Low carb diet = MASSIVE HEADACHE?!?! Need advice please!

So I started watching my carb, sugar and fat intake last Monday (5/7). Thursday through today I've had the worst headaches I've EVER HAD. I am still taking in about 50-60g of carbs a day so I'm not sure what the deal is. Anyone else experience this? If so, what is the solution? How should I alter my diet?

Here is what a typical day looks like:
Breakfast: Egg beaters, sometimes also an Adkins shake
Snack: Green peppers or raw broccoli
Lunch: Spinach salad, broccoli, egg white, green peppers with Walden Farms dressing and a protein (fish or chicken grillers)
Snack (if needed): Adkins bar
2PM: Crystal Lite Wild Strawberry
Dinner: Chicken breast with frozen veggies
Throughout the day: 6-8 glasses of water

*Also, I did go to the Dr. and get blood work done, all came back normal.

Am I not having enough carbs? Calories? Most days I only take in about 900 calories but assumed this is okay because I'm consuming so many veggies and to be honest I'm not sure how to eat those calories back in a healthy way. Thanks in advance MFP's!


  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Salt. Add at least 2g per day.

    Low carbing is diuretic - makes you lose water by peeing, which loses sodium. Light headedness etc can also result.

    Obviously if you have a high blood pressure or similar medical disorder this may not be appropriate, but the "Atkins Flu" is easily avoided by salt intake.

    Atkins is spelled with a t not a d by the way ;-)
  • boxerkate_04
    boxerkate_04 Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks yarwell. I do have normal blood pressure as well.
  • ak_in_ak
    ak_in_ak Posts: 657 Member
    have you though about getting rid of the crystal light and Atkins bars? The chemicals in both of these items could be giving you headaches. Maybe try a protein shake with almond/coconut milk and some fresh brewed iced tea with lemon as substitutes. You could also add some cheese or bacon to your eggs in the morning to give you some more calories. A good, filling breakfast well help you through the rest of your day.
  • wookiemouse
    wookiemouse Posts: 290 Member
    No wonder you're having massive headaches. 900 calories isn't even enough for your body to function on. If you don't want to exercise, then reduce your calorie deficit (up it to at least your BMR) and lose weight slowly.
  • lh1626
    lh1626 Posts: 241 Member
    I would have a horrific headache if I ate that every day....you need more calorie intake. 900 is not much at all even though you are eating veggies. I tried the 50 grams carbs or below as well and it is difficult. Do that two days a week...I have read that just going low carb two days a week can benefit you as much as doing low carb every day.

    Remember....this is a lifestyle, not a diet. Can you sustain this every day?

    Good Luck!
  • boxerkate_04
    boxerkate_04 Posts: 17 Member
    Good thought. Which chemicals should I avoid? I was kind of thinking the same thing. Any suggestions for an alternative bar or shake? Specifically, brand names?
  • wildboar1
    wildboar1 Posts: 88
    Did you recently give up caffeine?
  • wookiemouse
    wookiemouse Posts: 290 Member
    Grab a cup of grapes or a few clementines with a handful of almonds. Real food is MUCH better for you than a processed bar or shake and it's just as convenient!
  • RLDeShazo
    RLDeShazo Posts: 356 Member
    At the time of the change in your diet, did you also give up caffine? I know if I go without it, after a few days I develop a massive headache.
  • Vercell
    Vercell Posts: 437 Member
    I did the Low carb diet last year lost all my weight, which was water weight and muscle which really mess my metabolism up, now my weight is back up am starting all over with heathy eating and exercise. I felt horrible the whole time I was on that diet. The point am trying to make is low carb is a quick fix over all you have to learn to eat right chose right carbs and exercise. I also got kidney stones for being on such high protein diet. If you do this just do it short term to jump start your weight lost.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    900 calories isn't even enough for your body to function on

    What about her fat reserves, that's how diets work !

    You don't have to eat what your body uses, if you did we could never lose weight.

    Caffeine is fine, promotes fat burning in some studies. It's the sodium balance, it really is that simple.
  • jsp2374
    jsp2374 Posts: 131 Member
    Crystal Light has Aspartame in it and that can cause migraines.
  • gidgeclev
    gidgeclev Posts: 103 Member
    Low carb diets give you some side effects for the first week. Stick with it and they will go away. Don't take any notice of people saying you are eating too little and trying to make you eat fruit which is high in sugar. Low carb works and it works fast which is very mitivating. My advice is to drop the weight fast with low carb and then look at maintaining with a sensible diet regime still using this site. Some people are very sensitive to carbs and cannot lose weight without restricting them. I am one of those, many people on here do not understand low carb diets and metabolism and spout a load of nonsense.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Crystal Light has Aspartame in it and that can cause migraines.

    She would have figured that out long before starting the diet last week surely ?
  • coxy46
    coxy46 Posts: 23
    Your body's whole purpose is survival - to keep functioning - and if you cut your calories too low your body will re-act by making you tired to slow you down and to conserve calories or by making muscles and joints sore - to slow you down and to conserve calories etc etc . The headache is because you are on too low a calorie intake and your body is re-acting. Whatever type of diet you are on isn't the issue but you need to be realistic about how many calories your body needs to function properly.
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    I think any diet that makes you feel unwell just isn't the right diet for you. You should feel better - not worse!
  • Ahluvly
    Ahluvly Posts: 389 Member
    Hi there, what's your stats? What has made you watch these macros?

    900 calories a day is really not enough as I highly doubt your BMR is that low and, if you are doing regular exercise, or a job where you're on your feet for a good part of the day, you'd need to eat more anyway. Unless you're obese and under medical supervision, by depriving your body of essential fuel, you're going to do yourself damage and, you'll start to lose muscle mass, not just fat. You do not want this to happen.

    Regarding headaches - Have you cut out stimulants such as caffeine and alcohol? If so, that will be causing the headaches, along with the major change in diet! With low carbing you can put yourself into a state of Ketosis, meaning you may notice a change in your toilet habits. http://lowcarbdiets.about.com/od/faq/f/whatisketosis.htm

    I think as a minimum, you should be drinking 2lts of water a day to keep you hydrated, and more so for when/if you work out.

    If you're wanting to lose weight, you need to adopt healthier cleaner eating habits. Literally, cut the processed food/drinks out of your diary! Lean meats, the rainbow effect when it comes to fruit and veg, plently of fluids, good quality food.....opting for stir fried, grilled and baked foods opposed to deep fried. I'd also cut out the pop/soda and limit things such as caffeine and fruits high in sugar.

    Good luck with your journey :)
  • LReneeWalker
    LReneeWalker Posts: 213 Member
    drink broth, dont give up your caffeine, and this does work... I have lost 5.8 lbs this week on Atkins.
  • kathyms13
    kathyms13 Posts: 497 Member
    Atkins is spelled with a t not a d by the way ;-)
    does it really matter how we spell something , i cant spell and if people kept pulling me up on it it would stop me using this site.
  • ged630
    ged630 Posts: 145 Member
    My experience is the exact opposite. I used to have horrible headaches 6-7 days a week. Since going low Carb I haven't had a headache in months.