First day!!! A little bit about me.

Lauraeb32 Posts: 17 Member
:happy: I'm not new to the weight loss game, I have been overweight most of my life. I remember in grade school, a boy poking my belly and asking " when's the baby due". I am an emotional eater, I eat to celebrate, I eat when I'm sad or down, I eat when I'm bored, and so on. I have never really had A moment where I felt comfortable in my skin. I have tried and lost then gained on just about every program or diet out their.
Last summer my husband took a new job, and was away from myself and my children for approximately 4 months, 30 days or so into that journey; I thought I was going to have a nervous breakdown. My Dr. Suggested I take Xanax. I thought about it talked to some family and friends and decided I needed another way to de-stress. So I joined a gym! I was excited, motivated, and running 4-5 times a week........ Stress level reduced, that was good, I even looked forward to going to the gym. But then a visit back to the Dr. Setting foot on the scale, after a month of steady hard core effort. My weight hadn't budged. I was FRUSTRATED. So I met with a personal trainer, come to find out, I was not doing what I needed to build muscle in order to burn fat. An apfiany!!!! Feb 2012 I began working with a trainer, our personalities clashed, so I switched trainers and am now matched up with a trainer who I Love, and is an Awesome motivator.
Except when it comes to diet.
So, my core muscles have improved, but my weight not budging, and only a loss of 1% body fat was nearly devastating, all the working sooo hard, to just get such minimal results was hard to hear.
So here I sit today, signed up for My Fitness Pal, I'm excited, I'm ready to track my food and excited about the accountability with like minded people!
By the way, I'm a little long winded.



  • hdmamma09
    hdmamma09 Posts: 23 Member
    Welcome to the site. Good luck on your adventure. You can do this,
  • rocketass99
    rocketass99 Posts: 537 Member
    Welcome. This works because we all do it together. I'm highly motivated since my youngest son is getting married in 3 weeks. Your welcome to friend me if you like
  • childofArtemis24
    welcome to out little club. I also have weight loosing issues due to some health problems. So your not the only one who's scale isnt moving. lol
  • moleighsmom
    moleighsmom Posts: 59 Member
    Welcome to MFP! I feel you with that darn scale. I swear my weight has chosen a number it likes and is very content there. Tracking here is easy and hopefully the missing piece to your puzzle. If you are looking for people to cheer you on or help keep you motivated, feel free to send a friend request.
  • freitasnat
    freitasnat Posts: 2
  • Lauraeb32
    Lauraeb32 Posts: 17 Member
    Thank you everyone, I am very happy to know that there are other people out here who share my struggles and are pushing thru!
  • Smead3369
    Smead3369 Posts: 32
    Welcome, Laura! There are some terrific people here who will help to support and motivate you. I have been on MFP for about a week and using a Fitbit for 3 days and I really hope to "do it for real" this time!

    Best of luck to you!
  • veronicacannon
    veronicacannon Posts: 107 Member
    Good luck to you! You can do it! Btw, you are gorgeous, you kind of look like Kelly Clarkson! :)
  • majones_orl
    majones_orl Posts: 195 Member
    Welcome, great group of people here.
    A lot of us have similar scales to yours, they must be siblings.. Because mine got stuck, so did "moleighsmom"
  • Lauraeb32
    Lauraeb32 Posts: 17 Member
    Good luck to you! You can do it! Btw, you are gorgeous, you kind of look like Kelly Clarkson! :)

    Thank you!
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    Welcome and hope you find what your looking for
  • katiann00
    katiann00 Posts: 17
    I can relate to your story ad I'm sure many others on here can as well! This site can e a life changer full of wonderful people! You'll do great!!