Truvia--good or bad?



  • wombat94
    wombat94 Posts: 352 Member
    After trying many different variations of stevia in the last year, I've settled on Truvia as my preferred sweetener.

    It is a mix of erythritol and stevia extract (rebiana).

    Erythritol is a sugar alcohol distilled from glucose that is very low calorie... it is allowed to be labeled as 0 calorie in the US for small serving sizes, though it does carry some calories.

    I find the combination of ingredients in Truvia to be pleasant tasting in my tea - I normally will have one or two packets of trivia per day, one in my morning cup of tea and one in a glass of iced tea later in the day.

    It is "all natural" in the sense that there are no artificially synthesized ingredients. From all of my reading there's no real downside to Truvia (or any of the other main stevia sweeteners) compared to the main artificial sweeteners like aspartame, acesulfame K, saccharine, etc.

    I think Truvia is fine, as are any of the other stevia-based sweeteners (the green stuff) in the grocery aisle. Certainly much better than the pink, yellow or blue stuff if you still want added sweetness in your drinks.

    I keep hoping there will be a soda (cola and/or ginger ale) that will become mass marketed with stevia as the sweetener. Until then, I have limited myself to either the (very) occasional full-sugar bottle of Coke, or the (slightly less) occasional glass of diet soda at a restaurant. I have almost eliminated artificial sweeteners from my diet thanks to Truvia.

  • MicheleVersion2
    Regular straight up Stevia without anything added to it is not artificial, as others have mentioned, it's a plant. However, I've read arguments on both sides. Some paleo-eaters swear by using Stevia and others claim it can also have negative effects on blood sugar levels as well as cause cravings for sugar. I personally stopped using it because it was making me crave sweet things and diet pop a lot.
  • nill4me
    nill4me Posts: 682 Member
    i love truvia. cant stand stevia.
  • HunterKiller_wechange
    HunterKiller_wechange Posts: 369 Member
    Truvia is a good substitute as all the ingredients are natural.
  • cydonian
    cydonian Posts: 361 Member
    I prefer Stevia in the Raw if you're going clean, or just buy the plant yourself from Home Depot and grow it on your windowsill!
  • agbaeb
    agbaeb Posts: 179 Member
    Stevia is an artificial sweetener, so Truvia is an artificial sweetener.

    It's from a is it artificial?
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Stevia the sweetener is artificial, there are over 200 varieties of the stevia plant, only 1 of which is sweet. Most commercial stevia is made by soaking the leaves in methanol to extract sweet compounds, then crushed into powder. If it isn't artificial, then neither is Splenda, which is just sugar soaked in chloride (which, I might add, is healthier than methanol.)
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Stevia is an artificial sweetener, so Truvia is an artificial sweetener.

    It's from a is it artificial?
    Splenda is made from sugar, how is it artificial?
    Aspartame is made from protein, how is it artificial?
    Everything comes from a "natural" source. Even products made in factories are derived from natural source materials.
  • brittigno
    brittigno Posts: 193 Member
    I personally don't like the taste of Truvia. I prefer PurVia, but I never read up about what else was in it. :\
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    It's gross.
  • agbaeb
    agbaeb Posts: 179 Member
    Stevia is an artificial sweetener, so Truvia is an artificial sweetener.

    It's from a is it artificial?
    Splenda is made from sugar, how is it artificial?
    Aspartame is made from protein, how is it artificial?
    Everything comes from a "natural" source. Even products made in factories are derived from natural source materials.

    I wasn't meaning to be argumentative. That was a serious question. Everyone I talk to going natural swears by Stevia. I and a few use Truvia, but I'm considering switching to straight stevia or buying a plant... now THAT sounds awesome and fresh. How do you use the stevia plant as a sweetener? Crush the leaves?
  • bmwc1740
    bmwc1740 Posts: 1
    I agree, it is not artificial. Made from a leaf. Erythritol is a natural sweetener, produced by a natural process and is also found in fruits like grapes and pears.
  • Peppychristian
    Peppychristian Posts: 157 Member
    I had the same question about how to use the plant. That sounds interesting.
  • Katrina1223
    Katrina1223 Posts: 10 Member
    Artificial, it is not. ;-)
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Stevia is an artificial sweetener, so Truvia is an artificial sweetener.

    It's from a is it artificial?
    Splenda is made from sugar, how is it artificial?
    Aspartame is made from protein, how is it artificial?
    Everything comes from a "natural" source. Even products made in factories are derived from natural source materials.

    I wasn't meaning to be argumentative. That was a serious question. Everyone I talk to going natural swears by Stevia. I and a few use Truvia, but I'm considering switching to straight stevia or buying a plant... now THAT sounds awesome and fresh. How do you use the stevia plant as a sweetener? Crush the leaves?
    My response wasn't meant to be argumentative, it was an explanation. Everything comes from a natural source, that doesn't make it any more or less natural than any other product. Is high fructose corn syrup natural? After all, it's just sugar extracted from corn. "Artificial" is honestly just a classification of something that has been processed using various methods, it has nothing to do with the source it is derived from, as everything on the planet is natural.
    I agree, it is not artificial. Made from a leaf. Erythritol is a natural sweetener, produced by a natural process and is also found in fruits like grapes and pears.
    Aspartame is a protein found in chicken, beef, nuts, beans, and fish. If you want to justify how one product is "natural" then you have to accept that all of them are.
  • liflaeo
    Truvia is an ARTIFICIAL sweetener made by Coca-cola. When's the last time coca-cola made something healthy for you? C'mon people; whenever u buy and eat something sold in a bag, box, can etc. you must read all ingredients and UNDERSTAND what they are. First 'did ya know', the term 'natural flavors' in not regulated by the FDA, beware. any company can pretty much put it on anything that has even 1 ounce/ton. Second, I couldn't have said it better myself, read this post

    Less than 1% of Truvia is derived from the stevia plant. That's all Coca-cola needs to add to say its derived from stevia. As with ALL other companies. And news flash, A LOT of other companies do. How about this to loose weight; stop eating sugar :) and more importantly EAT CLEAN!

    You think just because the FDA approves something it's ok to eat? What about yellow #40, approved by the FDA, and found in a lot of processes foods. Yellow #40 is a food coloring, known to carry cancer causing carcinogens. That's weird, how the American FDA approves this, but Europe's version of the FDA won't let it anywhere around their food. It's all about the $. Duh

    Again, just EAT CLEAN. and I guarantee your health problems will disappear :)
  • Cicily25
    @wombat94 - there actually is a mass-produced soda that uses Stevia as its sweetener. It's called "Zevia," and while I was originally only able to find it at Whole Foods, I'm now beginning to see it at other supermarkets like Meijer and Jewel, here in the Midwest U.S. It comes in flavors like cola, ginger ale, lemon lime, black cherry, root beer, etc. It's pretty good. I buy it occasionally when I need a soda fix. A little pricey, but ok for once in a while!
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Splenda is made from sugar, how is it artificial?

    By combining chlorine with sugar, a process that doesn't occur in nature.

    But man is natural, and man made splenda, so I guess it's natural really.
  • jasminecoco
    jasminecoco Posts: 50 Member
    I just had two Truvia and now I am more confused... so is it bad or not.. o.O
  • brendastrickland1
    it absolutely is a herbal plant. Nothing artificial about that. I have used herbal therapy for years and am very familiar. You have to know about the herbal end of things to understand. This is not artificial. You can trust that for sure. Now are they mixing it with something artificial to get the truvia? Don't know about that. But true stevia is herbal. I promise. :)