Need a little push

So last Monday I weighed in and I had lost 4 lbs! I felt great and was really motivated. I binged on Sunday for Mother's day...then Monday I weighed myself and those 4lbs are back :( I know I ate bad on Sunday, it was only one meal that I really pigged out on and the rest of the weekend I ate pretty bad but not too much. During the week I am normally pretty lazy but I have been going to the gym and I am constantly running up and down the stairs. Then on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday I am a waitress and am on my feet running around for about 8 hours. I know my body is used to this so I don't really take this into account as far as burning calories.
I guess I am just a little down about this whole thing...just a little disapointed in myself and frustrated. I want results too quickly, seems like in the past I could cut down on some carbs and the wieght fell off really quickly, but I guess it came back on and that's why I'm here.
I just wish there was a way not obsess about food and just "do it" just eat right and live a healthy life. I'm tiired of being tired and feeling bad. I felt so great about last weeks achievment and now I feel like no matter what I do I will always be fat and won't be happy unless I can eat fast food and chocolate.
On the bighter side I am loving the gym and if nothing else I do have a little more endurance! I guess I'll just keep starting over and over and over...
Sorry just had to vent!


  • w8wtchr
    w8wtchr Posts: 3 Member
    Forgive yourself, you had a set back. You faultered, not failed. Life got in the way. It does that sometimes. Take one day at a time. You can do anything for just one day. Baby steps. Don't try to do everything all the same time. You feel great when you are at the gym. Focus on that, and just for today decide you are going to eat better, because you deserve it. When you eat better, you feel better. It is easier said than done, I know. Heaven knows I know.... In 19 years of Weight Watchers, I have had more than my share of binges, but to me nothing tastes as good as thin feels.
    You can do this!!! <3
    Stay positive, stay strong. One day at a time.
  • hurdlep
    hurdlep Posts: 1
    Just think that you're not starting from the beginning, you're just jumping back on the wagon. There was a time when you didn't have a wagon to jump back on, and that is something to celebrate. Don't give up hope, take it a day at a time and things will get better. I know it's not easy, but it will definitely be worth it.
  • HCS1978
    HCS1978 Posts: 3 Member
    I finally said I am not starting over! I am just taking it one day at a time and keeping track of everything no matter what. It really helped me and I am not beating myself up if I want to go out to dinner or pig out at a party lol..anyways I am rewarding myself instead of punishing myself & it seems to be working. I hope this helps & we r doing good! We r doing our gym routine and doing what we can. Reward yourself for the small and own the slip ups and it wil all fall into place! I hope this helps!!
  • bassman92
    bassman92 Posts: 273 Member
    Weight naturally flucuates 3-5 lbs sometimes so don't be a bit discouraged just keep on keeping on.:smile:
  • chergarr73
    chergarr73 Posts: 59 Member
    I binged for Mother's Day too...I don't plan on getting on the scale for a few more days though. I KNOW I didn't eat enough to cause any REAL setback...but I ate out... so what I did eat was full of sodium. I expect it will take me a few days to get rid of all the water I am holding as a result. Don't sweat it! Drink lots of water and just keep plugging away! :)
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Unless you ate an extra 14000 calories above your daily calories you've not gained 4lbs! Its sodium, flush lots of water and the scales will move. Also if you just ramped it up at the gym expect a temporary gain. Take it one day at a time and you'll get there. 1 or two bad days doesn't ruin everything. Like you said your getting fitter! Something to celebrate! X
  • dansls1
    dansls1 Posts: 309 Member
    While the scale is a decent indicator, there are so many components to being fit or not being fit. Do you feel better? Are you losing inches but not pounds? Are you turning fat into muscle which weighs more? Is it just water weight (you ate more on sunday - more food / bad food = more sodium = more water = more weight)?

    Just remember, being healthy is not a project with a beginning and an end - it's a lifestyle full of making different choices every day. If that means you need to think of it as starting over every day - maybe that's the way to look at it. Just remember you need to make the correct choices for you - you are #1 ;)
  • eso2012
    eso2012 Posts: 337 Member
    post-mother-day feast - just water gain!! Seriously, step off the scale, you will feel better just focusing on how you feel. Use the number maybe once and month for guidance only. For a lot of people, that little number can do more discouragement than enocuragement.

    In terms of lifestyle change, my experience is that you have to find what CLICKS with you. Seriously. I find that whole "I will eat properly, exercise this and that" grand plan can backfire. It is better to start small, whatever little changes that you can accept and become second nature quickly.

    Hey, if you need fast food, plan it ahead. 2X a week, log it as part of your diet, it is not going to kill you! It is not optimal but seriously, it is better than avoiding it then get depressed and binge. A happy mind makes you more likely to enjoy the change.

    You are doing just fine, take care!
  • lisabrezina1980
    lisabrezina1980 Posts: 60 Member
    Wow!! Thanks so much for the encouragmentt! How nice! I knew I just needed a little kick in the butt to get me going, and put things in perspective. When I think about it I do feel much better, I sleep better and I actally have the energy to get up and want to do things, like get dressed and go out, and go to the gym. I can't believe I almost talked myself out of even trying, even if I have to battle the food war constantly atleast I'm working out and feeling good, just because I eat more than i should or eat the things I shouldn't doesn't mean I am failing, sheesh, whta was I thinking??? Thanks so much so talking me through this I know it seems silly but I really needed to hear what each one of you said in order to kind of snap myself out of it my little funk :)