iron. And dark chocolate is good for you in other ways, and also has magnesium. But so do almonds.

    I recommend a BIG salad of spinach with dried cranberries or raisins, some feta cheese, raspberry vinaigrette, and almond slivers on top...then a square of dark chocolate for dessert. Ought to hit all the nutritional cravings without blowing the budget.

    My thing is not wanting to work out this week. I have PCOS, so I get TOM about three times a year....but always with a vengeance. This is the worst it has been in forever. I haven't wanted to eat...but I also haven't wanted to move much. Just really thirsty.
  • This is soooooo me today and yesterday!


    Glad I'm not the only one.

    I just gave in to my cravings. I usually do pretty good about staying within or under my calorie goals. And I actually ate quite a bit yesterday and still have a weight loss for today, so I guess it's all good.
  • Micahroni84
    Micahroni84 Posts: 452 Member
    I drink a lot of ice water and crunchy stuff like carrots, raw green beans, etc. I don't actually keep myself from eating sweets, I just make sure I stay within my calorie limit. I make sure to eat something healthy before I eat my sweets and even wait a few minutes in between. Sometimes after I eat the healthy pre meal I will completely forget about the craving. I work out when I feel like snacking. I have a pilates ring and free weights in my living room and I will pick them up and do 5 sets of reps.

    I also tend to bloat and keep on weight during what I like to call "shark week" and so when worse comes to worse and I don't feel like I can control my munchies I will step on the scale during a craving. At the point I snarl at the number and have very little desire to eat junk. LOL!